중국이 1월 22일 산둥성 칭다오에서 054B급 신형호위함 1번함을 취역시켰습니다. 2022년 12월 상하이 후동조선소에서 첫 선체 모듈이 목격된 지 2년만이고, 2023년 8월 진수돼 작년 1월 해상시험을 시작했었네요.
두 척이 건조중이었으며, 이번에 취역한 함정은 함번 545, 함명 '뤄허'(漯河)를 부여받아 북해 함대에 배치될 예정이라고 합니다. 함번 555를 부여받은 2번함은 근시일 내 취역 예정이고 남해함대에 배치될 가능성이 높다고 합니다.
054A형보다 전장이 15m 길어져 150m 정도이고, 전폭도 1m 길어져 17m가 됐네요. Naval News 추정으로는 배수량도 1천~1,500톤 정도 늘어 만재 5,500~6,000톤 가량으로 보인다고 합니다. 100mm 주포가 신형으로 바뀌었고, 메인마스트에 신형 2면 회전식 AESA 레이다, 보조마스트에 또 다른 X밴드 회전식 레이다를 갖추고 있고, Z-9보다 대형인 Z-20 헬기 탑재가 가능합니다. 366형 대수상레이다는 없어지고 주포 사격통제용 레이다만 남았다고 하네요.
054B형이 건조됐지만 054AG형 역시 같이 건조중이고, 2척이 건조된 054B형의 운용결과를 반영한 추가 개량형이 추후 건조될 것으로 예상하네요. 예상 건조수량 역시 아직 공개되지 않은 것 같습니다.
First Type 054B Next Gen Frigate Commissioned By Chinese Navy
545 Luohe commissioning ceremony in Qingdao, January 22, 2025. Image Chinese social media via "X".
Chinese Navy Commissions First Type 054B Next Gen Frigate
"Luohe" (pennant number 545) will serve with the Northern Theater Navy. Second hull likely to follow soon, but further production rate is yet to be clarified.
Alex Luck 22 Jan 2025
The Chinese Navy (PLAN) today commissioned the first of two Type 054B new generation frigates in Qingdao, Shandong province. The ceremony represents a major milestone a little over two years after the modules for the first hull were spotted at builder Hudong in Shanghai around December 2022. Hudong had launched the hull in August 2023 and the ship started sea trials one year ago in January 2024.
[Click to expand] Official PLA pamphlet declaring the commissioning and providing basic information on Type 054B. Via Sinodefenceforum.
Both existing frigates have received their hull number, 545 and 555 respectively, at the end of last year. The first ship has now received the name “Luohe” (漯河). After commissioning the new frigate will serve with PLAN’s Northern Theater Navy (or North Sea Fleet). The second Type 054B should enter service in the near future. Hull number 555 will likely serve with the Southern Theater Navy (or South Sea Fleet).
PLAN Type 054B frigate 545 Luohe at her commissioning ceremony in Qingdao. Image Chinese social media via X.
The second Type 054B, with hull no. 555, at builder Huangpu in Guangzhou. Image Chinese social media via “X”.
State media as part of the ceremony provided some further basic information, without revealing particular new data. Notably a report shared on Chinese social media gives displacement as “about 5,000 tons”. Whether this is standard or full displacement remains unclear. Media also touted the new design’s enhanced combat and multirole capabilitie. This includes advances in command & control, signature reduction and new integrated weapon capabilities.
New Design With Evolutionary Changes
The Type 054B is a completely new design from the keel up. Nevertheless the frigate appears to share some key characteristics with the preceding Type 054A FFG. The new ship is approximately 15 metres longer than 054A, with an overall length around 150 metres. Combined with a wider beam of around 17 metres, one metre wider than the old design, the hull provides ample room for new or improved subsystems. As mentioned, displacement should be somewhat higher than the official statement. A Naval News estimate is between 5,500 and 6,000 tons, considering the Type 054A displaces 4,500 tons at full load.
Signature changes compared to previous Type 054A variants include a new 100 mm main gun, a prominent new dual-face rotating AESA radar on the main mast, and an additional rotating AESA radar, likely in X-band, under a cover on the secondary mast also carrying various sensors and communication equipment. Instead of the Type 366 surface search radar Type 054B only carries a fire control radar for the main gun above the bridge. The new hull from the outset accommodates the larger Z-20 helicopter, as opposed to the older and lighter Z-9 on Type 054A.
Images, showing from left to right the new main gun and VLS, dual AESA radar & YJ-83 AShM, secondary mast & CODAD propulsion. Via Chinese social media.
Nevertheless the type shares some key commonalities with its predecessor. This includes the 32 cell-H/AKJ-16 VLS and eight YJ-83 antiship missiles in slanted deck launchers amidships. Most notably the new ship shares the CODAD-propulsion arrangement with Type 054A. It is conceivable that some similarities are superficial. Propulsion for example likely features new engines with higher output to deal with the increased displacement.
Similarly it is possible that Type 054B carries an improved version of the HQ-16 medium range SAM on Type 054A. Such a change could be in line with the new sensor configuration, perhaps including a missile capable of active radar homing. This step could provide a significant gain in engagement range. Any specifications howevever remain firmly speculative, until more imagery reveals further details on its configuration.
Transition From 054A Unclear
As Naval News has previously reported, the Type 054B will likely succeed the venerable Type 054A in service with PLAN. When this transition will occur remains somewhat unclear. Strikingly, an improved Type 054A, sometimes referred to as Type 054AG, remains in active production at Hudong and Huangpu, the principal frigate-producers for PLAN. Type 054AG shares some intriguing similarities with Type 054B. For the latest batch this includes the new 100 mm main gun and an extended flight-deck including a larger hangar to embark the Z-20. The design also includes revisions to its sensor configuration, doing away with the old MR-90 illumination radars in preference of fixed AESA panels on the superstructure.
Type 054AG fitting out at Huangpu, Guangzhou. Visible is the new main gun and the extended flight deck. Image via Chinese social media.
The Type 054A-production run has now exceeded 40 units, spread across several variants with successive improvements. Importantly Type 054A itself followed the original Type 054, of which PLAN only fielded two units and which lacked a VLS. Therefore it seems possible that Type 054B may also follow a gradual development approach. Further hulls may only commence construction once PLAN has tested the first two frigates and considered possible improvements or adaptions to the design. In the meantime additional Type 054AG will provide fleet growth and enable retirement of older types with PLAN.