1. 중국인의 서예에 대한 문제 calligraphy=brush writting
2. In most high schools, boys and girls attend the same classes, except in health education, they are segreated. ③ ① which ② where ③ when ④ what 3. One drawback of the North Amercan system....~ ② ① discipline ② disadvantage ③ practice ④ application 4. 다음 중 맞는 문장은? ④ ① Comparing with her sister, she is not so smart. ② We judging from her account, she must be an Australian. ③ I cannot choose but attending the conference. ④ I don't know a hawk from an eagle. 5. If you want to yourself from scams, you shouldn't let anyone you to buy something over the phone. ① ① protect, put pressure on ② keep, transfer ③ support, lie ④ help, assign 6. Deliberation of the bill has been stalled since the two contries concluded the pact, as major poltical parties hesitated in the face of vehement protests from farmers. ....~ ④ ① enclosed ② installed ③ progressed ④ halted 7. Under his leadership, the city planners established a list of - in other words, a list of what was important to work on. ② ① advantages ② priorites ③ solutions ④ creativity 8. Mr.Hussein was in a six-to-eight-foot-deep "spider hole" that had been camouflaged with bricks and dirt. ③ ① isolated ② disordered ③ disguised ④ hidden 9. ... ~ on the contrary it could boost people to enjoy dog soup and other canine specialities with less moral compunction and hygienic apprehension. ② ① fear - comprehension ② remorse - fear ③ paralysis - knowledge ④ controversy - dispute 10. If two people it off, they like each other and become friends as soon as they meet. Tired of letting the dog in and out, I on the idea of cutting a hole in the wall. ② ① take ② hit ③ get ④ set
11. certainly not 생활영어. 샤워기 써도 되는지에 대한 답 |
첫댓글 좋은 게시물이네요. 스크랩 해갈게요~^^
1번 (3) 2번 (2) 3번 (4) 4번(1) 5번(4) 6번(2) 7번(3) 8번(2) 9번(2) 가 답이라는데요!!
몇번인지 모르겠지만 calligraphy == 서예
calligraphy = brush writing 이 문제였을 껍니다....!!
저도 학원 홈피에 있는 답을 보고 그대로 옮긴거라서요!! 1번은 where 와 when둘사이에 논란이많은가봐요..... 정확히 문제가 복원이 되지 않아서요....!! expect or except냐에 따라서 앞부분이 문제에 있던 그대로 복원이 되었다면 where가 맞고 except라면 when이 맞다고 하네요!! 정확한 복원이 있어야 하지만
where나 when 둘중에 하나가 답이라 하네요!! 근데 학원선생님이 언급한것은 when라해서 답을 3으로 올려놓았길래 그대도 여기에 답을 올려놓았습니다.......!! 음~~~ 아직 복원이 미흡해서 둘중에 하나라고 하는군요....!
답중에 certainly not.도 있었던거 같구, let alone도 있었던거 같네요
문제는 except가 확실합니다. 그러면 답이 when 이 되겠군요
문제중에 collin(?)에 대한 생각인가?? 그런문제 있어잖아여 colllin에 대해 비판적이다(?) 이거 답이 뭔가여
비판 아닌가요?? 한줄에 결점도 없지만, 그녀는 1000가지 흠이 있기를 바란다?? 대충 이런 내용의 문제 아니었나??중요한건 뒷 문장 같은데......