Chambumo Gyeong - 542. The practice of hoondokhae
Hoondokhae is an important tradition. This is because it provides the opportunity to read True Parents' words and thereby gain motivation to practice them in daily life. In particular, hoondokhae is the center of home church as proposed by True Parents, which gives it significant meaning in our life of faith. True Parents emphasized that, through hoondokhae, each one of us should establish the tradition of following their teachings absolutely and making them a part of our daily life.
13 When all families, both in the spiritual world and the physical world, have received the Blessing, all nations will become the one kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven through doing hoondokhae with True Parents' words. These are the words that God likes the most and desires to establish. That is to say, He desires to establish a nation and educate all people through True Parents' words.
Then who do you think likes hoondokhae the most? Since God and I both like hoondokhae, God is the champion of all hoondokhae champions, the Eldest Son King of all eldest son kings, the King of all family kings, and the King of all nation kings. That is why I, who am on this earth following His Will, come after Him, in second place, and have the elder son's authority, the parent's authority and the kingship of hoondokhae on His behalf. And all people can inherit the elder son's authority, the parent's authority and the family kingship on my behalf, and realize the establishment of the kingdom of heaven on earth, where everyone is on an equal, level footing and receives equal treatment. Therefore, everyone will like hoondokhae. (303-122, 1999/08/08)
14 In the Unification Church, God is the one who holds hoondokhae most enthusiastically. After Him comes Father, then Mother. Though I know all the words and I am the one who spoke them, I still participate enthusiastically because I want to harmonize with you. In other words, I hold hoondokhae in order to make you the perfect object partners in front of the perfect subject partner, and to enable you to do what True Parents have done. When you do hoondokhae, God is always there with you. This being the case, you have no idea what a blessing it is for you to participate in hoondokhae with your parents and your siblings. It means that you are living together with God. (295-269, 1998/09/08)
15 I am being judged based on the Word. I think to myself that God is the judge listening to the closing arguments of the prosecutor, and He is trying to determine whether there are discrepancies in the testimonies He has heard. This concerns the question of whether I have put the Word into practice. If I have done anything wrong in regard to this, I need to repent.
Now is the moiiient in time when we should completely settle the accounts of 6,000 years. That is why we are now reading and studying about the spirit world. I am trying to go beyond such a situation through hoondokhae, so in this meeting we should go beyond this period by uniting in absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. That is why I am reading this a second time. I have said everything that needs to be said about life on this earth. Every word I have said was spoken after I translated it into action. Because I practiced it first before I spoke it, those words always pass judgment. They are recorded in the spirit world. (314-034, 1999/12/30)
16 Nowadays, when I read words in hoondokhae, I often am deeply moved. I am moved even more than I am by others' words. Though I know everything I have ever spoken about, tears come to my eyes even though I try to hold them back. When I wipe my nose and try to suppress my tears, my eyes still tear up. When I close my eyes my mind cries, and when I distract my mind my whole body weeps. When I close my mouth, blood flows from my mind, and when I distract my mind, my limbs are touched by emotion. Though I spoke those words with tears and screams of anguish, I can say the same words now with a smile. I go back and forth between these two extremes. And the gap between the two is so wide that one cannot help but be impressed. (310-056, 1999/06/06)
17 I know what I have said. You have no idea how serious is the history I have lived through. I clench my fists and grimace as I suppress my bitter memories of injustice. Those words have not died. Even now, when God looks back upon the time I spoke those words, He cannot help but weep loudly. It is an environment in which all leaders in the spirit world also shed tears. Such being the case, who could possibly stand in front of those words and not be moved by them? (311-097, 1999/08/19)
18 Unification Church members should yearn for hoondokhae as much as I myself do. I yearn for hoondokhae. I spoke all the words; I know them all; and yet I still yearn for them. They are the essential element of life that lasts for thousands of years. That is why you should hold on to these words and stay up nights reading them. You should feel that they are delicious even after you have held on to them all your life and read them over and over. You should feel, after attending hoondokhae, that you cannot let go of those words and that you wish to carry them around all the time. (314-023, 1999/12/30)
19 True Fathers words, the words of hoondokhae, united the spiritual world and the physical world. From now on, both the spiritual world and the physical world need to hold discussions on the words of hoondokhae. You need to hold hoondokhae every day. The question is how heaven and earth can receive my teachings and complete them substantially through hoondokhae.
Therefore, in light of these teachings, when a father does wrong his son should advise him, and when a wife does wrong her husband should advise her. By definition nobody is higher or lower. You are all brothers and sisters in front of True Parents, and those of you in the realm of brother and sister can advise one another. In whatever place you find yourself, one of you should step forward and commence hoondokhae to unite all of you as one. This is what I said 50 years ago. Hoondokhae is an equalizing education that is held every day.
You need to live your whole life centering on the Word. After that, you need to have spiritual experiences and see the spirit world, and create an environment where you can meet with your ancestors and thus hold exchanges with the spirit world. You will not be able to communicate with them unless you know the Word. Only when you communicate through God's Word can the spirit world be directly connected to the physical world. If your own thoughts get mixed up in it, you cannot communicate. (314-046, 1999/12/30)
20 In your lifetime, what do you wish to leave behind as the heirloom of your heart? You need to leave behind an heirloom. You need to leave behind an heirloom in the spirit world. This is a serious matter. You are being evaluated. Therefore, you cannot live your life as you please.
I am weary and exhausted. What will happen when I go to the spirit world? You will have only my words. You have met me and your emotions have resonated and harmonized with mine, and thus you and I have come to stand in the position of object partner and subject partner—but the Word is not like that. You need to realize the Word substantially. The Word has no substance. When its owner dies, it is broken into pieces. That is why we are holding hoondokhae worldwide in this manner.
Why do I emphasize hoondokhae? It is to make you feel the true taste of the Word. You need to feel it more than you do when you meet me. When you meet me, it is only for an hour or two, but you can meet this Word eternally. When you feel its depth, the Unification Church will paint all of heaven and earth with its colors in an instant. (318-114, 2000/03/04)
21 You have no idea how seriously I do hoondokhae. There was a time that only a few people were in front of me when I spoke. I was so full of lamentation and I spoke like that even in front of only a few people. I spoke of great things, not to thousands of people, but to dozens. Imagine how grievous my heart must have been. When you hold hoondokhae, you come into contact with the world of that heart, so you shed tears unconsciously or you feel a lump in your throat without knowing why. That is the power of hoondokhae.
In terms of electricity, hoondokhae is a battery or generating plant. Not just anyone's words can have such an effect. I spoke those words as if on the verge of death. When the Word appears, it is one that never before was seen in the world. It is the Word of God. This means wherever you are, with that Word at the center, the spirit world can work the miracle of resurrection. You need to understand how serious this is. They are not words that float away. They are the final words that you should leave behind for your descendants. (301-087, 1999/04/16)
22 You absolutely need this hoondokhae that you are doing on this earth. You need to settle down in accord with it. The spirit world is already carrying out this work. The spirit world in its entirety could settle in less than a week, but you have no idea of the amount of work to be done on earth.
We are now living in an era where the family can settle through hoondokhae. That is why hoondokhae is important. It is a program for liberating your ancestors in the spirit world and also for liberating your descendants. The past, the present and the future are one. And in the future, when your parents become grandparents, you and your children together with your parents will form three generations. You need to build a bridge connecting these three generations on earth. (291-239, 1998/03/15)
23 Why do we hold hoondokhae? We hold hoondokhae because the time when I spoke those words was more serious than today. I spoke those words when on the verge of death. You cannot fathom how serious I was then, and how much devotion I offered to say those words. Today we cannot reach that level of heart. Therefore, we listen to these words so that we can recall what my heart was like at the time. Since I can recall the heart with which I spoke back then, I can tell even if one word or one punctuation mark is wrong. That is how serious it is.
Then have the words I have spoken come true or not? If I myself failed to translate those words into action, I need to take responsibility for that failure and do my best to finish that work before I die, even if it means I need to prolong the time it takes. That is why I am looking for a way to do so. I need to put it in order. I do not want to leave anything but the Word behind, and I need to leave behind the substantial realization of the Word. (324-027, 2000/06/04)
24 You cannot do hoondokhae without tears. Hoondokhae is absolutely necessary if you want the entire world of True Parents' heart to settle in your family. In the future, hoondokhae needs to be held on the family level, church level, society level, national level and world level. The spirit world cooperated with True Parents as they fought their way through, and you can also receive this spirit world cooperation and go beyond the environment where Satan can accuse you, just by setting this condition. Therefore, hoondokhae is absolutely necessary. (292-216, 1998/04/17)
25 Hoondokhae is fearsome. I spoke those words when I was in the gravest danger with my life at risk. I spoke those words with a heart that all but burst and spread into all corners of heaven and earth, and that is why those words are still imbued with the heart of heaven and still alive with the cooperation of the spirit world. They are eternal. They transcend time. Because this Word was alive yesterday and will continue to remain alive today, when I hear those words in hoondokhae, I realize afresh that those words did not come from me. It is necessary for you to be drawn into such a state. (296-331, 1998/11/18)
26 When the sun rises in the morning, though it may look different from day to day, it still is providing the same light for the same world. Because this power exists, the universe enjoys it and is eternally grateful for the benefit of receiving it. In the same way, through hoondokhae God is alive and is making relationships of deep affection that can continue in the eternal world, transcending time and space.
These relationships are formed at the place where one is hanging between life and death. Those who are willing to die will live. It is my job to die and it is Gods job to save me from death. A person who has never been in such a serious position will drift away. They will pass by. You need to have roots. (296-332, 1998/11/18)
27 You need to place great importance on hoondokhae. It should be more important for you than eating. And you should feel an interest and a liking for hoondokhae. If you were to ask yourself the question, "Where am I going now? How am I living my life?what grade would you give yourself? You need to grade everything. After all, you are the one who knows yourself best.
After that, you need to bring 160 families or 180 families to receive the Blessing, and when this one tribe comes to be registered, your own attitude becomes even more important.
Hoondokhae should be more delicious than eating food, and it should be more real than the life you live now. Even if you forget to eat, you should not forget to hold hoondokhae. You should hold it morning, noon and night. And after you have had your dinner, you should do hoondokhae if you have time. You should hold it at least four times a day. To sum it up, you should do hoondokhae when you wake up in the morning, after you have had your lunch, after you have had your dinner, and one more time right before you go to bed. Then your spiritual life force will grow.
And when you do not do hoondokhae, it will feel stuffy, almost as if the day were dark, rainy and foggy. You need to place more importance on hoondokhae than even your prayer time. It is the path to perfecting yourself. It is the time through which True Parents can perfect you. (295-274, 1998/09/08)
28 How should you do hoondokhae? In the age of creating the history of hoondokhae worldwide, the ones in the world who hold hoondokhae before others will be the pillars and the central leaders in their locality and, further, in their nation. Those who have been educated at the Center for the Education of Ideal Families for World Peace have the responsibility to go out to the world and educate others.
You should not worry about your livelihood. Even if you have sold your house and your land and are wandering around like a refugee, you will eventually come to settle in the position of the world's leading ancestors of hoondokhae. In this way it will be possible to globalize hoondokhae, and that means it will be possible to globalize the Blessing. Such an amazing future lies before us.
In every nook and cranny, you need to organize the small units, blocks and neighborhoods, and those in charge of them should shoulder the responsibility to educate the residents. You should educate everyone in your area so that they all reach the same spiritual level as a similar area in the spirit world, making your area level with the spirit world, with no difference between the two. (296-221, 1998/11/10)
29 Anyone who is able to hold hoondokhae should just go and do it. If there is a teaching whose wofds move your heart and straighten out your path, you should read it in hoondokhae. If you do not do so, you will fall back. You should not open your mouth recklessly. Now you have no choice but to do it.
We have begun a movement that can move blocks, neighborhoods and even towns. It is a global movement. Since nations in the world are adopting Korea as the fatherland of faith, the people of the central area, the people who live on the soil of the homeland, should be the first hoondokhae champions. For that reason we are carrying out this work on a national scale. (290-160, 1998/02/18) |