(가사제공: 리즈향)
Met you by surprise
I didn't realize that my life would change forever
Saw you standing there didn't know I care
there was something special in the air
Dreams are my reality the only kind of real fantasy
illusions are a common thing
I try to live in dreams it seems as if it's meant to be
Dreams are my reality a different kind of reality
I dream of loving in the night and loving seems all right
althought it's only fantasy
If you do exsist, honey don't resist
show me a new way of loving
Tell me that it's true, show me what to do
I feel something special about you
Dreams are my reality, the only kind of reality
Maybe my foolishness is past and maybe now at last
I'll see how the real thing can be
Dreams are my reality, a wondrous world where I like to be
I dream of holding you all night
and holding you seems right
perhaps that's my reality
Met you by surprise, didn't realize
that my life would change forever
Tell me that it's true, feelings that are new
I feel something special about you
Dreams are my reality, a wondrous world where I like to be
illusions are a common thing
I try to live in dreams althought it's only fantasy
Dreams are my reality, I like to dream of you close to me
I dream of loving in the night
and loving you seems right
perhaps that's my reality
환상의 세계로 이끄네여^^
님께 당부한 적 없지만,.,
ㅎ ㅎ
ㅎㅎ 익살스러운 댓글에
그저 웃지요 ㅎ ㅎ
아궁 ~~~~~~>< .><
당부 하셨덩거 같은디용 ㅋ
정갈하고 깔끔한 영상 촬영하시고
올려주시느라 수고많으셨어요
정모후 조용한곳에서 저의 노래를 은밀히
분석해보며 또다시 반성도 해보네요 ㅎ
어려운노래인데 그래도 무난하게
잘하셔습니다 추천합니다
드림 님의 천상의 가창력이 그저
부러울뿐 입니다
소중한 평가 감사드립니다
추천 해주신 다저스 님
오늘도 행복 하세요 ^^
편안하게 잘 부르시네요.
듣기 좋습니다.
윤진희 님 글도 상큼 하시고
앞으로도 자주 뵈어요
멋진 노래 라이브로 들을수 있게요**^^
곡 본연의 그 분위기 그대로 전해져 옵니다 ㅡ 항상 탄탄한 노래 분석력에 환호에 박수갈채를 드림요 .
아 참
안그래도 그날 뒤풀이 치맥도 화악~~~쏘시고
감사 드립니다
드뫼 님의
응원에 힘입어 단점을 다져가며 ㅎ 더욱 노력하겠습니다 ^^
좋아하는 곡이라 혼자 흥얼흥얼 ㅡ대며
리즈향 따라 같이 불러봤네요.
좋은 곡이죠. ㅎㅎ
잘 불렀어요 ~!
바람이여 님
예쁜 심사평 감사드립니다
곧 뵈어야지요