Chambumo Gyeong - 547. Background Of Chil HJeol (7-1 Day)
On July 1,1991, True Parents conducted the Ceremony to Proclaim Gods Eternal Blessing and designated the day as Chil II Jeol (7-1 Day). True Father said that this day was a historic turning point. He stated that now he had restored the authority of Adam as the elder son that was lost due to the Fall, and therefore we were entering the original world where the archangel was to have raised Adam to the point of maturity. He also said that on this day the physical world and the spirit world were completely transformed to take the right path, which meant that we were entering a new world and that the era of God's victory and True Parents' glory had arrived. He further explained that he proclaimed God's eternal blessing based on His eternal love not only for the democratic and communist worlds but also for the religious world.
1 July 1, 1991, is not an ordinary first of July, and 1991 is not an ordinary year. From the providential point of view, 1991 is a turning point in history. Now the situation of the world and the trend of history must change. The democratic world, the communist world and the religious world all have (ost their direction. All the foundations that humanity has built, boasting of their excellence, have crumbled. That is natural. When autumn comes, we can find out whether the fruit is true or false. Only true fruit is harvested.
Looking from the viewpoint of the providence of restoration, or salvation, there are not many fruits to be harvested. The result, the fruit, sought by religion is only one, not many. From this point of view, what do you think God wants? What fruit do you think He wants to harvest? The fruit that God is looking for is heaven's lineage. It is none other than His lineage. In order to establish heaven's lineage, you must establish the tradition that can connect you to God's love. (218-013, 1991/07/01)
2 Today is July 1,1991. This is the year when we climb over the last hill of the providential turning point. Having passed through the first half of 1991—when from January through June we went through many complicated and eventful circumstances—we now are entering the latter half of the year. Meeting the second half of the year is like beginning to descend from the peak of providential history down into a watershed. We are making our way into the world of peace and freedom.
All the suffering from the conflicts caused by the division between the communist world and the free world, which brought bitter pain in history, now have been dissolved centered on True Parents. With True Parents' victorious harvest, the age has come when the communist world and the free world, and also North and South Korea, are able to become one. By establishing this day and holding this proclamation ceremony, we are reaching the time when we can clear up everything by harvesting all the conditions that people on heaven's side have established, counting them among the works of providential history. Then we can celebrate the day of victory, liberation and glory. This is something we need to understand.
Thus, we have made preparations to secure the family and the tribe, so that you will be able to attend God within the realm of your tribe. If you do not do the mission of tribal messiah, you will not be able to connect with your tribal family and with heavens nation. Understanding the whole meaning of this providential history, I already declared tribal messiahship, and as of July 1, 1991, all members throughout the world are proclaiming that they will become tribal messiahs. Therefore, since Gods household is pursuing the bond of true love centered on True Parents and has separated from the defiled lineage, today I am able to proclaim True Parents' clan, which includes all blessed families and their descendants. (218-007, 1991/07/01)
3 We understand that on July 1, 1991, we need to eliminate the course of indemnity that has filled history with bitter sorrow. We are doing this by bringing the right wing and the left wing, and North and South Korea, and the realms of religion and politics, to attend God in heaven and also True Parents, the original Parents, on earth. This will be the foundation to inherit the authority of the elder son, the authority of the parents and the kingship. For this, we understand that we need a declaration to recover the realm of liberation of the original world.
We understand that true love flowing from original nature is the center of all levels, from the individual to the family, tribe, people and nation. Thus it is based on our family life here on earth that we follow the way of true love and strive to build the original kingdom of heaven. We have absolutely one direction, one purpose and one goal, which is to reach that ultimate destination. Therefore, the Unification Church now proclaims tribal messiahship, and for this we will carry out grassroots activities to break through in every neighborhood and community (tong-ban gyeokpa). This is the solemn mission that heaven has given us. (218-011, 1991/07/01)
4 Jesus could not hold a ceremony to proclaim the Messiah. He could not proclaim his messiahship centering on Judaism and the people of Israel until he had made the proclamation to his family and the members of his clan, along with those among his people who had received him. This is what he needed to do. He needed to gather together his relatives to make the proclamation. I walked that path and beyond. That is why some people in the democratic world now say that I am a hero on the world level. You should also be able to establish this same tradition in your clan, so that you can receive honor in your own household.
Father's branches are the original branches. Since they are now growing well in all directions, east, west, north and south, if you engraft a cutting from one of those branches to yourself, you will become like an original branch. If that is so, then how significant do you think today's ceremony, the Ceremony to Proclaim the Day of God's Eternal Blessing, is? All religions, all nations, and even God have waited for this proclamation ceremony. Now that the ceremony has been held and the proclamation has been made, based on this standard, we can begin to resolve all problems. (218-038, 1991/07/01)
5 On July 1, 1991, True Parents declared complete liberation. I declared my full authority based on true love. I declared God's eternal blessings of love for the democratic world, for the communist world, and for the religious world as well.
God blessed Adam and Eve, but they were completely shattered, unable to fulfill their responsibility and attain the ideal of love. I recovered God's love based on the three great blessings, and now I have proclaimed God's eternal blessing. This means that the people of the world are now free from the realm of indemnity. (223-224, 1991/11/10)
6 People in future generations will want to know what True Parents' hands and feet look like. People know how we look in general, but they do not know what our hands and feet look like. So today, on Chil II Jeol (7-1 Day), we are taking close-up photographs of them. You can consider that the Day of God's Eternal Blessing is the day when we offered our hands, our feet, everything to God. If only our hands and feet are photographed, all kinds of swindlers will present fake photographs. Therefore, you need to take pictures of our hands and feet that also show us in our official attire. Take pictures of each of my feet separately, one foot at a time, and take another picture with both feet together. Take pictures of True Mother's hands and feet as well, showing them with her formal attire.
There are many photographs of our faces and figures, but not of our hands and feet. So it is absolutely necessary to keep the records of our hands and feet. There will come a time after we are gone when people will be curious and want to know about them. That is why I came up with this idea to leave accurate records of our hands and feet.
Chil II Jeol in 1993 is also significant because it comes amid a speaking tour where True Mother and I are proclaiming "True Parents and the Completed Testament Age." Now that we are surmounting another hill, it is meaningful to offer everything to God. Hands symbolize heaven and feet symbolize earth. The entire body is a microcosm of all things, of the world of creation. Thus we are marking the third anniversary of Chil II Jeol with the meaning of offering everything up to God. (248-072, 1993/07/01) |