The warm weather is here and if you're like me, you may crave a so called ice-cake or hard for dessert or just to quench your thirst. People often use the term ice cake or hard to refer to ice cream or flavored ice that뭩 on a stick. Ice cake and hard can be used to refer to different kinds of ice cream or flavored ice treats that sold on sticks and not eaten with spoons. Both of these expression!s are however, incorrect in English.
Earlier on Konglish Klinic, we covered term ice candy. Ice candy is not used in English to refer to iced treats on a stick and ice cake and hard aren't either.
In North American English, the general term for flavored ice on a stick is ice pop. Another common name for this dessert is popsicle. Popsicle is actually a specific brand of an ice pop. A company called Unilever called their ice pops popsicles and because of its popularity, ice pops are generally called popsicles.
So remember, when you are enjoying a cool stick of flavored ice on a stick, you are not having an ice cake or a hard, but an ice pop ?otherwise commonly known as a popsicle.