(A) Are you still planning on going to the park today with Sally?
Didn't you two have a picnic planned?
(B) Yes. I'm meeting her at one for a late lunch.
You should join us.
(A) I think I will.
It sure is nice out.
I'd love to get out and enjoy the sun a bit.
Tip) = [1] "out" 에는 집이나 건물안이 않이라 밖을 가리키는 "outside"라는 뜻이 있어서,
밖 날씨가 좋다고 말하고 싶을 때는 간단히"it's so nice out"라고 표현 할수 있다.
밖에 비가 내리고 있다고 할때는 "It's raining out"라고 표현을 쓴다.
= [2] Up to snuff ( 적격인)
(a) Did you get the chance to look at my resume, sir?
( 제 이력서을 한번 검토해 주셨나요?)
(b) Oh, yes. Your experience and your education certainly seem up to snuff.
But, I want to get into some of the details with you.
Tell me a little bit about what you did at your last job. day-to-day.
( 아, 네.경력과 학력이 아주 적격 입니다.
하지만 좀더 자세히 말씀을 나누고 싶습니다
전 직장에서의 일과을 맒씀해 주세요)