How to Make the Most of a Trip to Wine Country
By Shivani Vora
Dec. 28, 2017
이태리 투스카니지방이나, 미국의 캘리포니아주 나파벨리는 와인 투어의 대명사로 불릴만큼 많은 관광객을
끌어들이고 있다, Lynda Turley는 미국 사라토가의 Alpine Travel 여행사의 고문인데 와인투어의 전문가다.
그녀가 조언해주는 와인투어에 대한 사전준비에 대해 알아본다.
1) 하루에 3곳이상의 와이너리 를 방문하지 않는다
3곳이상의 와이너리를 방문하면 그곳에서 마신 와인의 특성을 혀가 기억하지 못하게 된다.
2) 와인 전문 가이드를 고용하면
지방 와이너리에 정통한 가이드가 제대로 된 와이너리 선택은 물론이고, 와인을 마신뒤에 운전
까지 해주어, 음주운전을 하지 않아도 된다.
3) 덜 복잡한 길을 택해야한다.
투스카니나, 나파밸리 같은 유명한 와이너리 밀집지역에는 관광객이 몰린다. 와이너리또한 대형화되고 상업화되어 제대로
와인에 대한 숙성과정과 가치를 제대로 이해하기 어려운 만큼, 가능하다면 작고 덜 붐비는 곳을 찾는게 유리하다.
4) 사전예약
많은 와이너리들이 몇주전부터 예약을 받는데, 여행일자가 정해지는대로 가능한 빨리 예약을 해서, 원하는 와이너리에
예약이 되지 않는 경우가 발생치 않도록 해야한다.
5) 먹거리, 볼거리
와이너리 부근에는 유명한 미쉐린 식당, 갤러리, 온천, 자전거 도로등이 산재해 있다. 하루에 3곳 이상의 와이너리에
가지 않는대신 이런 명소를 방문하여, 그 지역에 대한 지리적인 건강에 관련된, 문화적인 즐거움도 더해보자.

Wine producing regions such as Tuscany and Napa Valley already make for enjoyable vacation destinations, but with a little planning you can get even more from your trip.
Lynda Turley, an adviser at Alpine Travel of Saratoga, specializes in wine-focused trips. “The areas of the world where winery hopping is a big attraction tend to be incredibly picturesque, and you don’t have to be a serious oenophile to have a good time on a trip to one of them,” she said. Ms. Turley’s has a number of tips for her clients on how to get the most out of a getaway to a wine producing region.

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Three is the Limit Even the most die-hard wine drinkers, said Ms. Turley, should visit no more than three wineries in a day. “If you try to hit too many wineries in a single day, they’ll all blur together, and you’ll have a harder time remembering the individual wines you tasted,” she said. Consider Hiring A Wine Guide Almost every wine producing region is also home to local wine guides who have connections with local wineries and are friendly with the area’s winemakers. Some of these guides even double as drivers so you don’t have to worry about driving while drinking.
Although wine guides can charge between $500 to $1000 a day, Ms. Turley said that they’re worth the investment, especially if you’re traveling as part of a group and can share the cost with others. “Wine guides can significantly enhance your trip by giving you an insider experience of the region,” she said. You can find a wine guide through your hotel’s concierge, a travel adviser, such as Ms. Turley, or even by asking a winery you plan to visit for a recommendation.
Choose the Road Less Traveled
Famous wine regions such as Tuscany and Napa Valley can be overrun with tourists. Also, since many of the wineries are larger and more commercial, you’re unlikely to meet the winemakers or owners to learn about the wine and how it’s made.
Wineries in lesser-known areas, on the other hand, tend to be smaller, which means that you can usually meet and interact with the winemakers themselves. Ms. Turley’s favorite off-the-beaten-path wine destinations include California’s Santa Cruz Mountains, Virginia’s Monticello area and the wineries just outside Montevideo, Uruguay.
Reserve in Advance
Most renowned wineries take visitors only by appointment and get booked several weeks in advance. To avoid disappointment, Ms. Turley advised making reservations for winery visits as soon as your trip dates are fixed. And, don’t forget to make restaurant reservations in the vicinity, too because they can be tough to score in some of the most popular spots.
Plan Non-Wine Activities
Many wine regions have plenty of diversions unrelated to wine. In fact, many attract teetotalers as well, said Ms. Turley.
Napa Valley, for example, has a robust arts scene with several high-caliber art galleries. Also, some of the region’s resorts are destinations in and of themselves, such as Meadowood Napa Valley, which has a three Michelin-star restaurant, the Restaurant at Meadowood, and a free-standing spa with numerous wine-based treatments. Tuscany, with its hilly roads, is a prime destination for cyclists, Bordeaux has a flourishing culture scene, and several farms in Provence offer olive oil and cheese tastings.