Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Title: Who Moved My Cheese?
Author: Spencer Johnson
Publisher: unwritten
Characters: Hem and Haw the littlepeople, Sniff and Scurry the mice.
At a high school reunion, the old friends realized that whoever each of them were, they were all afraid of changes. Then, a guy named Michael told them a story called Who Moved My Cheese.
Scurry and Sniff were mice and Hem and Haw was little people. They both depended on cheese and they lived in a maze. They used to run in the maze looking for cheese.
One day, they found out a large amount of cheese storage in the maze. That was to be called Cheese Station C. All of them stayed there. Hem and Haw moved their home near to Cheese Station C and build social life in there. As time goes by, they became lazy because Cheese was just step away.
Also in another day after a long time past, they found out there were no Cheese at the Cheese Station C. Sniff and Scurry went away for another Cheese and soon they found Cheese Station N where there were enormous amount of fresh cheese piled up.
However, two little people were disappointed for long time. They went to cheeseless station everyday to see if the cheese came back. Haw, felt that it was time to move on and challenge the maze for new cheese but his friend Hem was too dejected and refused to do so.
Haw went to the maze alone. He was afraid but he kept working hard. He had failures but he found Cheese Station N at last. He wrote his learning that he got on the journey one the wall and lived there, being aware of another change that might come.
The old classmates talked about this as they applied in their lives. It brought changes to them.
Well, simple, short but with message. Impressive step for American literature. I always thought American literature was like Hollywood movie. Just pretty nothing. But this one showed a message-do not fear for change-effectively.
I did not like this author because his other book ‘Mentor’ was such a disappointment. Well, this was very nice book indeed. The flashing idea, I think.
Well, I am always afraid of change but I guess I cannot stay here forever. It’s time for me to move on, so I will certainly move on.
첫댓글 단순한 삶의 장소의 이동이 아닌 질적인 삶의 변화를 꿈꾸는 귀한 시간이 되었으면 좋겠다. 질적인 변화의 대부분은 반드시 양적인 축적 이후에 온다는 변증법의 기본 원리....알고 있지?