불완전 자동사 예문
듣기; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWlGzhXIeQ8
Action Verbs vs. Linking Verbs; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PW43Bwsh84w
불완전 자동사는 영어로 linking verb 라하고
be 동사 역시도 불자로 분류하여
주어와 보어를 연결하는 역할을 한다 설명하나
be 동사와는 달리
형태상은 일반동사이나
역할상은 be 동사와 같은 역할을 하는 동사를 불완전자동사로 부르기로 하자
불완전 자동사는 우리 국어문법에는 없기에 우리가 상대하가 여간 껄끄런 존재가 아니나
생긴 모습으로 이거다 저거다 하지마시고
역할을 잘 따져
주어의 동작얘기인지 주어의 상태설명인지 알아보면 되는데
주로 같은 역할인 be 동사를 대신 써도 의미가 변하지 않으면 불자나
의미가 불통이면 일반동사로 쓰인걸 알 수 있다
일반적으로 수학기호 = 로 불자를 설명하여
주어와 보어 사이에 쓰여
주어 = 보어 즉 주어의 상태를 설명하는 보어가 불자 뒤에 온다는 표시다 한다
We all know that many people around the world go /to bed hungry every night.
People go hungry. 배고푼 상태로 가다
People are hungry. 배고푼 상태이다
불자로 쓰이는 동사는 몇개 않되는데
영어로는 linking verb 연결동사라 한다
have a list of verbs with multiple personalities: appear, feel, grow,
look, prove, remain, smell, sound, taste, and turn. Sometimes these
verbs are linking verbs; sometimes they are action verbs.
How do you tell when they are action verbs and when they are linking verbs?
일반동사인지 연결동사인지 어떻게 알 수 있을까?
If you can substitute am, is, or are and the sentence still sounds logical, you have a linking verb on your hands.
be 동사를 대신 써도 의미가 통하면 연결동사이다
If, after the substitution, the sentence makes no sense, you are dealing with an action verb instead.
be 동사로 않통하면 일반동사다
Here are some examples:
Sylvia tasted the spicy squid eyeball stew.
Sylvia is the spicy squid eyeball stew.
Sylvia is the stew? I don't think so!
Tasted, therefore, is an action verb in this sentence, something Sylvia is doing.
The squid eyeball stew tasted good.
The squid eyeball stew is good.
The stew is good? You bet. Make your own!
I smell the delicious aroma of a mushroom and papaya pizza baking in the oven.
I am the aroma? No way! Smell, in this sentence, is an action verb, something I am doing.
The mushroom and papaya pizza smells heavenly.
The pizza is heavenly? Definitely! Try a slice!
heavenly— adj
1. informal alluring, wonderful, or sublime
2. of or occurring in space: a heavenly body
3. divine; holy
When my dog Oreo felt the wet grass beneath her paws, she bolted up the stairs and curled up /on the couch.
Oreo is the wet grass? Of course not! Here, then, felt is an action verb, something Oreo is doing.
My dog Oreo feels depressed after seven straight days of rain.
Oreo is depressed? Without a doubt! Oreo hates the wet.
This substitution will not work for appear. With appear, you have to analyze the function of the verb.
* appear 는 be 동사로 불자 분별 않되니 의미상으로 봐야한다
Swooping out of the clear blue sky, the blue jay appeared /on the branch.
Appear is something a blue jay can do—especially when food is near.
The blue jay appeared happy /to see the bird feeder.
Lv c
Here, appeared is connecting the subject, the blue jay, to its state of mind, happiness.
동사 뒤에 형용사가 왔으니 당근 불자동사다
Nonetheless, she acted surprised /when I said no,
다른 불자 예문들을 be 동사 예문과 비교해가며 불자 감을 잡아보자
William is excited about his promotion.
She appears upset about the announcement.
The eggs smell rotten.
He went red after tripping on the rug.
Your plans for the wedding sound nice.
You look exhausted after studying all night.
I am putty in his hands.
Maria might have been more forthcoming with the news.
Tom acted nervous when the teacher found the note.
The audience fell silent when the conductor walked on stage.
Dreams come true when we believe in them.
The crowd stayed calm in spite of the imminent threat.
All the children seem satisfied with the bouncy castle.
Bob felt sleepy after eating the whole pizza.
The cinnamon rolls taste heavenly.
Building the house proves difficult for them.
Anthony has been a dream the last few weeks.
The spectators remained silent after the injury on the field.
He became suspicious when he saw the safe was open.
All the kittens were playful.
The theater gets dark when the show is about to begin.
Some couples are lucky enough to grow old together.
I feel worthy when the boss compliments me.
The weather was accommodating and the party continued.
The embers turn ashy as they cool.
You are being very foolish to believe her.
Mary waxed nostalgic on her 50th birthday.
Your friend might be disappointed if you don’t go.
Sometimes, kids act foolish.
We are dismayed about the foreclosure.
The tests indicate that your child is gifted.
Jumping into a pond could be dangerous.
Most children get cranky when they are sleepy.
After the snowstorm, the roads were slippery.
A flaw in the design appeared to be the cause of the collapse.
The vegetables in the bin looked disgusting and spoiled.
They shall be happy ever after.
Riding in a car will be safer with a seat belt.
The police department is getting tough on crime.
She remains faithful, even though it has been two years since he left.
Perhaps the best news for you and your family is simply knowing that you are never alone:
“Please stay in love…stay committed /to each other and to our home…keep laughing together…stay partners /even when you step /on each other’s toes /in the crazy dance of marriage.”
I'm sorry to say I felt relieved.
What if my neighbors see me and wonder what I’m doing talking to a man?"