• 유아초등 영어
• Time for Kids. A weekly magazine for kids that delivers the most current news.
• School Discovery. Discovery Channel's Website with lesson plans and learning contents for all kinds of subjects for K-12.
• Kids' Health. Dealing with feelings, recipes, everyday illnesses, injuries, and kids' talk.
• Kids Domain. A great site with a lot of games and free software to download.
• Picture Books. Free online picture books by professional illustrator and Writer Dandi Palmer.
• ESL Kids Lab. Printable ESL Worksheets, Games Videos, Kids Vocabulary &Grammar Quizzes,Powerpoint downloads.
• PBS Kids. Games, stories, music, and coloring.
• Story Place. The Preschool Library and Elementary Library with new activities and themes being added each month.
• Kids Web Japan. An attractive site for kids to learn about Japan.
• Space Place. NASA's Website for kids. Games, animations, projects, and fun facts about Earth, space and technology.
• British Council's Learn English Kids. You can listen to songs, read and listen to stories.
• Making Waves. A Project promoting English proficiency in elementary schools.
• Education Place Kid. Wacky Web tales, brain teasers, and best reading activities.
• Children's Books. Popular online books for children, even with audio. Stories span age ranges from preschool, young children, teens.
• International Children's Digital Library. The best in children's literature are made available online.
• Scholastic. Popular website of the largest publisher of children's books.
• Brain Pop. Popular site for kids to learn English and other subjects.
• Fairrosa Cyber Library of Children's Literature. A fairly big collection of classics, folk tales, and professional journals.
• Kid Genius. Free educational software to teach alphabet, numbers, counting, and so on.
• Phonics. There are phonics posters, flash cards, coloring sheets, game cards, handouts and more.
• KidSource Online. A parenting newsletter with a lot of good advice.
• Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Site. This is a collection of reviews of great books for kids, ideas of ways to use them in the classroom.
• ESL Play House. An excellent resource for teachers of young learners.
• Teach children ESL. Download free worksheets and flashcards, play free games and songs.
• ESL Kids Stuff.Some excellent links for both teachers and students.
• American English Pronunciation. Exercises for every sound with audio available.
• International Phonetic Association's The major as well as the oldest representative organisation for phoneticians since 1886.
• Mouth Mangler. A fun site with audio and let you repeat as many times as you want.
• Sentence Stress. What sentence stress is, why it is important.
• Sounds of English. Detailed instruction on how to pronounce each sound.
• Vowels of American and British English. Vowel charts and database.
• English Pronunciation. Information about the sounds of English is provided in text, audio, and graphic formats.
• Word Stress. Learn where to put a stress in a word.
• Online English Pronunciation. Okanagan University College, with QuickTime video to show you how to pronounce each sound.
• Pronunciation tips. An introduction to certain features of standard British English pronunciation, so-called Received Pronunciation (RP).
• Online Language Laboratory. Online pronunciation guides to 9 varieties of the English language.
• American English Pronunciation Practice. Minimal pair practice and quizzes by Charles Kelly.
• Pronunciation practice. The world's most visited pronunciation practice website, over 40 native speakers, and 10 languages.
• English Pronunciation. Covering both British and American English pronunciation and accents.
• Accent Reduction. Tongue Twisters with audio from ESL Mania.
• Tongue Twisters. The world's largest collection of tongue twisters, with 2680 entries in 105 languages.
• English Pronunciation Test. Once you've learned to correctly pronounce every word in this poem, you will be speaking English better than 90% of the native English speakers in the world.
• English alphabet and pronunciation. The sounds represented here are those of British English spoken with an R.P. (Received Pronounciation) accent.
• Speech at CMU. Open Source Speech Software from Carnegie Mellon University.
• Learning English Pronunciation. Articles on how to learn English pronunciation.
• Video Broadcast. Watch the most watched videos on the Internet.
• Daily Lessons. A new English lesson each day, provided by English, Baby!
• Short Stories for ESL Learners. Listening to the 100 stories, and do the questions &answers exercises.
• ESL Online Talk Community, where you can find a friend from another country to communicate with in English.
• Phrases for Conversation. Commonly used expressions in conversations provided by ESLgold.
• Talk English. More than 500 lessons with over 5000 audio files.
• English Language Listening Lab Online. Listening activities come with transcripts, quizzes, pictures, and audio.
• Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab. One of the largest ESL listening training resources on the Web with various interesting topics for three different levels.
• Focus English. A conversation site created by John Liang.
• Learning Oral English Online. An online conversation book with ten lessons including Meeting Friends, Apartment Hunting, and Shopping in USA.
• Integration of Listening, Reading, and Speaking Skills. A pioneer ESL website which is the earliest in using Web audio.
• ComAudio. You can listen to songs and stories with the text displayed.
• Listening to a story. A young author is reading a story he/she wrote.
• English Stories. Read and listen to interesting stories, and watch the cartoon at the same time.
• National Public Radio. Hourly newscast, 24-hour program stream, listen to your favorite programs every day - Morning Edition, All things considered, and Talk of the Nation.
• BBC World News. BBC's international radio. Listen to world news, sport and weather.
• BBC English Webcast. Listen to the program, join in the discussion and answer questions.
• Voice of America Webcasts. Special English for English learners in the world.
• China Radio International. Listening to the news and learning about new developments in China.
• Daily Comedy Video Show. Watch TV news in an interesting way.
• History Channel - Video and Speeches. Video and audio of famous speeches in history.
• MP4 Movies. Public domain old movies. Click on the title to watch it on your screen.
• English Trailers. Study English using movie commercials, created by Andrew Johnson.
• Real Movies. Watch the most recent movie trailers online with the free RealOne Player.
• CNN Streaming Video News. Watching CNN headline news online with your real player.
• Movie Fone. The most popular site for movie previews, reviews, trailers and local showtimes for current flicks and DVD releases.
• Bible. Listening to the Old Testament.
• Wired for Books. Streaming hundreds of hours of spoken audio in English - classics, poems, short stories, lectures, and author interviews.
• Foreign Languages for Travelers. An excellent site for people who want to quickly learn some useful English or other foreign language phrases.
• From text to speech. Listen to English text read by your computer.
• Conversation Questions. For the ESL/EFL Classroom - A project of the Internet TESL Journal.
• TV Interview with Dr. Richard Wallace, creator of Robot Alice.
• Daily Lessons. A new English lesson each day, provided by English, Baby!
• 100 free short stories for ESL learners. Practice answering yes/no questions, wh- questions, asking questions, and dictation.
• ESL Online Talk Community. Where you can find a friend from another country to communicate with in English.
• Key to College Success. About 10 pages of sincere advice about how to be successful in college. You must read it if you are preparing to study in the States.
• Study Skills &Strategies. Top resources for FREE information on study skills, study strategies and study aids.
• Yahoo Daily News. Quickly updated news, classified into different categories.
• Hint of the Day. Written by Dennis Oliver for Dave Sperling's ESL Cafe. Contents cover extensive topics ESL learners are interested in.
• ESL: Reading. Links of Interest to Teachers and Students of English as a Second Language.
• Using Jokes and Humor to Learn English. Joe's Jokes - Read, Listen, and Learn English. A great way to increase your vocabulary!
• Introduction to the United States of America. Online Culture Lessons by Paul Sparks.
• Presidents of the United States of America. Biographies of 43 USA Presidents.
• 50 States of the United States. Introduction to all the 50 states. Also learn the pronunciation of names of the states.
• Adult Learning Activities. California distance learning project, where you can read and listen to short essays about America. ****
• CNNSF Learning Resources. Selected news stories published with video, audio, full text, abridged text, and story outlines for educational use.
• The English Learner Movie Guides. A detailed synopsis of 100 popular movie with an extensive glossary of vocabulary and various cultural references.
• EFL Graded Reading. Free graded reading materials for teachers and students of English.
• Simple English News. All kinds of news in simple English.
• Antimoon.com - Learn English effectively. Articles on how to learn English effectively, based on the experiences of successful learners.
• This Day in History. A short passage each day describing an historical event in American history.
• Holidays in the U.S. Description of all the holidays from January to December.
• The Quotations Page. The largest and oldest Quotations Page on the Web with about 30 categories such as Great Leaders, Sarcasm, and Wisdom.
• Finest Quotes. A huge collection of inspirational quotes, thoughts of greatestminds of history.
• Online Children's Stories. Many stories from well-known children's books. They are easy and interesting to read.
• Public Domain Books. Hundreds of books you can free download or open to read.
• Life in a New Country. ESL students writing about the American culture.
• PanaVox Speech Server.Broadcasts text as live synthesised high quality speech to users who are using 33 or 56 k or faster modems.
• ESL Writing blogs. For ESL teachers to exchange ideas and for ESL students to practice writing.
• ESL Online Talk Community, where you can find a friend from another country to communicate with in English.
• Touch Typing. Free Program that lets you exercise and learn Touch Typing.
• Peter's Online Typing Course. A set of free online typing lessons and exercises.
• 1-Language Chat. A Popular ESL chatroom that does not require any registration to enter.
• Writing worksheets. Hundreds of writing topics provide teachers with meaningful writing tasks.
• Writing ?How to write English Texts. Punctuation, essays, and business letters.
• Five Paragraph Essay. Strong academic presentation with suggestions, outlines, and samples.
• Essay Punch. Students see their work develop on a note pad that keeps track of each step.
• Paradigm Online Writing Assistant. A lot of information about how to write informal essays, thesis/support essays, argumentative essays, and exploratory essays.
• Essay Info. Basics of essay writing, writing tips, essay types, citation styles, and so on.
• Good Essay Topics. A collection of great topics for your college paper or essay, and 10 tips for choosing a thrilling essay Topic.
• The Purdue University Writing Lab Handouts. One of the earliest online writing lab. The Handouts section provides excellent guide to academic writing. There is also a section of English as a Second Language.
• Online Guide to Writing and Research University of Maryland University College (UMUC) prvides this site, like an online writing textbook.
• Technical Writing. An online textbook for technical writing. It's also a good online reference book.
• Web Style Guide. Yale online design manual dealing with Web design principles and various Web design issues.
• Writing Studio. A free, password-protected writing/learning environment that offers WYSIWYG writing tools.
• Writers' Workshop at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
• A Guide for Writing Research Papers based on styles recommended by the American Psychological Association in question-and-answer format.
• APA Style Official website of the American Psychological Association.
• Writing for the Web Research on how users read on the Web and how authors should write.
• Essay Writing A step-by-step guide to essay-writing.
• Web Frequency Indexer Cut and paste in an article, you will get a list of words used in the article, with their frequencies.
• Web Concordancer. You can search an online corpus for a word and display all the sentences in which the word occurs.
• Online Writing Collaboration Project is the meeting place on cyberspace for English teachers and learners.
• The Academic Word List. 570 most frequent words in the Academic Corpus.
• Vocabulary for High Intermediate Learners. Lists of the words for students who want to increase their vocabulary to the size of 4,000 - 7,000.
• Quizzes
• ESL Exercises. High-quality free ESL exercises for English learners to improve test-taking skills, grammar, and writing.
• Activities for ESL Students. Quizzes, tests, exercises and puzzles to help you learn English as a Second Language.
• English Tests. Tests of grammar at different levels.
• Quiz Center. Karin's ESL PartyLand, with over 75 interactive quizzes.
• Flash Quizzes. The quizzes created by Charles I. Kelly, part of his great manythings.org website.
• Grammar Exercises. Hundreds of free categorized grammar exercises.
• BBC Quizzes. A wide range of vocabulary and grammar with thousands of questions in different kinds of activities.
• The Grammar Aquarium. You can find the grammar points you want to study and do the relevant exercises.
• Interactive English Language Exercises. Great exercises for grammar, vocabulary, and idioms.
• ESL Blues. Hundreds of grammar exercises for intermediate level learners.
• The Road to Grammar. More than 200 flash quizzes to practice all the grammar points.
• Get into English. 70 exercises divided into seven graded sections.
• ESLgo Quiz Center. Some grammar and vocabulary quizzes.
• Exam English. Free online practice tests for most of the important ESL/EFL exams: TOEFL, IELTS, CPE, FCE, PET and KET.
• EFL Grammar Quizzes. All kinds of grammar exercises for beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels.
• English Exercises Online. Gap-fill, multiple choice grammar exercises marked with difficulty levels .
• Easy Vocabulary Quizzes with Pictures. You choose one of the pictures to match the word.
• ESLCafe's Quizzes Center. Quizzes for geography, grammar, history, and people.
• English Lessons and Tests. A lot of tests in the order of difficulty levels.
• Vocabulary Quizzes. Take a test to measure your vocabulary size.
• World of English. A collection of exercises that covers the most important aspects of English.
• English Lessons and Tests. A large number of tests in the order of difficulty levels.
• Business English Grammar Exercises. Hundreds of multiple Choice and match quizzes to practice job-related English.
• Grammatics. An EFL site with grammar and comprehension quizzes.
• EnglishClub Quizzes. Various kinds of quizzes to test your grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.
• EFLnet Grammar Exercises. Grammar exercises marked with difficulty levels.
• English on the Internet - Tests &Quizzes. Grammar tests, knowledge tests, reading comprehension and much more.
• Vocabulary Test with Pictures. Match an animal or a fruit with its English name.
• Adele's ESL Corner. Grammar, vocabulary, and listening quizzes for beginners and intermediate levels.
• Quizzes. Quizzes in pdf format for downloading.
• xxJavaScript Templates. Well written templates for you to create your own quizzes and exercises.
• Quiz Center. A powerful tool you can use to create, administer, and grade quizzes online
• Grammar Notes. Important grammar points including verb tenses, parts of speech, phrasal verbs, and mathematical operations.
• English Grammar Online. All grammar topics, example sentences, and exercises.
• Grammar Handbook. An excellent online grammar handbook which explains and illustrates the basic grammatical rules concerning parts of speech, phrases, clauses, and so on.
• An On-Line English Grammar Book. An online grammar book with a lot of example sentences.
• Guide to Grammar and Style. With so many different aspects of English grammar discussed.
• The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation. An on-line resource for grammar and punctuation usage with lessons, quizzes.
• English the Easy Way. for ESL Students and native English speaking students to help explain the difficult points of English grammar.
• Guide to Grammar and Writing. Study grammar at sentence level, paragraph level, and essay level.
• English Grammar Book. With high-quality English lessons and exercises to help English learners learn English grammar online.
• Grammar Bytes. Includes detailed terms, interactive exercises, handouts, and more!
• Revelle Humanities Grammar Handbook. Explanation of various aspects of English grammar.
• Guide to Grammar and Style. This site explains grammar rules, comments on styles, and suggest usage. A lot of advice on how to write better English.
• Grammar Guide. Intensive practice for users based on a specific grammar item.
• Grammar Slammer. It has an easy-to-use format to help you find what you're looking for, and provide rules and tips about writing clear English.
• English Page. It has an easy-to-use format to help you find what you're looking for, and provide rules and tips about writing clear English.
• English Grammar 101. May be used free of charge for individual study and home schooling.
• Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling. Excellent site, brought to you by the Purdue University Online Writing Lab.
• Zozanga Grammar Lessons. A free and independent web site for EFL/ESL learners and teachers.
• The Internet Grammar of English. An online course in English grammar written primarily for university undergraduates.
• Daily Grammar. By signing up for this free email service, you will receive a short, fun grammar lesson Monday-Friday. There will also be a quiz each Saturday.
• Grammar Now. This site is dedicated to answering grammar and composition questions.
• Rose of York Learning Resources. Free grammar lessons online.
• English Grammar FAQ. Some of the postings made to the newsgroup alt.usage.english by John Lawler, Professor of Linguistics.
• Dr. Grammar - Frequently Asked Questions. A long list of questions in alphabetical order, can be searched quickly and easily.
• English Forum Free English language help. Post your questions here and will be answered by someone.
• BBC Skillwise. Enables adults to improve reading, writing and number skills.
• English for Work. Very good free online English learning materials for nurses, police, tour guides, food staff, hotel staff, and airline staff.
• Medical English Resources. With Over 1,500 exercises, and also animated conversation practice.
• Medical English Conversations. Animated dialogues for doctors, nurses, and pharmacists.
• RNstudents.com. All kinds of resources for Registered nursing, including RN dictionaries, encyclopedia, quizzes, and jobs.
• Online Dictionary of Computing. It contains 13,000 terms with hypertext linking to different terms.
• Dictionaries of Special Subjects. A list of dictionaries of various subjects.
• Real Estate Glossary. A multi-language Real Estate Glossary (English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, German).
• Kairos. A refereed online journal exploring the intersections of rhetoric, technology, and pedagogy.
• Science Daily. A place where you can read the latest science news.
• International Society for Technology in Education. A nonprofit professional organization with a world-wide membership of leaders and potential leaders in educational technology.
• Key Issues in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Curriculum Development. An article by Kristen Gatehouse.
• Teaching English for Specific Purposes. An article on how is English for Specific Purposes (ESP) different from English as a Second Language (ESL).
• Arlyn Freed's ESL/EFL ESP. This site compiled and maintained by Arlyn Freed.
• Linguistic Funland-ESP. This page contains links to many resources related to English for specific purposes from medicine and science to business, law, and aviation.
• Learning English for Specific Purposes. Resources to help you with teaching or learning English.
• College English. A professional journal which publishes articles about literature, rhetoric-composition, critical theory, creative writing theory and pedagogy, linguistics, literacy, reading theory, pedagogy, and professional issues related to the teaching of English.
• College English Association (CEA) Web Archive. CEA is an organization that provides a meeting ground for those interested in all areas of literature, culture, creative writing, rhetoric and composition, pedagogy and advising.
• Community College English. Blogs for the discussion of the theory and practice of teaching writing and literature at the two-year college.
• CLEP. The College-Level Examination Program?or CLEP provides students of any age with the opportunity to demonstrate college-level achievement through a program of exams in undergraduate college courses.
Business English
• Talk in the Office. Each lesson contains multiple sentences that you can click on to learn how to say that sentence.
• Business English Podcasts. Learn Business English at your convenience with free MP3 Business English Podcasts.
• BBC Business English. English for work and business: from writing a CV to job interview techniques, and from business travel to working abroad.
• Business English Certificate. An internationally recognised business qualification can help you show that you have learned English to an appropriate standard.
• American Business Jargon. Colloquial American Business Jargon with definitions.
• Business Jargon Dictionary. The Ridiculous Business Jargon your co-workers use all the time.
• Business Jargon Dictionary. The Ridiculous Business Jargon your co-workers use all the time.
• Business Vocabulary Practice. A selection of categorized quizzes marked by levels.
• EnglishClub Business English. Business English Correspondence, Business English Vocabulary, Business Presentation, and Business News in English.
• English for Business. Business vocabulary, writing, reading, and speaking skills.
• Business English. Including advertising, accounting, and banking.
• English for Work. Very good free online English learning materials for nurses, police, travelers, hotel staff, and airline staff.
• Business Language. Useful expressions used at work.
• Business English for Different Topics. A large collection of English reading materials and quizzes under different topics.
• TESL: Business English. The Internet TESL Journal's Business English page.
• BBC Business English. Business Section of the BBC News with current news articles.
• Business English Exercises. Exercises and games to test your business English, grammar and vocabulary.
• Business English for Teachers and Learners. This is a page maintained by Linda Thalman, with a big collection of links to business English sites.
• Bull's Eye Business Writing Tips. An archive of over 300 tips on how students can improve their business writing skills.
• Guide to Basic Business Letters. It provides the phrases that are usually found in any standard business letter.
• Business English Market. The site provides an Instructor's Guide and Lesson Modules that include plans, exercises, and ideas.
• Trading Glossary. Trading, Financial, and Business Glossary for traders of stock and investment market.
• Accounting Terminology Guide. An educational tool for journalists who report on and interpret financial information.
• The Devil's Derivatives Dictionary. A huge online Business English dictionary.
• Business Week Online. The online magazine carries news articles on current business affairs.
• BizWeb. A web business guide to 46290 companies listed in 208 categories.
• Best Practices, China International business skills, free newsletters by email.
• Business English Resource Library. Try fun online activities, download free support materials and get helpful tips on learning and teaching English.
• MBA Programs The #1 MBA programs guide.
• English Daily - Slang. Hundreds of idioms and slang with definitions, examples, etymology.
• English-Zone - Idioms. Categorized Idioms with exercises to practice using them.
• English Idioms and Proverbs. Idioms with pictures, example sentences, and good explanations
• Idiom Dictionary. Search for an idiom from over 7,000 idioms current in British, American and Australian English.
• Answers.com's Idiom Pages. Where you can find almost any idioms you are looking for.
• Idiom Connection. A collection of idioms, phrasal verbs and proverbs generally expected to find in the average home, and workplace.
• English Idioms, Sayings, and Slang. Idioms in alphebatical order, each with a definition, and an example sentence.
• Dictionary of Slang. English slang and colloquialisms used in the United Kingdom.
• Australian Slang. Australian English Glossary from A to Zed.
• Pocket English Idioms. Hundreds of idioms. Click a keyword and get the idiom with an example sentence.
• Self-Study Idiom Quizzes. Including phrasal verbs, and slang, divided into medium and difficult levels.
• Business Idioms. Choose an idiom and click on it to go directly to the explanation and example.
• Dictionary of English Idioms &Idiomatic Expressions. A list of 1,885 Idioms in alphabetical order.
• Dennis Oliver's ESL Idiom Page. You can see a complete list, or meanings and examples.
• American English Business Idioms. A list of idioms commonly used in the American workplace with meanings and examples.
• Ridiculous Business Jargon. Over 350 of the worst phrases used in the business world today.
• Commonly Used American Slang. Nineteen pages of slang collected by Charles I. Kelly &Lawrence E. Kelly.
• The Idiom Collection. A big collection and many categories.
• Animal Idioms. A few interesting idioms containing animals' names.
• Idioms at Interlink Language Center. Multiple choice questions, match the meaning of an idiom.
• Idioms and Proverbs. Match the meanings of about thirty idioms.
• Speak Read Write. Hundreds of idioms, slang, phrasal verbs and proverbs with context examples.
• Slang City. Yeah, baby! Check out this cool online guide to American slang, including explanations of popular songs and movies, bad words, pronunciation and more.
• Idioms Site. Hundreds of idioms in alphabetical order. It also tells you where and when the idiom originated.
• Literature Quotes. Quotations from the great works of literature. You can search for quotations in a number of different ways.
• Paint by Idioms Learning idioms by playing games.
• Eye on Idioms. Complete the sentence by selecting the correct idiom from the list.
• Face Idioms. Match the idioms with their definitions.
• Spanish-English Idioms. There are many colorful Spanish idioms which have colorful English equivalents. Through a comparision of these idioms, learners of both the Spanish and English language can both learn more about the respective languages.
게임(주로 어휘 관련)
• Video Broadcast. Watch the most watched videos on the Internet.
• FunBrain. The world's largest database of assessment quizzes over the Internet.
• Coffee Break Arcade. An excellent free Internet games directory.
• Cartoon Network. A very popular site for games. Kids love the site.
• Yahoo Games. Hundreds of excellent games waiting for you to play.
• Excessively Free Games. No signup process or complicated steps to get started, and it's free.
• GenkiEnglish. Elementary School ESL/EFL Games.
• Free Flash games for ESL learners. grammar games, vocabulary builders and phonics programs.
• Learning Vocabulary Can Be Fun. Word search, crosswords, hangman, match game and jumble.
• ESL Games Matching games, crossword, hangman, and typing.
• Catch the Spelling. Review vocabulary as you catch the falling letters.
• Vocabulary Word Lists with Games, Puzzles and Quizzes.
• English Tenses with Cartoons. A site about learning English visually.
• Language Games. Word Search, crosswords, and hangman.
• The EFL Playhouse. A good resource for teachers of young ESL learners.
• Mes English Games. 5 card sets and 4 board games that will provide fun games for students .
• Moot. Tough moot questions about etymology, usage, and grammar of the English language.
• Cross-Word Puzzle. An interesting site where you explore different rooms of a private office.
• Word and Sentence Scramble. Family word scramble, and clothing word scramble.
• The Puzzle Contest Center. Win big cash prizes.
• Everyday Vocabulary Anagram. A word made by using letters of another word in a different order.
• Search for Games. Search through millions of websites to find the games you like.
• Free Games. Play online or download free games.
• Vocabulary Games. Divided into three levels, designed to help teachers, parents, and students to refine their vocabulary mastery.
• Guia English Games. Many interesting games created by Guia users.
• TEFL Games. Interactive games, ESL activities for the classroom, online quizzes and hundreds of printable quiz questions in graded sets.
• Baltimore Sun
• Boston Globe
• Chicago Tribune
• Christian Science Monitor
• International Herald Tribune
• Los Angeles Times
• New York Post
• New York Times
• USA Today
• Wall Street Journal
• Washington Post
• Washington Times
• Top 100 Newspapers
• A Pronouncing Dictionary of Proper Nouns, including a list of common names for English speakers, names of 50 states, and 43 Presidents.
• Answers. Search for definitions, pronunciation, and even translation.
• Encarta World English Dictionary. A big talking dictionary, click to hear the pronunciation of the word.
• Cambridge International Dictionaries. Online dictionaries of English, idioms, and phrasal verbs.
• Newbury House dictionary of American English contains over 40,000 entries. With simple, clear definitions, and provides a wealth of sample sentences and idioms.
• Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Provides a free online dictionary, thesaurus, audio pronunciation, word games, and word of the day.
• Online Thesaurus. Excellent thesaurus, a dictionary of synonyms by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC.
• Acronym Finder. The world's largest and most comprehensive dictionary of acronyms and abbreviations.
• Acronym. A big acronym database. New acronyms are constantly added by users.
• Word Reference. You can get definitions in different languages, by Michael Kellogg of WordReference.com.
• WordNet Search. An online lexical reference system whose design is inspired by current psycholinguistic theories of human lexical memory.
• Visual Dictionary. To learn by way of image with thematic, clear and precise pages, with concise and rigorous texts.
• Homonym. The list contains homonyms as well as homophones with definintions for each word.
• English-Chinese Dictionary.Type in an English word and get its meaning in Chinese.
• Dictionary of Spanish. With over 54,000 entries. You can enter English word to find Spanish word or enter Spanish word to find English word. You can also hear the pronunciation of the word.
• English-French Dictionary. The dictionary contains over 75,000 terms. You can search for an English word or a French word.
• English-German Dictionary. Nearly 230,000 entries. A service provided by LEO - Link Everything Online.
• Online Dictionaries. Bilingual dictionaries of 19 different languages. Enter the word you want to know and get its translation right away.
• Webster's Online Dictionary. With Multilingual Thesaurus Translation.
• Netlingo. It contains hundreds of words and definitions that describe the technology and community world of the Web.
• Online Dictionary of Computing. It contains over 13,000 hypertext links to different terms.
• Meta Dictionary. This site searches through over 400 dictionaries for the word you type in.
• A Web of Online Dictionaries. A large collection of dictionaries of different languages and subjects.
• Answers.com Search for definitions, pronunciation, and even translation.
• Wikipedia. A big, free encyclopedia curently containing over 550,000 articles.
• Encyclopedia. Online Encyclopedia with more than 50,000 articles.
• Online Encyclopedia. It based on the 11th Edition Encyclopedia Britannica, first published in 1911.
• Refdesk. A free, user-friendly site that indexes and reviews quality, credible, and current web-based resources.
• Presidents of the United States. Brief biographies of 43 Presidents.
• Encyclopedia Mythica. An encyclopedia on mythology, folklore and legend.
• Picture Dictionary. A completely free, online multilingual picture dictionary designed for ESL students.
• Online Dictionary of Computing. It contains 13,000 terms with hypertext linking to different terms.
• Meta Dictionary. This site searches through over 400 dictionaries for the word you type in.
• Roget's Thesaurus. A well-known, and most widely used thesaurus.
• Acronym. A big acronym database. New acronyms are constantly added by users.
• The Phrase Finder. Input a word and return a list of phrases.
• A Multi-Purpose Dictionary. It is a dictionary where you can find rhymes, synonyms, match consonants, and even search for pictures for the word you type in.
• A Web of Online Dictionaries. A large collection of dictionaries of different languages and subjects.
• Web Concordancer. You can search an online corpus for a word and display all the sentences in which the word occurs .
Lesson Plan
• EFL/ESL Lessons and Lesson Plans. Published on the Internet TESOL Journal, hundreds of lesson plans contributed by ESL/EFL teachers from the world.
• ESLFLOW. An excellent collection of ESL lesson plans for all levels.
• ESL Lesson Plans. Some ideas and activities that will help you animate your class.
• English-4U. Offer free, ready-to-use lesson plans in PDF format based on current news stories and lyrics of songs.
• Bright Ideas for Teaching ESL Classroom materials, and 41 tips for ESL teachers.
• Free Instant Lessons. Well-known free ESL lessons for downloading. A new lesson is added every week.
• Speaking Activities for TESL TESOL &TEFL classrooms.
• Breaking News English. There is a new lesson plan each day at two different levels.
• Everything ESL. Content-based ESL lesson plans for beginning through intermediate students.
• Flash Card Exercises for Pre-literate students from Multi-Cultural Educational Services.
• MES Resources for ESL/EFL Teachers. Free flash cards, phonics cards, game cards and activities, all ready for printing.
• Worksheets and activities. Grammar-related, free to download and use in your class.
• Teach children ESL. Download free worksheets and flashcards, play free games and songs.
• ESL Lesson Plans from EnglishClub. Great ideas for activities in your classroom.
• Ideas for the ESL Classroom. Delicious ideas from Dave Sperling's ESL Cafe.
• Karin's ESL PartyLand. Teaching with Internet, music, for various ESL classes.
• ESL Teacher Lesson Plans &Worksheets. Free printable lesson plans, worksheets and activities for ESL/EFL teachers.
• Lesson Plan Builder. You can upload and store your lesson plans, put all your materials online and access them from anywhere.
• EFL4U Lesson Plans. You need to pay to buy all the lesson plans.
• Language Arts Mini-Lessons. Designed for elementary (K-5), but good for ESL classroom use.
• English Second Language Lesson Plans. From the Educator's Reference Desk.
• Conversation Questions. Hundreds of questions for the ESL/EFL Classroom - A project of the Internet TESL Journal.
• Handouts Online. Good selection of supplementary materials for EFL teachers. Membership fee is $18.00 a year.
• Edutainment Games. Edutainment games that can be played in ESL classrooms.
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• The Internet TESL Journal. Articles, research papers, lessons plans, classroom handouts, teaching Ideas &links.
• TESL-EJ. An internationally recognized source of ESL and EFL information with new books review and new media review.
• Soon Online Magazine. Advice on visiting Britain and visa problems,learning English, interviews.
• TEFL Web Journal. A free, Web based forum for adult level teachers, teacher trainers and researchers world-wide.
• English Teaching Forum Electronic Journals. Ready-to-use lesson plans, suitable for students at the intermediate level.
• The Reading Matrix: An International Online Journal> A fully-refereed journal with an editorial board of scholars in the fields of second language acquisition and applied linguistics.
• Topics. A popular online magazine of learners of English, who express their ideas and opinions, and illustrate their writings with drawings and photos.
• Language Learning &Technology. A refereed journal for language educators who are interested in using computers.
• Journal of Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium. A Journal devoted to research and discussion on technology and language learning. Articles can be purchased online.
• The Journal of Technology, Learning and Assessment. JTLA is a peer-reviewed, scholarly on-line journal addressing the intersection of computer-based technology, learning, and assessment.
• Teaching English with Technology. A Journal for Teachers of English by IATEFL Poland - Computer Special Interest Group
• Journal of International Association for Language Learning Technology. The Journal is a fully refereed professional journal, published twice yearly. Now available online to IALLT members.
• Journal of Computer-Assisted Language LearningTechnology. The Journal is a fully refereed professional journal, published twice yearly. Now available online to IALLT members.
• ESL Magazine. Abstracts of the printed journal with one full article available for each new issue.
• Essential Teacher. Compleat Links, an online complement to Essential Teacher, offers original articles, interviews, and other contents thematically linked to Essential Teacher.
• TESOL Quarterly. A refereed professional journal, fosters inquiry into English language teaching and learning by providing a forum for TESOL professionals to share their research findings.
• Language Magazine. First published in 1997, Language Magazine (formerly American Language Review) is the popular periodical of language, education and communication.
• English Teaching Forum Online. A quarterly journal published by the U.S. Department of State for teachers of English as a foreign or second language.
• Bilingual Research Journal. A joint project of the National Association for Bilingual Education and the Southwest Center for Education Equity and Language Diversity, College of Education, Arizona State University.
• The Language Teacher Online. The monthly publication of the Japan Association for Language Teaching. Only some articles are made available online.
• ELT Journal. The ELT Journal is a quarterly publication for all those involved in the field of teaching English as a second or foreign language.
• The Linguist Digest. A free e-magazine containing content for the English student in both audio mp3 and text format.
• Journal of Japan Association for Language Teaching. JALT Journal is a research journal published semiannually, in the spring and the fall.
• Asian EFL Journal. one of the world's prime refereed and indexed online journals for teaching and learning English.
• The International TEYL Journal. An annual educational journal that publishes new research findings, review articles, and editorial opinion on a wide variety of topics of importance to those who teach ESL or EFL to children.
• TESL-HK. A newsletter for English professionals in Hong Kong. There are five issues online.