19, December, 2022, Monday.
Another World That Isn't Mine(Matthew 14:22~3)
Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"(31)
Hymn #524 Come to the Savior, Make No Delay(Unified Hymn 313)
When other worlds, which are the throne and the heavenly armies, that belong to God are established, answers will come. In the Old Testament, the most important aspect was sending Christ. In the New Testament, that Christ came and completely destroyed Satan; the background of Hell; and disasters. The following was what Christ said the most. "For the Kingdom of Heaven is yours. Pray for God's Kingdom to come. Seek first His Kingdom and righteousness. The Kingdom of Heaven is near. When Satan is bound, the Kingdom of God will be established."(Matthew 5:3, 6:10, 6:33, 10:7, & 12:28~30) In addition, Jesus spoke in parables regarding the mustard seed; yeast; and treasure(Matthew 13:1~58). He also talked about the works pertaining to God's Kingdom(Acts 1:3). Why did Jesus talk about these topics?
1. The Kingdom of Satan
Satan has created organizations(Genesis 3:4~5, 6:4~5, & 11:1~8). Underdeveloped nations make idols and religions. Advanced nations create luxurious masterpieces which people fawn over. Through technology and culture Satan has influenced the youth and has entered the academic world to conquer the future. Now, it's clear that he'll dominate the "4th Industry." As a result, the number of mental patients in the U.S. is vastly increasing.
2. The Kingdom of the World
The world thinks of Christianity as just one of many religions. It doesn't understand the three offices of Christ(King, Prophet, & Priest) or the Triune God(God the Father, God the Son, & God the Holy Spirit). Even the disciples knew only of food, clothing, and shelter. That's why they were moved when they saw the miracle of the five loaves and two fish as well as when Jesus walked on water. However, because of their tendencies, they became afraid when the winds began to blow.
3. The Kingdom of God
From the moment when you know who Christ is and meet Him, your fundamentals will be healed. This is the power that God gives from above(Heavenly Power). Furthermore, He'll work through the "Throne's Power." In the end, the few people who knew about the Kingdom of God saved the world.
Don't do anything else; instead, by doing "24" through "only"; "uniqueness"; and "re-creation," your lifelong talents; specialization; and sense of the field will emerge. Moreover, you'll receive answers regarding the platform that God blesses; the watchtower that possesses the light; and the antenna that has a message.
[Covenantal Prayer] Dear God, may today be the day of the covenant. Please help me become the "platform" that holds onto Your covenant; the "watchtower" that shines the light to all areas; and the church with a "spiritual antenna" where the posterity and those who are sick can gather. In Jesus Christ's name, I pray. Amen.
Immanuel Ulsan Church, 2nd Service / 20, March, 2022.