줄 서기, 줄 맞추기
줄 row
가로 (횡대) - line, row, rank, queue
세로 (종대) - column, file
stand in a line = line up
form a line(row,file, queue) = queue up
form fours! 4열 대형으로 (구령)
single line
a double line 가로 (횡대) a double file - 세로(종대) - 2열로
stand in three lines( lines of three) = stand in three of rows = stand in rows of three 가로(횡대)
stand in three columns (columns of three) 세로 (종대)
stand three deep 가로 3열로 서다
at close interval 좁은 간격으로 , closer
at wide interval 넓은 간격으로, wider
at regular interval 일정한 간격으로
옆줄 맞춰
dress to the right (left) = dress by the right (left) 좌(우)로 줄을 맞추다
cf) dress to the ranks 열을 정돈하다.
keep close to me 떨어지지 않도록 따라오너라
cf) get close to me, get closer to me
out of ranks 열외에
in a line(row, file, queue), in formation 열을 지어
get back into the line( your position) = return to your position
cf) change your position, change between you and you
break into a line (queue) of people
join the queue(순번의) 열에 끼어들다
don't step into line
leave space between lines 줄과 줄 사이의 간격을 띄어라(떼어라)
close up the ranks 열을 좁히다.
front row = first row(rank), rear row(뒷열)
second row
last row = final row
stand at the end of a line = fall in at the end of a line
take two steps to the right ( left side)
don't break line (ranks) = don't break up line(ranks) 열(줄)을 무너뜨리다(흐트러뜨리다).
fall out of the line(ranks) = drop out of line(ranks),leave the ranks 열(줄)을 이탈하다
don't cross a line = break through a line (of)
advance in ranks (files) 열을 지어 나아가다
cf) hold the line 대열을 유지해라, keep in order
go forward , step forward 조금 앞으로 올 때
go backward, get back
go sideways
put aside = set aside ?
다시 하고 싶어하는 사람들에게 묻기
who (of you) wants to do thist(that, it, them) again
is there someone who wants to do this again
(raise) hands up if(when) there is someone who wants to do this again( several times more)