flea 벼룩
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벌귀 버르지 벌레의 사투리 발음이다.
바퀴벌레 할때 바퀴 역시 벌레를 뜻하는 말이다.
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교회 발음: [풀:렉스]
x 발음이 kh 발음 크 흐 스 호환
바퀴벌레의 어원은 예전에 자세히 다룬 바 있다.
flea (n.)
Old English flea "flea," from Proto-Germanic *flauhaz
(source also of Old Norse flo, Middle Dutch vlo, German Floh),
perhaps related to Old English fleon "to flee," with a notion
of "the jumping parasite," but more likely from PIE *plou- "flea"
(source also of Latin pulex, Greek psylla; see puce).
Chaucer's plural is fleen. Flea-bag "bed" is from 1839;
flea-circus is from 1886; flea-collar is from 1953.
Flea-pit (1937) is an old colloquial name for a movie-house,
or, as OED puts it, "an allegedly verminous place of public assembly."
Meaning: "flea" | Query method: Match substring
Proto-Altaic: *bi̯ure
Nostratic: Nostratic
Eurasiatic: *pur_cwV(GV) / *pülcwV(GV)
Meaning: flea
Borean: Borean
Borean (approx.) : PVRCV
Meaning : flea
Afroasiatic : *ṗVrɣVč-
Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ṗVrɣVč-
Meaning: flea, grasshopper
Sino-Caucasian : *ṗaɫVsṭV́ (also NC *bēlǯwi (~-e) )
Proto-Sino-Caucasian: *ṗaɫVsṭV́
Meaning: a k. of insect
Comments and references : ? Bsq. *bar̄c ~ *par̄c 'nit' (361).
African (misc.) : Cf. Bantu *-bùduk- 'fly'.
Indo-European: *plus-, *pusl-, *psul-; *b(h)-
Proto-IE: *plus-, *pusl-, *psul-; *b(h)-
Meaning: flea
Old Indian: plúṣi- m. `a species of noxious insect, flying white-ant'; paroṣṇī f. `cockroach'
Other Iranian: Pashto vrā́ẓ̌a (< Ir. *brúšā) 'flea'
Armenian: lu, gen. lvoy `блоха'
Old Greek: psǘlla f. (/ psǘllo-s m.) `Floh'
Latin: pūlex, -icis m. `Floh'
Albanian: plesht, pl. -a `flea'
Russ. meaning: насекомое (блоха)
Comments: Germ *flaux- probably < *pslou-k-.
Uralic: *pülčä (Khelim.)
Dravidian: *puṛŋ-
Proto-Dravidian : *pid_-Vk- (?)
Meaning : a k. of small insect
Proto-South Dravidian: *pĭr_-uku
Proto-South Dravidian : *pĭr_-uku
Meaning : mosquito
Malayalam : pir_ukku
Malayalam meaning : gnat, mosquito
Kodagu : purɨkɨ
Kodagu meaning : mosquito
Number in DED : 4203
Proto-Gondi-Kui : *poṛ-k-
Proto-Gondi-Kui : *poṛ-k-
Meaning : louse
Notes : The comparison is dubious, as SDR *-r_-, PGn *-ṛ- and PNDR *-t- either suggest a complicated cluster or simply cannot be compared at all.
References: МССНЯ 331, ОСНЯ 2, 99-100; ND 1714 *paLuCV 'stinging insect', 1780 *pürGU(-čV) ~ *pürčVGV 'flea, gnat, mosquito'. Cf. also *ṗVlV 'fly, flea'; *ṗVrV 'bee, insect'. Meaning: flea
Russian meaning: блоха
Turkic: *bürče / *bürge
Proto-Turkic: *bürče / *bürge
Meaning: flea
Russian meaning: блоха
Karakhanid: bürge (MK, IM) Turkish: pire
Tatar: börčɛ
Uzbek: burga
Uighur: bürgä
Azerbaidzhan: pirä
Turkmen: büre
Chuvash: pъʷrźa
Kirghiz: bürgö
Kazakh: bürge, bürše (dial.), burša (dial.)
Noghai: bürše
Bashkir: börsä
Balkar: bürče
Gagauz: pire
Karaim: bürče
Karakalpak: bürge
Kumyk: bürče
Comments: EDT 362, VEWT 92, ЭСТЯ 2, 298-299, Лексика 182-183. The Kypch. form *bürče is a diminutive. Mongolian: *bürge
Proto-Mongolian: *bürge
Meaning: 1 flea 2 louse
Russian meaning: 1 блоха 2 вошь
Written Mongolian: bürge, büürge 2
Middle Mongolian: burge (HY 12) 2, birik (IM) 1, burkä (MA) 1, būrge (Lig.VMI) 1 Khalkha: bǖreg 2
Kalmuck: bǖrgǝ 1
Ordos: bǖrge 1
Dongxian: bǝnɣǝ
Baoan: bǝrgǝ
Monguor: būrge (SM 35), 2 (MGCD burgǝ) Comments: KW 71, MGCD 513. Cf. also (L 138) burɣuusun 'mosquito, gnat'. Length in Northern forms may be expressive. Korean: *pjǝ̀rók
Proto-Korean: *pjǝ̀rók
Meaning: flea
Russian meaning: блоха
Modern Korean: pjǝruk
Middle Korean: pjǝ̀rók
Comments: KW 71, SKE 198, ОСНЯ 2, 99-100, Лексика 183. In Turkic one would rather expect *bir-: this variant is indeed reflected in most Oghuz languages; others may have reintroduced -ü- under Mongolian influence.