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Wed, 13 Jul 2005 14:36:53 -0000
[RookCoils] Re: Q-meter..incredible... 1000 of Q
Yes, Rooks are a bit higher (maybe 10-15%) than a solenoid coil. And they are removable from the form and look cool.
I have an HP Q meter and it measures Q directly up to 1000. I think the Boonton Q meter models often go up to 600 and the old Heathkit Q meters measure up to 300 (as I remember).
In order to measure coils above 1000 Q with an HP, we add a resistor in series with the coil. Then I do a bunch of computational work to extrapolate a reading above 1000. My best high strand count litz coils have been around 1300 Q.
The little Heathkit Q meter is quite inexpensive on ebay ($25). It might use this resistor technique on regular magnet wire for coils of 400 Q. The Boonton could be used on litz coils but the HP seems to be the best for over 1000 Q readings. HPs sell for hundreds of dollars on ebay.
I really like using my Q meter. It is close to real research. I think you could learn a lot about coil design with a $25 Heathkit meeter and then look at a bigger unit for litz later.
Good luck on your hunt for a meter.
> And Would you explain for more detailly informations about Q-Meter? > I don't know about like a HP Q-Meter. > ..like mesurement range etc..