-스터디 공지-
인원모집이 마감되었죠? ^^ 매너좋으신 뉴커머님들과 함께하게 되서 기쁩니다.
초급스터디라 부족한 점도 많고 모르는 것 도 많지만 모든멤버가 스터디주인의식을 가지고 부족한 부분 서로 도와주면서
공부하면 즐겁고 유익한 시간되지 않을까 생각합니다.
죄송합니다만 저는 개인적인 사정으로 20일, 27일은 참석이 어렵기 때문에 기존멤버였던 제인 , 써니, 띠오가 리딩을 해주시면 감사하겠습니다. 만약 참석인원이 저조하면 캔슬하도록 하겠습니다.
당분간 모던패밀리는 중단토록 하겠습니다. 모던패밀리 동영상파일과 스크립트를 각자 받아서 미리 공부해오는 것 이 좋을 것 같아서 추진해볼 생각입니다. 2월은 패스하고 3월부터 시작해봅시다
< study curriculum >
1. Small Talk and self introduction
2. American drama or movie
- Modern family
- 진행방식: 약 3분이내의 자막을 올려드립니다. 외워오셔서 돌아가면서 롤플레이합니다.
- 토픽에 대한 답변을 1분30초 정도로 준비해주세요
4. Easy english - 두명이 1팀으로 짝을 지어서 진행합니다.
- 5분간 dialog 역할 분담하여 외우기
- role play
- 역할 바꿔서 외우기
5. Free talking
- 인원에 따라 2~3팀으로 나누어 토픽에 관련하여 대화나누기
- 토픽을 먼저 리딩하고 주요표현 리뷰한 후 시작하거나, 그냥 시작은 팀의 자율
- main topic이 일찍 마무리되면 extra topic에 대해서 free talking 해도 무방
to staff - 토픽 출력 부탁합니다~~ easy english 2월호 20일자 부탁드립니다~~~~^^ 입트영 2월 20일자 부탁드립니다. (없으면 최신걸로 부탁드려요~ ) 첨부파일 및 모던패밀리 자막도 출력부탁드려요~~~~~~~~
이미지 (52).jpg
Blood Types All Around the World
What's your blood type? A, B, O, or AB? Do you know what the world's most common type of blood is? Did you say "B" Wrong! The answer is O! The O blood type is very common around the world. About 63% of people all around the globe share the blood type!
Especially, type O is very common among the populations of Central and South America.
There, almost 100% of people have type O blood! Also, the type is high among the people in Australia and Western Europe. However, it's hard to find type O people in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, where B is common.
In the U.S., the most common type of blood is O. About 38% of the population shares the type O blood.The least popular type of blood in the nation is AB. Only 1% of people have AB blood type.
Interestingly, in Korea, the most common blood type is A! About 38% of the population has A blood type. In Japan, A type is the most common blood type, too.
1. Have you ever donated your blood? If so, why?
How was your feeling?
2. Ask each other. "How was my first impression?
3. Do you believe that blood type influences personality?
Why? Why not?
4. What is his or her blood type? Let's guess!
-Why do you think he or she is that blood type?
5. What kind of character do people with each blood type have?
6. Let's Talk! Talk! Talk! ^O^
Topic 2
Part time job
This year's top issues in the part-time job market were ``high-class part-time jobs paying 25,000 won per hour'' and ``the boom of jobs related to the World Cup.'' nducted by the employment Web site ``Career,'' 17.5 percent of the 1,803 people seeking part-time jobs said they were most interested in part-time jobs that pay up to 25,000 won per hour. Those who had the so-called ``noble'' part-time jobs worked as monitors for new products introduced by companies, before market distribution _ they try out new products ranging from cosmetics to food and drink. They are paid an average hourly wage of 25,000 won, which is a very high rate for a part-time job. Considering a product test show organized by advertising companies takes about three hours, they usually receive 75,000 won a day. Sports program lecturers at culture centers, hair models for hair-related products, and clothes models were also jobs through which part-timers can get a large sum of money _ about 10,000 to 20,000 won per hour. On the other hand, those working at convenience stores received the least amount _ 2,500 won per hour. The payment is even lower than 3,100 won, the minimum hourly salary regulated by the law. About 15 percent of those surveyed said jobs related to the World Cup were also highly desired. Those who worked as cheerleaders, security guards and sellers of cheering souvenirs like red T-shirts, and those who helped broadcast stations could make money and enjoy the feast at the same time. Part-time jobs in the marriage industry have also boomed this year because 2006 is believed to be the luckiest year for weddings.
1. Have you ever worked a part-time job? When? And what did you get through part-time job?
2. In your case, why you work as part-time job? To get money, or to get experience? Or is there any other reasons?
3. Now, many young age students try to get a part-time job. What do you think about part-time job of teenagers?
Is it good or not?
4. If you have a chance that you can choose any part-time job, what kind of job would you like to do?
5. Do you think the minimum wage of Part time job in Korea is high or low? How much is reasonable wage?
참여댓글 양식
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