5) I never, and let me emphasize that word, never, said I would take less to play for the Yankees than I would to play for the Red Sox, nor did I ever say it would cost the Red Sox more to sign me than the Yankees. I am not in this to start, or be a part of, a bidding war. As of right now, within this window of opportunity, I am doing what I can do to determine if the Boston Red Sox organization and I can come to an agreement in which I would be allowed to finish my career as a Red Sox.
나는 '정말로'-이말을 꼭 강조하고 싶다-양키즈에서 뛰는 것보다 레드삭스에서 뛰고싶다.내가 전쟁을 시작하지 않았지만 이제 참전한다.이제 보스턴과 내가 나의 야구경력을 보스턴에서 끝내기를 합의한다면 나는 내가 할수있는 것을 할것이다