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10시전에 모여서 잠깐 리뷰좀 하고 3시간 동안 알차개 대화 나눠봅시다
< study curriculum >
1. Small Talk and self introduction
2. 대박패턴 시험
3. American drama or movie
- Modern family or Notting Hill
- 진행방식: 약 3분이내의 자막을 올려드립니다. 외워오셔서 돌아가면서 롤플레이합니다.
- 토픽에 대한 답변을 1분30초 정도로 준비해주세요
5. Easy english - 두명이 1팀으로 짝을 지어서 진행합니다.
- 5분간 dialog 역할 분담하여 외우기
- role play
- 역할 바꿔서 외우기
6. Free talking
- 인원에 따라 2~3팀으로 나누어 토픽에 관련하여 대화나누기
- 토픽을 먼저 리딩하고 주요표현 리뷰한 후 시작하거나, 그냥 시작은 팀의 자율
- main topic이 일찍 마무리되면 extra topic에 대해서 free talking 해도 무방
to staff - 토픽 출력 부탁합니다~~ easy english 6월호 25일 자 부탁드립니다~~~~^^ 입트영 6월 25일자 부탁드립니다. (없으면 최신걸로 부탁드려요~ ) 노팅힐 자막 및 이미지 파일 출력해주세요~~~
Topic1 – Good Habits & Bad
Rather than sudden, grave resolution, your life is probably more affected by trivial, repetitive, unthinking behavior Until the day you die, your body and mind will be governed by good habits and bad ones.
These acts determine the quality of your existence. Everyone knows that bad habits are easy to form, since they are quite agreeable to man’s lazy and selfish nature; but good ones are difficult to fabricate because
they need perseverance and lack social reinforcement. But nevertheless, though bad habits are hard to break, it is never too late to start making good ones-you just need determination and dedication. Doing something over and over again until you don’t have to think about it is how actions become habitual in the first place.
è Resolution : firm determination ; a decision to do (sth)
è Agreeable : to one’s liking; pleasing; pleasant
è Fabricate : make or manufacture
è Persevere : hold to or persist in a course of action, a belief, or a purpose, in spite of opposition
or discouragement
è Reinforce : make (sth) stronger by adding extra support; strengthen
1. What good habits do you have?
2. What are your worst habits?
3. How do you create a habit? Or does it just happen without any activity on your part?
4. Are there any habits you want to lose?
5. What habits do you want your children to have?
>> More talking points
What habits would be good (and bad) to exercise in the following activities?
a. Driving b. Reading c. Watching Tv
d. Studying English e. Talking with people f. Spending money
g. Shopping h. Exercising i. Eating
TOPIC 2 . Can Man and Woman be Pure Friends?
Harry and Sally may have ended up ``recognizing their love for each other,'' but youngsters in Korea think they can be just friends forever. According to a survey conducted by Web site CampusMon, 67 percent of 1,823 male and female university students with dating experience said it was possible for man and a woman to be just friends. More women (71 percent) were inclined to believe in this friendly relationship than men (58 percent).
Of course we can be friends. I can name more than five right now,'' Shim Ja-young, a 25-year-old college senior, said. In fact, they have different attractions from girl friends. I don't really have to care about too much courtesy or what I am speaking about when I am with the boys,'' she said adding that she sometimes feel more comfortable hanging out with boys than girls.I think there's a 50-50 chance that a man and a woman can maintain a pure friendship,'' male student Chung Sang-gyo, also a university senior, said. However, there is of course the chance of romantic feelings growing in opposite sex relationships, and more chances that the relationship may break up once those feelings surface,'' he added. Though respondents in the survey showed that a new style in male-females relationships is emerging here, they still spared room for traditional and conventional ideas.
About 56 percent said they would never date or have a crush on an ex-lover of one of their friends of the opposite sex. Some 20 percent, however, said the past was the past and that if they had feelings for such a person they would not be held back.
Some respondents agreed that getting along with a boyfriend or girlfriend of their opposite sex friends could be tough. Only 59 percent, lower than those who accepted opposite sex friends, said they could get along with their friends' dates.
It is true you feel reluctant to call him late in the evening or ask him to go to the movies or have some drinks once he gets a girlfriend,'' Shim said. ``It give you new stress ― to be friends with your platonic boy friend's girlfriend is a challenge,'' she added.
1. Do you agree this article? Do man and woman can be a friend?
2. Do you have opposite-sex friends? Have you thought he/she is a man/ woman?
3. What is the most important thing to be a good friend?
4. What are the differences between same-sex and opposite-sex friendships?
5. Do you believe “out of sight , out of mind”?
6. Is there any couple who first started as friends around you?
7. Are you the kind of person who contact your friends first or just waiting for their call?
Topic 3 Talk about drinking sessions you go to.
I have drinking sessions most often for social gatherings. My friends and I normally grab a couple of drinks when we meet up. We often go from one bar to another to do several rounds. We end up drinking to much sometimes though. There are hangover relief drinks that help people sober up faster. They help people get less drunk as well. I always drink them when I'm at a drinking session. drinking is a big part of staff dinners or after-parties in Korea. Drinking sessions help bond with colleagues because they help break the ice. One thing is for sure: you should not drink too much as it is bad for your liver.
[Q ]
1. When was the last time you drank with sone friends?
2. Have you ever drunken too much at drinking session? What happended?
3. What are some of your drinking habits?
[Key Vocablulary & Expressions]
have drinkig sessions 술자리를 갖다
social gathering 친구들 모임, 사교 모임
grab a couple of dronks 술을 몇 잔 마시다
go from one bar to another 술집을 옮기다
do several rounds 여러차례 가다
end up -ing 결국 ~하게 되다
hangover relief drink 숙취 해소 음료
sober up faster 술이 더 빨리 깨다
get less drunk 덜 취하다
at a drinking session 술자리에서
Be a big part of ~의 큰 부분을 차지하다
staff dinner 회식
after-party 뒤풀이
bond with colleagues 동료들과 돈독해지다
break the ice 어색함을 없애다
be bad for one's liver 간에 나쁘다
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