The title of this book is wind and little rabbit Wind and Little Rabbit. one One night wind Wind looked very mad. and And little habits Rabbit come came, and wind Wind loves loved the rabbit Rabbit. but But rabbit Rabbit scared was scared of the wind Wind so the wind Wind chases chased the rabbit Rabbit, but the rabbit Rabbit doesn't didn't like a wind Wind, so rabbit Rabbit jumps jumped over the mountain. but But the wind Wind is chasing chased the rabbit Rabbit again. and And hide Rabbit hid in the forest. but But wind Wind find found a rabbit Rabbit too. so So rabbit Rabbit jumps jumped over the mountain. and And jumps jumped the so high so that rabbit Rabbit reaches reached the moon. and And the moon doesn't couldn't find a rabbit Rabbit. I think this book is interesting.
Score: B
- 문장은 항상 대문자로 시작해요.
- 이야기를 쓸 때는 과거형을 사용해요.
- 'Wind'와 'Rabbit'은 이 이야기의 등장인물이니까 항상 대문자로 시작해요.
- 문장과 문장 사이에는 마침표를 찍어요.
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