일본 군인들이 수십만 중국 시민들과 군인들을 학살하고 수 천명 여성들을 강간한 악명높은 1937년 난징 대학살 사건( 혹은 난징의 강간)의 최신 중국 영화 버전.
올해 12월 개봉 예정이라고 합니다.
Christian Bale has a little movie to make with Christopher Nolan this summer, but before he suits up in Pittsburgh for The Dark Knight Rises, he’ll finish a stint in China working with Zhang Yimou. The director is making a film called
The 13 Women of Nanjing, known previously as Nanjing Heroes, which is the latest Chinese film version of the infamous
1937 incident called the Nanjing Massacre, or the Rape of Nanking, in which Japanese soldiers killed hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians and soldiers, and raped thousands of women after the capture of the city of Nanjing.At this point we don’t know much more about the film than the basic info above. In December we heard that Yan and Liu Heng wrote the script based on Yan Geling‘s novel The 13 Women of Nanjing. The book tells the story of
“thirteen prostitutes who stepped in for female university students who were to be taken as “escorts” for the troops during the period when nearly 20,000 women and girls were raped and killed by the Japanese troops.” Christian Bale’s priest shtelters some of the prostitutes and students as the Japanese attack is ongoing.
We know that the script’s dialogue breakdown is about
60% Mandarin Chinese and 40% English. There are a couple other major non-Chinese roles in the film, but at this point we still don’t know who was cast in them. This is one of the biggest productions ever to be mounted in China, and is
expected to be released in December of this year.
Read more at ONTD:
출처에 달린 일부 댓글들..
Oh man, this movie could be CRAZY. Does Japan even acknowledge this happened yet?
No, I dont think they do
i think as a country... perhaps but the ex prime minister never did... he even gave respects to those who did the torturing.
They play down the numbers and say China is just trying to play the victim.
They've pretty much taken it out of text books or tried to hid ethe fact that it happened and even so called scholars question it's reality/the numbers
It's disgusting
they haven't acknowledged the torture/mass rape of korean citizens either.
no, a lot of the atrocities they committed aren't printed in japanese history books so many young people don't know. i mean, atrocities were committed by both sides and just about every country, but this is one of the worst that goes unacknowledged (at least publicly) by the perpetrators. :/
i think the pm said he felt ~bad about it but ugh, it's sickening how they wouldn't even acknowledge that it ever happened.
첫댓글 일본과 독일의 차이죠......
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