미쓰비시 중공업이 1월 30일 인도네시아 해안경비청의 OPV 건조 계약을 수주했네요. 2028년 3월 인도 예정으로 계약금액은 5,800만 달러 수준이라고 합니다. 전장 85.6m, 승조원 70명 수준이며 속도는 22노트라고 합니다. 일본국제협력기구(JICA)가 인도네시아에 제공하는 보조금이 재원이네요.
이외에 일본은 인도네시아에 전장 18m, 최고속도 40노트의 고속 순시정 2척을 제공하기로 합의했네요.
MHI contracted for Indonesian OPV construction - Asian Military Review
MHI contracted for Indonesian OPV construction
Jr Ng
February 7, 2025
Japanese prime Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) has been awarded a contract by the the Indonesian Maritime Security Agency (Badan Keamanan Laut Republik Indonesia, or BAKAMLA) for the construction of a new offshore patrol vessel (OPV).
The company announced on 30 January that its Mitsubishi Shipbuilding business will lead this effort at its Shimonoseki Shipyard and Machinery Works in Yamaguchi Prefecture.
Completion and delivery of the OPV are scheduled for March 2028.
“Going forward, Mitsubishi Shipbuilding will continue to build vessels for both domestic and overseas use that deliver superlative fuel efficiency and environmental performance and contribute to social and international safety and security,” said MHI in its statement. “Working closely with its customers, the company will successively pursue resolution of a diverse range of navigational challenges.”
According to MHI, the OPV project is being funded by a grant inked between the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Indonesian government in March 2024, and is aimed at enhancing Indonesia’s maritime safety and security.
The OPV acquisition contract itself – worth US$58 million – was signed by BAKAMLA chief Vice Admiral Irvansyah in Tokyo later in December.
According to the agency, the OPV will have a length of 85.6 metres, accommodation for 70 crewmembers, and a maximum speed of 22 knots.
Japan has also agreed to transfer two high-speed patrol boats – each measuring 18 metres long and top speed and crew capacity of 40 knots and16 personnel, respectively – to Indonesia following a meeting between Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto and Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba in Tokyo in January.
by Jr Ng
첫댓글 일본 정부 돈으로 미쓰비시중공업에 일감 주면서 인도네시아에게 생색도 내는 셈이네요.
작년에 필리핀에 지원한 OPV도 일본 돈으로 미쓰비시 중공업이 건조했었네요.