DEDUCTIONS: Which of the following sentences might apply to describe what you see?
Dan Graves is getting ready for a party.
Dan turns on the shower faucet.
Much to Dan's dismay no water comes out.
Dan sings merrily as he takes a hot shower.
Dan is worried about his new girl friend.
Ice has formed on the shower head.
Dan blames the owner of the apartment for the problem.
Naked and cold, Dan can only hope for hot water tomorrow.
Dan thinks that he might move to another apartment.
This is not the first time that there has not been any hot water.
Dan uses a lot of soap when he bathes.
The telephone rings just as he turns on the water.
CONCLUSION: Using the Clues, as needed, and the sentences in Deductions, prepare a short composition about Cold Shower.
GRAMMAR HELPS: Use the following as needed to prepare your composition.
falsely favorably suddenly in a minute all the time
at odds in the morning by nighttime over all subsequently
because and but since last long before
OPTION: Be prepared to give the story of Cold Shower orally.