* 경력사항
이화여자대학교 기초과학연구소장, 2002. 2-2004. 7
학생처장, 이화여자대학교, 1998.8- 2000.7
생명과학연구소장, 이화여자대학교, 1998.2-1999.2
화학과 교수, 이화여자대학교, 1996.2- 현재
학생처 차장, 이화여자대학교, 1995.8-1997.7
화학과 부교수, 이화여자대학교, 1991.3-1996.2
화학과 학과장, 이화여자대학교, 1990.9-1991.2
화학과 조교수, 이화여자대학교, 1985.9-1991.2
Visiting Professor in Fels Research Institute, Temple University, 1987.6-1987.8
Postdoctoral Fellow in Fels Research Institute, Temple University, 1982.3-1984.2
Ph.D.Chemistry, 이화여자대학교, 1982.
M.S.Chemistry, 이화여자대학교, 1978.
B.S.Chemistry, 이화여자대학교, 1976.
* 학술경력사항
국가과학기술위원회 민간위원 2004-2006
과학기술부 평가위원회 위원 2004-2006
국립수산과학원 마린마이오 21사업 운영위원회 위원 2004-2007
서울시 교육과학연구원 2003년 서울특별시 과학전람회 지도위원
과학기술부 2003년도 국가연구개발사업 평가.사전조정위원회 위원
한국분자세포생물학회 학회지 편집위원 2003-2005
한국분자세포생물학회 학술상위원회 위원 2003
교육인적자원부 중앙과학교육심의회 위원 2003
과학기술부 민군겸용기술위원회 위원 2001-2002
한국산업기술진흥협회 이달의 엔지니어상 심사위원 2002-2003
서울시 교육과학연구원 2002년 서울특별시 과학전람회 지도위원
과학기술부 2002, 2003년 신기술인정(KT마크) 종합심사위원
과학기술부 국가연구개발사업 조사 분석 평가의 평가위원 2002-2004
여성생명과학포럼 부회장 2001-2003
대한화학회 이사 2002
대통령자문 정책기획위원회 위원(과학생태분야) 2001-2003
한국과학기술평가원 : 2001년 지역전략특화기술개발사업 과제 제안서 평가위원
한국과학기술단체총연합회 : 2001년도 과학기술진흥유공자 정부훈.포장.표창 분야 심사위원
과학기술부 : 기초과학연구사업 심의위원회 위원 1999-2002
과학기술부 : 민, 군 겸용기술실무위원회 위원 1999-2000
과학재단 : 제2회 우수연구센터 평가심의 위원회 위원 1999
KISTEP : 국가연구개발사업 평가위원회 위원 1998-1999
한국분자생물학회 학술위원 1999
한국분자생물학회 목암상 심사위원 1999
한국분자생물학회 홍보운영위원 1996
한국분자생물학회 홍보간사 1995
대한화학회 94-95 화학세계 편집위원
한국생화학회 88-90 뉴스지 편집위원
* 사회봉사활동
FIM 국제선교회 이사 2003-2005
전국문해 성인기초교육협의회 후원회 부회장 2004-
전국문해 성인기초교육협의회 이사 2002-
전국기독인교수모임연합회 공동대표 2002-2004
이화여대 다락방 이사 2000-
* 연구분야
I. 천연물(녹용, 영지)에서 신약후보물질 추출 및 구조분석
- 조혈모세포촉진인자
- 혈소판촉진인자
- 골다공증치료제
II. 천연물유래 물질의 세포내신호전달 작용기전 연구
III. 형광영상을 이용한 Lipid-Protein Nanoassembly(raft)의 Capping 유도 Mechanism 연구
* 수상경력사항
1996년 12th International Symposium of FAOBMB, Tokushima Japan에서 우수 논문상 수상
'2002 한국과학재단 인증 30대 우수연구성과사례'로 추천됨
* 연구업적 목록
59. Hyun-Ok Yang, Jung-Sun Park, So-Hye Cho, Jin-Young Yoon, Mi-Geum Kim, Gil-Ja Jhon, So-Yeop Han, and Sang Hee Kim
Stimulatory Effects of Monoacetyldiglycerides on Hematopoiesis
Biol. Pharm. Bull. 27(7) 1121-1125(2004)
58. Hyun Ok Yang, Sang Hee Kim, So-Hye Cho, Mi-Geun Kim, Ji-Young S대, Jung-Sun Park, Gil-Ja Jhon, and So-Yeop Han
Purification and Structural Determination of Hematopoietic Stem Cell-Stimulation Monoacetyldiglycerides from Cervus nippon(Deer Antler)
Chem. Pharm. Bull. 52(7) 874-878 (2004).
57. Young-Ah Kim, Hae-Mi Chung, Jin-Seon Park, Wonja Choi, Juyoung Min, Nok-Hyun Park, Ki-Hwan Kim, Gil-Ja Jhon, and So-Yeop Han
Synthesis of Novel Lysophosphatidylcholine Analogs Usign Serine as Chiral Template
J. Organic Chemistry 2003. 68, 10162-10265.
56. Yoon-Jin Lee, Hae-Nyun Cho, Jae-Won Soh, Gil-Ja Jhon, Chul-Koo Cho, Hae-Yong Chung, Sangwoo Bae, Su-Jae Lee, and Yun-SIl Lee
Oxidative Stress-induced apoptosis is mediated by ERK1/2 phosphorylation
Experimental Cell Research 291(2003) 251-266.
55. Jeong S Suh, Jin Kwon, Jae S. Eun, Yun J. Lee, Jin K. Limb, Soo Y. Ko, So Y Han, Bae S, Bae, and Gil-Ja Jhon
Triacylglycerol, 1-Palmitoyl from Bovine Udder and Its Synthetic Enatiomer can Potentiate the Mitogenic Activity for Mouse Peritoneal Macrophages
Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 13:415-422 2003
54. Yoon-Jin Lee, Ha-Nyun Cho, Jae-Won Soh, Gil-Ja Jhon, Chul-Koo Cho, Hee-Yong Cho, Sangwoo Bae, Su-Jae Lee and Yun-Sil Lee
Oxidative stress induced apoptosis is mediated by ERK 1/2 phosphorylation
Experimental Cell Research 291:251-266 2003
53. Yoon-Jin Lee, Jae-Won Soh, Doo-Il Jeoung, Chul-Koo Cho, Gil-Ja Jhon, Su-Jae Lee and Yun-Sil Lee
PKC -mediated ERK1/2 activation involved in radiation-induced cell death in NIH3T3 cells
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1593(2003) 219-229
52. Hyun-Young Kim, Chang-Sung Kim, Gil-Ja Jhon, Ik-Sang Moon, Seong-Ho Choi, Kyoo-Sung Cho, Jung-Kiu Chai, and Chong-Kwan Kim
The Effect of Safflower Seed Extract on the Periodontal Healing of 1-Wall Intrabony Degects in Geagle Dog
J. Periodontol. Vol. 73, No. 12 1457-1466 2002 12
51. Eun Bang Lee, Jin Ee Hyun, Da Wei Li, Choon Sik, Jeong, Seung-Won Shin, Sung Ig Cho, Eun Hee Lee, and Gil-Ja Jhon
Gastroprotective Activity of the Unripe Fruit Extract of Juglans mandshurica in Rats
Nature Product Science 7(3), 87-89 2001
50. Young Hwan Kim, Keun-Young So, Jin-Kyung Limb, So-Yeop Han and Gil-Ja Jhon
Identification of Triacylglycerols Containing Two Short-Chain Fatty Acids at sn--2 and sn-3 Positions from Bovine Udder by Fast Atom Bombardment Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Rapid Commun. Mass. Spec. 14, 2230-2237 2001
49. Min J. Lee Y., Kim Y., Park H., Han S., Jhon G., Choi W.
Lysophosphatidylcholine derived from deer antler extract suppresses hyphal transition in candida albicans through MAP kinase pathway
Biochim. Biophys. Acta vol 1531 77-89 2001
48. Wonwoo Nam, So-Young Oh, Mi Hee Lim, Mee-Wha Choi, So-Yeop Han, Gil-Ja Jhon
Temperature effect on the epoxidation of olefins by an iron(III) porphyrin complex and tert-alkyl hydroperoxides
Chem. Comm., 1787-1788. 2000
47. Electronic Effect of Iron(III) Porphyrin Complexes on the Epoxidation of Cyclohexene : Epoxidation versus Hydroxylation " Bull. Korean. Chem. Soc. 2000 12
46. Sung-Tae Kim, Gil-Ja Jhon, So-Hyoung Lim, Kyoo-Sung Cho, Chong-Kwan Kim, Seong-Ho Cho
The Effect of Safflower Seed Extract on the Bone Formation of Calvarial Bone Model in Sprague Darley Rat, J. Korean Academy of Periodontology, Vol. 30, No. 4 835-850, 2000
45. Yun-Jung Yoo, Hyun Jung Lee, So-Hyung Lim, Jung-Hwa Kang, Yin Ji Li, Seung-Ho Ohk, Bong-Kyu Choi, and Gil-Ja Jhon
The Effect of DeerAntler(Cervus nippon) Extracts on Differentiation of MC3T3 Cells", J. Korean Academy of Periodontology, Vol. 30, No. 4 885-893, 2000
44. Jeong-Sook Suk, Jae-Soon Eun, Chan-Ho Oh, Gil-Ja Jhon
Phagocytic activity of 70% EtOH fraction of Deer Antler on Murine Peritoneal Marcrophage.
Biol. Pharm. Bull. 22(9) 932-945 1999.
43. Jin-Kyung Limb, Young Hwan Kim, Jeong-Sook Suh, Jae-Soon Eun, So-Yeop Han, and Gil-Ja Jhon
Isolation and characterization of monoacetyldiglycerides from bovine udder and phagocytic activity of 1-palmitoyl-2-linoleoyl-3-acetyl-rac-glycerol on murine peritoneal macrophages
J. Lipid Res. 40 2169-2176 1999
42. Young Hwan Kim, So-Yeop Han, So-Hye Cho, Jong-Shin Yoo, and Gil-Ja Jhon
Structural Determination of Synthetic Monoacetyldiglycerides by Tandem Mass Spectrometry of Sodium Adducted Molecular Ions
Rapid Commun. Mass. Spec. 13 481-487 1999
41. So-Yeop Han, So-Hye Cho, So-.Yeon Kim, Jeong-Taeg S대, Seok Jun Moon, and Gil-Ja Jhon
Monoacetyldiglycerides as New Ca2+ Mobilizing Agents in Rat Pancreatic Acinal Cells
Biorog. Med. Chem. Lett Vol 9 59-64 1999
40. Gil-Ja Jhon, Sun-Young Park, So-Yeop Han, sangwon Lee and Yangmee Kim
Studies on the Chemical Structure of Gangliosodes in Deer Antler, Cervus nippon
Chem. Pharm. Bull. vol 47 No 1 123-127 1999
39. Jeong-Ah Yeo, Ta-Sub Cho, Seog K. Kim, Hyung Rang Moon, Gil-Ja Jhon, WonWoo Nam
Interaction between Norfloxacin and Single Straned DNA
Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. Vol 18, No 4, 449-457, 1998
38. Kyungik Lee, Sangwon Lee, Gil-Ja Jhon and Yangmee Kim
Tertiary Structure of Ganglioside GA1 Determined by NMR Spectroscopy
Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. Vol 18, No. 5, 569-575, 1998
37. Byung-Hoon Kim, Yoon-Seok Chang, Young-Sook Hong, So-Yeop Han and Gil-Ja Jhon
Structural Analysis of Ginsenosides by Fragmentation Patten Using Tandem Mass
Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. Vol 18, No. 7, 1998
36. Hyunsook Park, Gil-Ja Jhon and Wonja Choi
Deer Antler Extract Selectively Suppresses Hyphal Growth in Dimorphoc Fungus, Candia albicans
J. Micorbiology & Biotechnology, Vol. 8 291-294, 1998
35. Hyunsook Park, Gil-Ja Jhon, and Wonja Choi
Hyphal Growth Inhibition by Deer Antler Extract of Chitin Synthase Deletion in Candia albicans
J. Micorbiology & Biotechnology, Vol. 8 No. 4 1998
34. Jeong-Sook Suk, Jae-Soon Eun, Jung-Yul Yum, Chan-Ho Oh, Hee-Youg Chung, Gil-Ja Jhon
Immunoregulative Action of Ethyl Alcohol Fraction of Deer Antler, Cervus nippon on Thymic T
Lymphocyte and Peritoneal Macrophage in Mice"
Kor. J. Pharmacogn 29(4) 312-317 1998
33. H.J. Park, Gil-Ja Jhon, and Y.K. Kang
Conformational Study of Asialo-GM1(GA1) Ganglioside
Biopolymers, vol. 41 No.7 19-35, 1997
32. Jung Min An, Sook Jung Yang, Seh-Yoon Yi, Gil-Ja Jhon, Wonwoo Nam
Oxidative Cleavage of DNA by Water-soluble Iron Porphyrin Complex and Potassium
Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. Vol 18, N0. 1, 117-119.1997
31. Haejung Yoon, Minyung, and Gilja Jhon
Effect of Ganglioside GM3 on the Erythrocyte Glucose Transporter(GLUTI) :
Conformational Changes Measured by Stady-State and Time-Resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy
J. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Vol.30 No. 4 240-245, 1997
30. Gil-Ja Jhon, Jung-Eun Hong, Hae-Jung Yoon, Gyung-Ilm Rhyu, Yong-Han Kim,
Jong-Shin Yoo, and Yoon-Seok Chang
Octoxinol Presence in Bear-Bile
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International, 38(5) 879-887, 1996
29. Mi-Ok Eom and Gil-Ja Jhon
Changes of Gangliosides and Sialic Acid in Human Milk During Lactation
Experimental and Molecular Medicine, Vol. 28 No. 1, 29-32 1996
28. Wonwoo Nam, Wonkoo Whang, Jung Min Ahn, Seh-Yoon Yi, and Gil-Ja Jhon
Cobalt-Mediated Olefin Epoxidation and Oxidation DNA Cleavage with Potassium Monopersulfate
Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. Vol. 17, No. 5 414-416, 1996
27. Kyungik Lee, Gilja Jhon, Gyungihm Rhyu, Eunjung Bang, Byongweok Choi,Yangmee Kim
Assignment of 1H and 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of GA1
Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. Vol. 16 No. 9 864-879, 1995
26. Young-Sun Lee and Gil-Ja Jhon
Studies on the Ganglioside GM3 and Sialidase Activity in Human Fetal Liver
J Biochem. Mol Biol. Vol. 28 No. 5 427-432 1995
25. Na-Young Han and Gil-Ja Jhon
Studies on the Chemical Structure of Gangliosodes in Deer Antler, Cervus nippon
Korean Biochem. J., 27:459-465, (1994)
24. Hyun-Jin Choi and Gil-Ja Jhon
Changes of Gangliosides Metabolism in Streptozotocin-Incuced Diabetic Rats and Effect of Deer Antler
J. Applied Pharmacology, Vol. 2 , 223-228, (1994)
23. Y.Yoo, Y. Kim, G. Jhon and J. Park
Separation of gangliosides using Cyclodextrin Modified Electrokinetic Chromatography
J. Chromatography A, 652:431-439, 1993
22. Eun-Jung Park and Gil-Ja Jhon
Ganglioside Analysis in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rat Brain
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21. Na-Young Han, Kyung-Rhym Rhyu and Gil-Ja Jhon
Structural Analysis of Lipid Component from Deer Antler
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20. H. Yoon, H. Park and G. Jhon
GM3 Affects Carboxyl Methylation in the Human Erythrocyte Membrane
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19. Na-Young Han and Gil-Ja Jhon
Purification and Analysis of Carbohydrate-Containing Component from Korean Antler
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18. Hyun-Soo Kim and Gil-Ja Jhon
Analysis of Ganglioside in Nuts
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17. Hae-Rhan Lee and Gil-Ja Jhon
Age-Related Changes of Protein Carboxyl Methylation in Rat Brain and Liver
Korean Biochem. J., 24(1), 65-70 (1991)
16. Gil-Ja Jhon and Jong-Sik Ha
The Increase of Activity of Erythrocyte Glucose Transporter by Carboxyl Methylation
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15. Hae-Jung Choi and Gil-Ja Jhon
Protein Carboxyl Methylation in Mitochondria, Peroxisome and Lysosome of Rat Liver by Maturation
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14. Gil-Ja Jhon and Eun-Jung Park
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13. Gil-Ja Jhon, Hyae-Jung Choi and Jun-Seung Lee
Protein Carboxyl Methylation in Liver of Fetal and Pregnant Rat
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12. Young-Sook Kim and Gil-Ja Jhon
High Levels of Protein Carboxyl Methyltransferase in Abnormal Tissues and Changes of its Isoenzymes
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11. Kyung-Rhan Hong and Gil-Ja Jhon
Changes of in vitro Protein Carboxyl Methylation in human Erythrocyte Membrane by Cell Aging and Damage
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10. Young-Mi Whang and Gil-Ja Jhon
Purification and Characterization of Three Distinct Isoenzymes of Protein Carboxyl Methyltransferase from Bovine Brain
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9. Sun-Wha Lee and Gil-Ja Jhon
Gas Chromatography-Based Assay for the Quantification of Protein Carboxyl Methyltransferase at the Picomole Level
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8. Kwang-Sook Park, Gil-Ja Jhon, and Sangduk Kim
Effect of Naturally Occurring Basic Compounds on the Cytochrome C Binding to Mitochodria
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7. Gil-Ja Jhon
Purification of Two Distinct Isoenzymes of Protein Carboxyl Methyltransferase from Human Erythrocytes
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6. G. Jhon, J. Ro and S. Kim
Studies on the Distribution of O6-MeG-DNA Methyltransferase in Rat
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5. Gil-Ja Jhon, Myun-Hee Kim, Sangduk Kim and Martin Tuck
Enzymatic Carboxyl-Methylesterification of Myelin Basic Protein
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4. Gil-Ja Jhon, Jong-Ok Park and Sangduk Kim
Stimulation of O6-Methylgduanine-DNA Methyltransferase in Rat
Korean Biochem. J., 18(4), 383-388 (1985)
3. Gil-Ja Jhon, Dong-Sook Kwon, and Sanduk Kim
Calcium Borohydride Reduction Method for Identification of a Site of Methylation in Human Erythrocyte Membrane Protein
J. Korean Res. Inst. for Better Living, 34, 29-36 (1984)
2. S. Kim, J. Choi and G. Jhon
Purification of Protein Methylase II from Human Erythrocyte
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1. E. Durban, G. Jhon, S. Kim and W.K. Paik
Cytochrome C-Specific Protein-Lysine Methyltransferase from Neurospora Crassa :Kinetic Mechanism
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* 특허등록
- 국제특허등록
1. 전길자, 김상희, 한소엽, 양현목, 서지영, 김양미
Pharmaceutical composition containing extracts of Cer편 nippon antlers having
growth-stimulating activities of hematopoietic stemm cells and megakaryocytes
Hong Kong Patent Application 1035659A 2001 Dec. 07
- 국내특허등록
4. 전길자, 최원자, 한소엽, 이윤진, 김영아, 정혜미, 민주영, 박녹현
신규한 항진균성 화합물 및 이를 함유하는 항진균조성물
등록번호 제 0398892호 2003년 9월 5일
3. 전길자, 김종관, 유윤정, 이은희, 임소형, 최병규, 옥승호, 강정화, 이현정
녹용에서 추출된 골형성촉진물질 및 그것의 추출방법
등록번호 특허 제 0397220호 2003년 8월 26일
2. 전길자, 김상희, 한소엽, 서지영, 양현옥
글리세롤유도체의 제조방법
특허등록번호 제 0291743호, 2001년 3월 15일
1. 전길자, 김상희, 한소엽, 서지영,
녹용 추출물을 함유하는 조혈모세포 및 혈소판 전구세포 증식촉진용 조성물
특허 등록번호 제 0283010호, 2000년 12월 4일
* 특허출원
- 국제특허출원
4. Gil-Ja Jhon, So-Yeop Han, Jang-Hee Lee, Hong-Hee Kim
A Process for Preparing N-Acylated Lysophosphatidylcholine and a Pharmaceutical Composition for Treatment of Metabolic Bone Disease Comprising said Compounds
미국, 중국 특허 출원중 2004
3. Gil-Ja Jhon, So-Yeop Han, Wha-Jung Kim.
Compositions comprising extract of Gonoderma ludidum, oleamide and its structural analogue as an effective component for preventing or treating
중국특허 출원번호 : 02810220.8, 2004 01. 02
2. Gil-Ja Jhon, So-Yeop Han, Jang-Hee Lee, Hong-Hee Kim
A Process for Preparing N-Acylated Lysophosphatidylcholine and a Pharmaceutical Composition for Treatment of Metabolic Bone Disease Comprising said Compounds PCT/KR02/02357 2002년 12월 13일
1. Gil-Ja Jhon, So-Yeop Han, Wha-Jung Kim.
Compositions comprising extract of Gonoderma ludidum, oleamide and its structural analogue as an effective component for preventing or treating
PCT/KR02/01012, 2002. 10. 2
- 국내특허출원
15. 이윤실, 이윤진, 김대용, 김수관, 김경중, 전길자, 이수재
올레아마이드를 포한하는 방ㅎ사선 치료 민감제
출원번호 2002-80829, 2002. 12. 17
14. 정명애, 전길자, 이윤실
발명의 명칭: 영지에서 추출된 천연 약리활성 물질인 올레아미드나 녹용에서 분리된 모노아세틸디글리세라이드(MADG)가
함유된 poly(N-vinyl caprolactam) 스마트 나노입자 및 그 제조 방법
ETRII Ref. No.: 20021073 2002년 12월 12일
13. 전길자, 신숙경, 김정숙
녹용 추출물을 유효성분으로 함유하는 간질의 예방 또는 치료용 조성물
출원번호 10-2002-45387, 2002. 07. 31
12. Gil-Ja Jhon et al.
Compositions comprising extract of Gonoderma ludidum, oleamide and its structural analogue as an effective component for preventing or treating
PCT/KR02/01012, 2002. 10. 2
11. 전길자, 김화정, 한소엽,
영지추출물, 올레아마이드 및 그의 구조적 유사체를 유효성분으로 하는 치매의 예방 치료용 조성물, 출원번호 10-2002-0028173, 2002. 05. 21
10. 전길자, 김상희, 한소엽, 양현목, 서지영, 김양미
Pharmaceutical composition containing extracts of Cer편 nippon antlers having
growth-stimulating activities of hematopoietic stemm cells and megakaryocytes
Hong Kong Patent Application 1035659A 2001 Dec. 07
9. 전길자, 한소엽, 이장희, 김홍희
N-아실라이소포스파디 딜콜린 화합물의 제조방법 및 이를 함유한 골대사성 질환
치료용 약제학적 조성물, 출원번호 10-2001-0079100, 2001년 12월 13일
8. 김화정, 한소엽, 전길자, 박호실, 이지선, 조현진, 김진형, 이정영, 이명희
영지 추출물을 포함하는 아세칠콜린에스터라제 활성 저해용 조성물
출원번호 10-2001-0028285, 2001년
7. 전길자, 최원자, 한소엽, 이윤진, 김영아, 정혜미, 민주영, 박녹현
신규한 항진균성 화합물 및 이를 함유하는 항진균조성물
출원번호 10-2000-0058604, 2000년
6. 전길자, 김상희, 한소엽, 서지영, 양현옥
글리세롤유도체의 제조방법
출원번호 10-2000-0045168, 2000년
5. 전길자, 김종관, 유윤정, 이은희, 임소형, 최병규, 옥승호, 강정화, 이현정
녹용에서 추출된 골형성촉진물질 및 그것의 추출방법
출원번호 10-2000-0040365 2000년 7월 13일
4. 전길자, 최원자, 한소엽, 이윤진, 박현숙, 김영아
녹용으로부터 추출된 항진균제
출원번호 제 10-1999-0007089 1999년 3월 4일
3. 전길자, 김상희, 한소엽, 서지영, 양현옥, 김양미
Pharmaceutical composition containing extracts of Cervus nippon antlers having
growth-stimulatingactivities of hematopoetic stem cells and megakaryocytes
PTC 국제출원 (PTC/Kr 98/00368호) 1998년 11월 20일
2. 전길자, 김상희, 한소엽, 서지영,
녹용 추출물을 함유하는 조혈모세포 및 혈소판 전구세포 증식촉진용 조성물
특허 출원 제98-30819 1998년, 특허등록 : 특허 제 0283010호, 2000년 12월 4일
1. 전길자, 조현진, 한나영, 유경임
당뇨병 치료용 녹용의 지질 및 이를 함유한 당뇨병 치료제
특허 출원 28784호 1993년
* 학술대회 발표실적
(1) 국제학술회의
1. M. Kim, G. Jhon, and S. Kim
"Tissue and Cellular Localization of O6-Methylguanine DNA: Protein
Methyltransferase in Rat"
ASBS/AAI Abstract 1984.
2. Gil-Ja Jhon, Na-Young Han
"Structural Analysis of Carbohydrate-Containing Component from
Korean Deer Antler"
6th FAOB Congress, Nov. 16-21, 1992
3. Gil-Ja Jhon, Hyun-Jin Cho
"Changes of Gangliosides and Effect of Deer Antler in Various Tissues
from Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats"
A Satellite to the 24th Annual Meeting of the American Society for
Neurochemistry, Washington, D.C., March 25-27, 1993
4. Gil-Ja Jhon and Hae-Jung Yoon
"Changes of Structure and Function of Human
Erythrocyte Glucose Transporter by
Ganglioside GM3"
Proceedings of Third IUBMB Conference, "Molecular
Recognition", p183, The
Mandarin Singapore, Singapore, April 23-27, 1995
5. Gil-Ja Jhon, Wanseon Lim and Soyeon Kim
"The Effects of Deer Antler Components on Insulin Release from Rat
Pancreatic Islets"
12th International Symposium of FAOBMB Tokushima Japan July 29-31
6. Gil-Ja Jhon, Jee-Young Soe, Hyun-Ok Yang, and Sang-Hee Kim
"Strauctural Analysis of Deer Antler and Its Application"
AIMECS97, Asian Federation for Medicinal Chemistry, July 27-August 1,
7. Gil-Ja Jhon, So-Yeon Kim, Yoon-Jin Lee, So-Hye Cho, and So-Yeop Han
"Structure, Synthesis and Biological Fuction of natural products in Deer
Antler and Their Derivatives"
5th IUBMB Conference on the Biochemistry of Health and Diseases,
Jerusalem, Israel, October 18-22, 1998
8. Gil-Ja Jhon, S.Y. Han, W.J. Choi, and S.D. Kim
"Isolation and Development of Antler Bioactives- Determination of
Bioactive Compounds Isolated from Deer Antlers and Their Application in
New Drug Discovery"
1st International Symposium on Antler Science and Product
Technology(ASPT), Banff, Alberta April 9-12, 2000
9. J.S.SUh, J.S. Eun, J. Kwon, S.Y. Ko, and G.J.Jhon
1-Palmitoyl-2-Linoleoyl-3-Acetyl-Rac-Glycerol lsolated from Deer Antler,
Cervus Nippon, Enhaced Phagocytosis in Murine Peritoneatl Macrophages
1st International Symposium on Antler Science and Product
Technology(ASPT), Banff, Alberta April 9-12, 2000
10. Y.J. Lee, Y.A. Kim, H.S. Park, S.Y. Han, W.J. Choi, and G. J. Jhon
Isolation of Compounds which Suppress Hyphal Transition from Deer
1st International Symposium on Antler Science and Product
Technology(ASPT), Banff, Alberta April 9-12, 2000
11. Jin-Kyung Limb, Young-Ah Kim, Jung-Sook Suh, So-Yeop Han, Yun-Soo Bae
and Gil-Ja Jhon,
CHJ analog-induced megakeryocytic differentiation involves
PKCα and ERK. " Gordon Conference, Molecular and Cellular Biology of
Lipid, Kimball Union Academy, July 15-20, 2001
12. Ki-Hwan Kim, Kil-Hyoun Kim, So-Yeop Han, Gil-Ja Jhon
" Activation of T cells by rac-MADG, a triglycerol isolated from chloroform
extracts of Cervus Nippon." Gordon Conference, Molecular and Cellular
Biology of Lipid, Kimball Union Academy, July 15-20, 2001
13. Ki-Hwan Kim, Eui-Jung Lee, Kil-Hyoun Kim and Gil-Ja Jhon
" Isolation of phosphatidylcholines from 70% ethanol extract of Cervus Elaphus
and characterization of their immunomodulatory activity." Gordon Conference,
Molecular and Cellular Biology of Lipid, Kimball Union Academy, July 15-20,
14. SUH Jeong Sook, LIMB Jin-Kyung, LEE Yun Jin, KO Soo Young, HAN
So-Yeop, BAE Yun Soo and JHON Gil Ja
"1-palmitoyl-2-linoleoyl-3-acetyl-rac-glycerol Isolated from Deer Antler and
Its Synthetic Enantiomers that Can Potentiate the Mitogenic Activity for
Mouse Peritoneal Macrophage" Gordon Conference,
Molecular and Cellular Biology of Lipid, Kimball Union Academy, July 15-20,
15. Tae-Hee Kim, Ki-Whan Kim, Eun-Jung Lee and Gil-Ja Jhon
T-cell activation by 1,2-myristoyl-누-glycerol-3-phosphocholine and its immunomodulatory activities
43rd International Conference on the Bioscience of Lipids. Graz, Austria, Sep. 11-14, 2002
16. Funtional study of phosphatidylcholine in jurkat T cells
Molecular and Cellular Biology of Lipid, Kimball Union Academy, July 15-20, 2001 Gordon Conference
17. Jin-Kyung Limb, Heui-Hyung Lee, Ki-Hwan Kim, So-Yeop Han, Hyun-Jin Cho and Gil-Ja Jhon
Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase activity by nicotinamide isolated from deer antler, cervus nippon
International Women's Conference on BIEN-Technology BIEN2003, Daejeon Korea Nov. 13-16, 2003
18. Jin-Kyung Limb, Jeong-Sook Kim, Jun-Mo Chung, Jeoung-Hee Ha, Gil-Ja Jhon
70% Ethanol extract from deer antler of cervus nippon and its agonistic activity for GABAA receptor
International Women's Conference on BIEN-Technology BIEN2003, Daejeon Korea Nov. 13-16, 2003
19. YinKi Li, HanBok Kwak, ZhangHee Lee, SooYoung Lee, and Gil-Ja Jhon
A New Compound, Analog of Phosphatidylcholine, Inhibited Osteoclast Differentiation and Elucidated Its Gene Regulation
2003 International Osteoporosis Conference Beijing China October 20-22 2003
20. Jin-Kyung Limb, Yun Soo Bae, Gil-Ja Jhon
FASEB summer research conference on hematologic malignancies July 27-31 2003
(2) 국내 학술 회의
2. 황영미, 김영숙, 김경순, 전길자
"Purification and Characterization of Isoenzymes of Protein Carboxyl
Methyltransferase and Changes of PCM activities in Abnormal Tissues"
한국생화학회 춘계 학술발표회 5. 22-23, 1987
3. 황영미, 김영숙, 전길자
"Separation and Characterization of PM II isoenzymes and Distribution of
PM II Isoenzymes in Abnormal Tissues"
한국 환경성 돌연변이. 발암원 학회 추계학술발표회 11. 7, 1987
4. 이선화, 전길자
"New Assay for Protein Carboxyl Methyltransferases by Gas
대한화학회 춘계 연회(학술연구논문발표회) 2. 11-12, 1988
5. 홍경란, 이혜란, 전길자
"Protein Carboxyl Methylation and Ageing Process"
대한화학회 춘계 연회, 2. 12, 1988
6. 홍경란, 이혜란, 전길자
"Age-Related Protein Carboxyl Methylation in Human Erythrocyte
한국생화학회 추계 학술대회, 11. 13, 1988
7. 이혜란, 홍경란, 전길자.
"Age-Related Protein Carboxyl Methylation in Rat Brain and Liver"
한국생화학회 추계 학술댸회, 11. 13, 1988
8. 공덕희, 최혜정, 김현수, 전길자
"Carboxyl Methylation of Erythrocyte Glucose Transporter from Alloxan
Diabetic Rat"
5th FAOB, 8. 13-18, 1989
9. 최혜정, 김현수, 전길자
"Age-dependent Changes of Protein Carboxyl Methylation in Lysosome,
Mitochondria,and Peroxisome"
한국유전학회, 11. 18-19, 1989
10. 박은정, 전길자
"Changes of Gangliosides Composition from Alloxan-induced Diabetic
Rat Organs"
한국생화학회 춘계 학술대회, 5. 4, 1990
11. 박은정, 김현수, 전길자
"Analysis of Glycolipids in Antler by HPTLC"
한국생화학회 춘계 학술대회, 5. 4, 1990
12. 김현수, 전길자
"Methylation Sites of Erythrocyte Glucose Transporter by PCM and
Glucose Uptake in Reconstituted Liposomes"
한국분자생물학회 및 유전공학 심포지움, 10. 19-20, 1990
13. 김현수, 전길자
"Analysis of Gangliosides in Nut"
한국생화학회 추계학술대회, 11. 2-3, 1990
14. 전길자
"Metabolic Changes in Gangliosides of Diabetic Rat Brain"
대한화학회 생화학분과 학술발표회, 2. 21, 1991
15. 박은정, 전길자
"Changes of Gangliosides Composition from Alloxan-induced
Diabetic Rat Organs"
한국생화학회 춘계학술대회, 5. 3-4, 1991
16. 박은정, 전길자
"Gangliosides 의 기능및 응용"
한국생화학회 산학연심포지움, 7. 10-11, 1991
17. 박은정, 전길자
"Changes of Gangliosides from Diabetic Rat Organs"
한국생화학회 추계학술대회, 11. 1-2, 1991
18. 이영선, 전길자, 이혜성
"Developmental Changes of Human Fetal Liver Ganglioside GM3"
한국생화학회 추계학술대회, 11. 1-2, 1991
19. 한나영, 전길자
"Characterization of an Asialo-GM1 Ganglioside from Deer Antler"
한국생화학회 추계학술대회, 11. 1-2, 1991
20. 엄미옥, 전길자
"Analysis id Gangliosides in Human Milk and Bovine Milk"
한국생화학회 춘계학술대회, 5. 1-2, 1992
21. 윤혜정, 전길자
"GM3 Affects Methylation on Human Erythrocyte Membrane"
한국생화학회 춘계학술대회, 5. 1-2, 1992
22. 전길자
"Compositional Analysis fo Korean Deer Antler"
한국생화학회 추계학술대회, 10. 16-17, 1992
23. 김영숙, 유영숙, 한나영, 전길자, 박종세
"Separation of Gangliosides using Capillary Zone Electrophoresis"
한국생화학회 추계학술대회, 10. 16-17, 1992
24. 이영선, 이혜성, 전길자
"Characterization of Human Fetal Liver Sialidase"
한국생화학회 추계학술대회, 10. 16-17, 1992
25. Jhon, Gil-Ja
"Structural Analysis of Carbohydrate-Containing Component from
Korean Deer Antler"
6th FAOB Congress, Nov. 16-21, 1992
26. 홍정은, 전길자
"Analysis of Gangliosides from Deer Antler"
한국독성학회 정기학술대회 및 국제심포지움, 서울대학교, 11. 27-28, 1992
27. 전길자
"Ganglioside GM3가 적혈구막 포도당이동체에 미치는 영향"
단백질(장려)연구쎈터 온양 심포지움, 1. 11-12, 1993
28. 전길자
"녹용성분중 당지질 연구"
분자생물학회 Winter Conference, 무주리조트, 2. 15-17, 1993
29. Gil-Ja JHon
"Changes of Gangliosides and Effect of Deer Antler in Various Tissues
from Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats"
A Satellite to the 24th Annual Meeting of the American Society for
Washington, D.C., March 25-27, 1993
30. 엄미옥, 전길자
"The Study of Sialidase from Human Milk"
한국생화학회 . 한국분자생물학회 춘계 공동학술대회, 서울대학교, 5. 14-15,
31. 조현진, 김현정, 전길자, 하종식
"The Change of RBC membrane in Diabetic Rats and The Effect of Deer
한국생화학회 . 한국분자생물학회 춘계 공동학술대회, 서울대학교, 5. 14-15,
32. 엄미옥, 김현정, 전길자, 장병수, 유영효
"The Contents of Lipid-associated Sialic Acid in Rat Serum with Stress"
대한화학회 제71회 연회및 춘계총회, 한양대학교, 4. 23-24, 1993
33. 조현진, 홍정은, 전길자
"The Effects of Major Lipid Component of Deer Antler in Diabetic Rat
대한화학회 제71회 연회및 춘계총회, 한양대학교, 4. 23-24, 1993
34. 윤혜정, 전길자, 유경임
"Spectroscopic Studies on GM3-Incorporated Human Erythrocyte Glucose
한국분자생물학회 . 한국생화학회 추계 공동학술대회
대덕 과학문화센터, 10. 21-23, 1993
35. 박현정, 한성준, 전길자, 강영기
"Conformational Study on Gangliosides"
한국분자생물학회 . 한국생화학회 추계 공동학술대회
대덕 과학문화센터, 10. 21-23, 1993
36. 조현진, 김현정, 전길자
"The Effects of Aloe Extract in Diabetic Rats"
한국분자생물학회 . 한국생화학회 추계 공동학술대회
대덕 과학문화센터, 10. 21-23, 1993
37. 박현정, 한성준, 전길자, 강영기
"A New Program CONCARB: Introduction and Application"
대한화학회 제 72회 연회 및 추계총회, 원광대학교, 10. 21-22, 1993
38. 전길자, 조현진, 김현정
"녹용의 지질성분 분석과 그 효능에 관한 연구"
94 한국응용약물학회 춘계학술대회 및 제 3회 신약개발 연구발표회,
서울교육문화회관, 4. 15-16, 1994
39. 전길자, 윤혜정, 이민영
"Protein-Lipid Interaction and Erythrocyte Glucose Transporter Function :
Spatial Disposition of Tryptophan Residues Analyzed by Fluorescence
한국분자생물학회 Winter Conference, 설악산 대명콘도, 2. 17-19, 1994
40. 윤혜정, 이민영, 전길자
"Ganglioside GM3 Affects the Function and Structure of Erythrocyte
Glucose Transporter"
대한화학회 제 73회 연회 및 춘계총회의 생체분자심포지움, 인하대학교 4.
22-23, 1994
41. 조현진, 홍정은, 전길자
"The Metabolic Changes and Effects of HCG-92 in Diabetic Rat Brain
한국생화학회 춘계학술대회, 과학기술대학, 4. 29-30, 1994
42. 김현정, 전길자
Effects of HKD-94 on Hemolysis and Morphological Changes of Human
한국생화학회 추계학술대회 초록집 p129, 한양대학교 안산캠퍼스, 10. 7-8,
43. 이재연, 임완선, 전길자
"A Study on Glycolipids and the Effect of Antler Extracts in RINm5F
한국분자생물학회 추계학술대회 초록집 p284, 서울대 문화관, 10. 14-15,
44. 전길자, 유경임, 유종신, 장윤석
"Identification of the polyethylene Glycol in Biological System"
대한화학회 제 75회 연회 및 춘계총회, 성균관대학교 4. 21-22 326p 1995
45. 이경익, 전길자, 류경임, 방은정, 최병석, 김양미
"Assignment of 1H and 13C Nuclear Mabnetic Resonances of Ganglioside
대한화학회 제 76회 연회 및 추계학술대회, 부산대학교, 10. 20-21, 1995
46. 남원우, 이경아, 황원구, 안정민, 이세윤, 전길자
"Metal Complexes as Catalysts for Oxygenation Reactions and Oxidative
DNA Clesvage
: Bioinorganic Perspectives"
대한화학회 제 76회 연회 및 추계학술대회, 1995
47. 임자영, 전길자
"Structural Analysis on Lipid Component of Deer Antler Extracts"
Proceedings of the '95 Agricultural Biotechnology Symposium for Enzymes
for Carbohydrate Engineering II p157
9. 22 1995
48. 임자영, 전길자
"Structural Analysis on Lipid Component of Deer Antler Extracts"
대한화학회 추계 학술대회, 부산대학교, 10. 20-21 1995
9. 22 1995
49. 안정민, 이세윤, 남원우, 전길자
"Metal-Activated Oxidative Cleavage of DNA : Efficient Reactivity by the
Cobalt Salt System
and Ligand Effects of Nickel(II) Complex
한국분자생물학회 추계학술대회, 서울대학교 문화관, 10. 19-21 p405 1995
50. 윤혜정, 전길자
"Effect of Ganglioside GM3 on the Human Diabetic Erythrocyte
한국생화학회 추계학술대회, 부산수산대학교, 10. 27-28, p135 1995
51. 이경익, 전길자, 류경임, 방은정, 최병석, 김양미
" 1H and 13C NMR Studies on Ganglioside GA1"
한국생화학회 추계학술대회, 부산수산대학교 10 27-28, p142 1995
52. 임자영, 전길자
"Structural Studies on Glycolipid of Deer Antler Extracts"
대한화학회 제 76회 연회 및 추계학술대회 부산대학교, 10. 20-21 P418
53. 임완선, 김소연, 전길자
"The Effects of Deer Antler Components on Insulin Release from Rat
Pancreatic Islets"
한국생화학회 춘계학술대회 서울대학교 문화관, 5. 9-10 p87 1996
54. 안정민, 양숙정, 이세윤, 남원우, 전길자
"Iron(III) Porphyrin Complex-Mediated DNA Cleavage"
한국생화학회 춘계학술대회 서울대학교 문화관, 5. 9-10 p111 1996
55. 임완선, 전길자
"The Effect of Deer Antler B1 Component on Rat Pancreatic Islets with
and without Streptozotocin"
한국분자생물학회 추계학술대회, 서울대 문화관, 10. p 1996
56. 안정민, 이세윤, 남원우, 전길자
"DNA Cleavage Activity of Iron(III) Porphyrin"
한국생화학회 추계학술대회, 기초과학지원쎈터, 10. 10-11 p111 1996
57. 임완선, 전길자, 정영란
"The Effect of Deer Antler Components on Glucose Metabolism form Rat
Pancreatic Islets"
한국생화학회 추계학술대회, 기초과학지원쎈터, 10. 10-11 p91 1996
58. 안정민, 양숙정, 이세윤, 전길자, 남원우
"Iron Porphyrin Complex-Mediated Oxiadative DNA Cleavage and Olefin
Epoxidation with Potassium Monosulfate"
대한화학회 추계학술대회, 충남대학교, p294 1996
59. 전길자
"녹용의 활성성분의 구조 분석 및 응용"
한림대학교-강원대학교 공동 세미나, 한림대학교, 11월 28일, 1996
60. 전길자
"탄수화물 연구회 춘계 학술벌표회, 연세대학교, 3월 7일, 1997
61. 정의정, 이세윤, 전길자, 남원우
" Metalloporphyrin-Mediated DNA Cleavage in the Absence of an Oxident"
대한화학회 춘계학술대회, 고려대학교, 4월25-26일, 1997
62. 홍영숙, 전길자
"Structural Analysis of Glycolipids in Gingeng"
한국생화학회 춘계학술대회, 서울대학교 문화관, 5월 2-3일 1997
63. 전길자, 서정숙, 오찬호, 은재순
Immunoregulative Action of Ethanol Fraction of Deer Antler, Cervus nippon, on Thymic Lymphocyte and Peritoneal Macrophage in Mice
한국생화학회 춘계 학술대회, 고려대학교 아산이학관, 5월 1일-2일, 1998
64. 박선영, 한소엽, 김양미, 전길자
Studies on the Chemical Structure of Gangliosides in Deer Antler, Cervus nippon
대한화학회 춘계학술대회, 이화여대, 4월 24일-25일, 1998
65. 정의정, 이세윤, 남원우, 전길자, 정인권
Hydrolytic DNA Cleavage by Iron(III) Porphyrin Complex
대한화학회 춘계학술대회, 이화여대, 4월 24일-25일, 1998
67. 박현숙, 전길자, 최원자
Hyphal Growth Inhibition by Deer Antler Extract Mimics the Effect of Chitin Synthase Deletion in Candida albicans
한국산업미생물학회, 서울여대, 1998
68. 박현숙, 전길자, 최원자
Deer Antler Extract Selectively Suppresses the Hyphal Growth in Dimorphic Fungus Candida albicans
한국산업미생물학회, 서울여대, 1998
69. 임진경, 한소엽, 전길자
Isolation and Structural Determination of Monoacetyldiglycerides from Bovine Breast
한국생화학회 추계학술대회, 한국과학기술원 10월 12일-16일, 1998
70. 김소연, 전길자, 이윤진, 조소혜, 한소엽
Structure, Synthesis, and biological function of natural products in deer antler and their derivatives.
응용약물학회 추계학술대회, 서울대학교 11월 12일-17일, 1998
71. 한소엽, 조소혜, 김소연, 서정택, 문석준, 전길자
Investigation of Monoaetyldiglycerides and Their Dervatives for Potential Ca2+ Releasing Drug in Pancreatic Acinal Cell 대한화학회 추계학술대회 1998
72. 은재순, 오찬호, 서정숙, 전길자
Phagocytic Activity of Ethyl Alcohol Fraction of Deer Antler in Murine Peritoneal Macrophage
대한약학회 추계학술대회, 경희대학교 10월 23-24일, 1998
73. 이윤진, 김영아, 박현숙, 한소엽, 최원자, 전길자
Isolation of new compounds which suppress hyphal transition from deer antler extracts
한국생화학회 춘계 학술대회 초록집, p15 아주대학교 의과대학 별관 4월 30일-5월 1일 1999
74. 박호실, 전길자
Structural analysis of acetylcholinesterase inhibitor from Ganoderma lucidum
한국생화학회 춘계 학술대회 초록집, p15 아주대학교 의과대학 별관 4월 30일-5월 1일 1999
75. 이희형, 전길자
Structural analysis of acetylcholinesterase inhibitor from deer antler extracts
한국생화학회 춘계 학술대회 초록집, p15 아주대학교 의과대학 별관 4월 30일-5월 1일 1999
76. You Jin Kim, and Gil Ja Jhon
An acetylcholineesterase inhibitor isolated from deer antler( Cevus Elaphus)
한국생화학회 추계학술대회 및 정기총회, 2000년 10월 6일(금)-7일(토), 대전 (주) 바이오넷
77. Sook K yung Shin, Jeoung Hee Ha, and Gil Ja Jhon
An agonist of benzodiazepine binding site islated from deer antler ( Cevus
한국생화학회 추계학술대회 및 정기총회, 2000년 10월 6일(금)-7일(토), 대전 (주) 바이오넷
78. EuiJung Lee, Kilhyoun Kim, and Gil Ja Jhon
Immunomodulatory activities of the compound LKJ islated from 70% Ethanol
extract of Cevus Elaphus
한국생화학회 추계학술대회 및 정기총회, 2000년 10월 6일(금)-7일(토), 대전 (주) 바이오넷
79. Jeong Sook Suh, Soo Young Ko, Yun Jin Lee, Jin Kwon, So Yeop Han, Yoon Soo Bae, Jae Soon
Eun, Jin-Kyung Lhim, and Gil Ja Jhon
1-Palmitoyl-2-linoleoyl-3-acetyl-glycerol islated from deer antler, cevus nippon and its synthetic enantiomer potentiate the mitogenic activity for murine peritoneal macrophage.
한국생화학회 추계학술대회 및 정기총회, 2000년 10월 6일(금)-7일(토), 대전 (주) 바이오넷
80. You Jin Kim, and Gil Ja Jhon
The isolation of Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor isolated from deer antler( Cevus Elaphus) and Effect of AMYLOID β -Induced Toxicity in PC12
한국분자생물학회 추계학술대회, 2000년 10월 12일(목)-13일(금) 서울교육문화회관
81. Jin Kyung Limb, Young Hwan Kim. Yun Soo Bae, So Yeop Han and Gil Ja Jhon
Structural and Functional Analysis of Monoacetyldiglyceride from Bovine Udder
한국분자생물학회 추계학술대회, 2000년 10월 12일(목)-13일(금) 서울교육문화회관
82. EuiJung Lee, Kilhyoun Kim, and Gil Ja Jhon
The Component LKJ, Isolated from 70% EtOH Extract of Cervus Elaphus, with Immunomodulatory Activities is Characterized
한국분자생물학회 추계학술대회, 2000년 10월 12일(목)-13일(금) 서울교육문화회관
83. Ki Hwan Kim,, Kilhyoun Kim, and Gil Ja Jhon
Immunomodulatory Effect of KJ-3 Isolated from Chloroform Extract of Cervus Nippon
한국분자생물학회 추계학술대회, 2000년 10월 12일(목)-13일(금) 서울교육문화회관
84. Ki-Hwan Kim , Kilhyun Kim and Gil Ja Jhon
"Activation of T cells by rac-MADG, a triacylglycerol isolated from chloroform extract of Cervus nippon (pc2-1)"
한국생화학회 2001년 10월 18일 - 19일 한양대학교 한양종합기술연구원
85. LIMB Jin-Kyung, BAE Yun Soo, KIM Young-Ah, HAN So-Yeop, SUH Jeong Sook and JHON Gil Ja
"CHJ Analogs-induced Differentiation of Human K562 Leukemia Cells Involves ROS Production and Activation of ERK(E-22)
한국분자?세포생물학회 추계학술대회 2001년 10월 11일(목) - 12일 (금) 서울교육문화회관
86. SUH Jeong Sook, LIMB Jin-Kyung, LEE Yun Jin, KO Soo Young, HAN So-Yeop, BAE Yun Soo and JHON Gil Ja
"1-palmitoyl-2-linoleoyl-3-acetyl-rac-glycerol Isolated from Bovine Udder and Its Synthetic Enantiomerss that Can Potentiate the Mitogenic Activity for Mouse Peritoneal Macrophage(E-46)"
한국분자?세포생물학회 추계학술대회 2001년 10월 11일(목) - 12일 (금) 서울교육문화회관
87. 김태희, 김기환, 전길자
Initiation of T cell activation by 1,2-myristoyl-sn- glycerol-3-phosphocholine and its immunomodulatory activities
한국 생화학회 춘계학술대회 2002
88. 이은희, 이수영, 전길자
SCOH Supresses the Osteroclasts Formation by Inhibiting Receptor Activator of NF-kB Ligand(RANKL)-induced ERK Activity
한국생화학회 추계학술대회, 2002 10
89. 임진경, 배윤수, 전길자
CHJ Analogs, New Synthetic Lipids, Induce Differentiation of Human Erythroleukemia(K562) Cells along Megakaryocyte, Macrophage Lineages
한국생화학회추계학술대회 2002 10
90. 임진경, 배윤수 전길자
Megakaryocytic differentiation of human erythroleukemia (K562) cells by Lysophosphatidylcholine derivative
한국분자세포생물학회 추계학술대회, 2003 10.9-10 서울교육문화회관
91. 이은희, 이수영, 이장희, 전길자
SCOH, A new synthetic lipid, inhibited osteoclast differentiation and elucidated its gene regulation
한국분자세포생물학회 추계학술대회, 2003 10.9-10 서울교육문화회관
92. Hyun-Jin Cho, Jin-Kyung Limb, Yun-Soo Bae, and Gil-Ja Jhon
Changes of transcriptional factors during megakaryocytic differentiation in NALPCE-treated K562 cells
The 61st Annual Meeting 2004 Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Bilology, 2004 5.27- 28 Coex Convention Center, Seoul
93. Sung-Ryeol Park and Gil-Ja Jhon
Dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine-induced vesiculation in human erythrocyte and lipid rafts
The 61st Annual Meeting 2004 Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Bilology, 2004 5.27- 28 Coex Convention Center, Seoul
* 연수과정
제2회 북한선교학교 과정 수료 2003년 9월 16일-12월 2일
사단법인 한국기독교 선교단체협의회 모퉁이돌선교회
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