what do we care if we were expelled from college?
the war is gonna start any day we would've left college anyhow.
대학에서 쫓겨나도 상관없어요 전쟁이 나면 어차피 못다닐터니까
War! isn't it ecitting, Scarlet?
전쟁 이라니! 흥분되지 않아요. 스칼렛?
do you know those Yankees actually want a war?
-well show'em -fiddle-dee-dee!
양키들이 전쟁을 원할까요? 두고 봐야지
war. war. war! this war talk's spoiling all the fun at every party this spring.
시시해!또전쟁 얘기라니!올봄 파티는 전쟁얘기로 재미가 없어요
I get so bored I could scream! -Besides, there isn't going to be any war.
따분한데 소리라도 지를까보다! 게다가 전쟁은 안일어나요
-not gonna be any war? why, honey, of course there's going to be a war!
안 일어 난다구요? 전쟁은 일어나요
If either of you says "war" just once again, I'll go in the house and slam the door.
한번만 더전쟁 얘기를 하면 집에 가버릴 거예요
but, Scarlet, honey.. -Don't you want us to have a war? well ..but remember..
스칼렛! 하지만 전쟁은 반대하는거 예요?
I warned you. I've got an idea,
알았어요 스칼렛 전쟁 얘기 안할께요 좋아요 대신 다음엔 안봐줘요
we'll talk about the Wilkes' barbecue at Twelve Oaks.
내일 윌크스 씨 댁에서 있을바비큐파티에대한 얘기나 해요
That's a good idea Aren't you eating barbecue with us?
좋아 우리와같이 갈 거죠?
I hadn't thought about that yet I'll think about that tomorrow.
아직생각 안해봤는데 내일생각해볼께요
we want all your waltzes.first Brent, then me,
then Brent, then me again and so on.Promise?
우리춤도 춰요 브랜드와추고 다음은나.. 약속하죠?
I'd just love to,If only I didn't have every one
좋아요선약된사람들과 다추고 난 다음에요
of them taken already.why, honey, you can't do that to us.
St; How about if we tell you a secret?
비밀을 말해줘도요?
Sc; Secret? who about?
비밀 뭔데요?
St; Well, you know Miss Melanie Hamilton, from Atlanta?
애틀란티의 멜란 해밀톤 알죠?
Ashley Wilkes's cousn? well, she's the wilkes at Twelvs Oaks.
애슬리의 윌크스의 사촌말예요, 윌크스집에 올 거래요
Sc; Melanie Hamilton, that goody-goody,
who wants to know a secret about her?
맬라니 해미톤! 그게 무슨 비밀이라고!
St; well, anyway we heard that they say,
우리도 들은 얘긴데..
Ashley Wilkes is going to marry her.
you know the Wilkers always marry their cousins.
애슬리랑 결혼할 거래요 그집안은 사촌끼리 결혼하잖아요.
Br; Now, do we get those waltzes?
이제 춤춰줄거죠?
Sc; Of course. St&Br; Ya, Hoo!
Sc; It can't be true. Ashley loves me.
있을 수 없어 애슬리는 나를사랑해.
Br; Scaret! What do you suppose we got into her?
do you suppose we said something that made her mad?
스칼랫! 갑자기 왜저러지? 우리가 비위를 건드렸나?
Ma; Miss Scaret, where are you going without your shawl?
스칼렛! 숄도 안 두르고 어딜 가세요?
and in that out fit to sit in, and how come you didn't ask those gentlmen
to say for supper? you ain't got no more maners than a field hand.
that's the reason I'm done playing with you,
Miss Scaret, come on in the house, come on in
before you catch your death of cold.
소님들 저녁도 대접해야죠 엘렌 마님과 애써서 키었는데 밭일꾼보다 나을게 없어요
아갔, 돌아오세요! 그러다감기 걸러요
Sc; No, I'm going to wait for pa to come home from the Wilkes,
싫어! 아버지 오실 때까지 기다릴래
Ma; come on in here, come on!
들어오세요! 어서요!
B1; Quitting time.
B2; who says it's quitting time.
네가 뭔데 그만이래?
B1; I said it's quitting time.
B2; I's the foreman, I's the one that says when it's quitting time at 'I'ara.
타라에서 일을 멈출수 있는 건 나뿐이야
Quitting time! Quitting time!
Ge; There's none in the county that can touch you in the state.
온나라를 다 뒤저도 이녀석 같은 말은 없어
Sc; Pa,Pa, proud of yourself you are.
아버지! 그래서 자랑스러우세요?
Ge; well, Kate Scaret O'hara, so you've been spying om me,
and like your sister Suellen telling your mother on me,
that I was jumping again.
내가 점프햇다고 수엘렌처럼 네엄마한테 일러바칠거냐?
Sc; Oh,Pa, you know I'm no tattle tale like Sullen,
but it does seem to me that after you broke your knee
last year jumping that same fence.
저는 고자질 안해요 하지만 작년에 무릎을 다치셨는데 또무리시면..
Ge; I'll not have my own daughter telling me
what I shall jump and not jump, it's my own neck, so it is..
그런잔소리를 딸한데 들어야 하다니! 부러져도 내목이 부러진다
Sc; alright Pa, you jump as you please, how are they all over at twelve oaks?
좋아요, 마음대로하세요 열두 참나무집은 어때요?
Ge; The Wilkes!
what do you expect with the babecues tomorrow talking nothing but war.
윌크씨 댁? 내일 있을 바비큐 파티와 전쟁 얘기뿐이지.
Sc; bother the war. was there, was anyone else there?
전쟁은싫어요 손님도 와있던 가요?
Ge; oh, their cousin Melanie Hamilton from Atlanta and her brother Chaeles.
사촌인 멜라니와 찰스 해밀턴 남매가 와있더라
Sc; Melanie Hamilton, sge's a pale face, meddle mouth, I hate her.
멜라니 해밀턴 창백한수녀처럼 못생겼어.
Ge; Ashley wilkes doesn't think so.
애슬리는 그렇게 생각 안할걸.
Sc; Ahsley Wilkes couldn't take anyone like her.
애슬 리가 그런 여자를 좋아할리 없어요.
Ge; what what's your interest in Ashley and Miss melanie?
그들 일에 왜 그렇게 신경을 쓰는 거냐?
sc; It's nothing. let's go into the house Pa.
아무것도아니 얘요 어서 들어가요.
Ge; Has he been trifing with you? Has he asked you to marry him?
그청년이 집적거리더니? 너더러 결혼하재?
Sc; No!
Ge; No, nor will he, I have it in strictest confidence
from John wilkes this after-noon.
Ashley is going to marry Miss Melanie.
It will be announced tomorrow night at the ball.
그랬을 리도 없지 존 윌크스 말이 내일 두사람이 결혼 발표를 한다구나
Sc; I don't believe it.
그럴 리 없어요!
Ge; Here, where are off, Scarlet? stop running about.
Have you been making spectacle of yourself?
running about after a man who's not in love with you?
when you night have any of the bucks in the country.
스칼렛 어딜가는거냐? 스칼렛 왜그러니?
넌 배우자로 어떤청년이든 선택할 수 있어 그런데 널 사랑하지도않는
남자를 쫓아다니는거냐?
Sc; I haven't been running after him. It's, it's just a surprise, thank's all.
그런게 아니고 단지 좀 놀랬을 뿐이에요.
Ge; Now don't be jerking your chin at me. if Ashley wanted to marry you,
it could be with misgivings but I'd say yes. I want my girl to be happy,
you'd not be happy with him.
심술부리면 못써 애슬리가청혼 안한게 다행이다 그 외는 행복할수없을거야
Sc; I would, I would.
아뇨,행복할거 얘요
Ge; what difference does it make who you marry
so long as he's a Southerner who thinks like you,
when I'm gone, I leave Tara to you.
같은 남부인이고 너와 생각이같다면 누구외 결혼하든상관없다
내가죽으면 타라는 네것이다
Sc; I don't want Tara, plantation don't mean anything when...
저는타라도싫고 농장도 아무 의미 없어
Ge; do you mean to tell me, Katie Scarlet O' Hara, that Tara,
감히 땅이 아무것도 아니라는 소릴하는거냐?
that land is the only thing in the world working for,
worth fighing for, worth dying for, because it's the only thing that lasts.
땅만히 일하고 싸우고 죽을 가치가 있어
Sc; Oh, Pa you talk like an Irishman.
아일랜드 인처럼 말씀하시네요
Ge; It's proud of me that i'm Irish and doesn't you be forgetting Misty,
that you're half Irish, too, and to any one with land
they live on is like their mother. Oh, but dear, dear,
now you're just a child, it will come to you this love of the land,
there's no getting away from it, if you're Irish.
얼마나 자랑스러운일이니! 내게도 절반은 아일랜드인의 피가 흐른다는명심해라
아일랜드인의 피가 흐르는 사람에겐 땅이 바로어머니야 너도크면 땅을 사랑하게
될거다 네게 흐르는 그피가 어딜 가겠니
타라의 건물안 이층에서 마미가 내려오면서 소리친다
Ma; Yonder, she comes, Miss Scarlet, Miss Suellen.
Miss Carreen more mild hop.
Acting like a witness how down white trash slatery's
stead of being here eating supper. cookie, set up the fire,
Miss Ellen got no business wearing herself our, Bob!
저기오시네 아가씨들, 어머니가 오세요 저녁도 거르시고 가난한 자들을
간호하러 다니시다니! 쿠키,불을 지퍼 앨랜 마님이 오셨어
녹초가 되셨을거야
Bo; Yes, Mammy,
Ma; take the lamp out on the porch. wearing herself out.
포크! 램프를 가지고 나가
Mr, Genardld, Miss Ellen's home wearing herself out
waiting on the poor white trash. shut up dog,
barking at the house like that, get up from there boy
don't you hear Miss Ellen's coming, get out there and
get her medicine chest.
나리, 엘랜 마님이오셨어요 조용히해, 집에서 짖어대지마라!
엘랜마님이오셨으니 어서 나가서 약상자 받아들어
Bo; Oh, we were quite worried about Miss Ellen, Mr.Genarld.
Aright. Bob, I'm home.
걱정했습니다, 마님 괜찮아, 집에 왔으니까
Wi; Mrs O'Hara, finished plowing the creek botton today,
what do you want me to start on tomorrow?
오하라 부인, 오늘 쟁기질을 끝냈는데 내일은 뭘할까요?
El; Mr, Wikerson, I've just come from Emmy Slatery's bedside,
your child has been born.
윌커슨씨, 난 지금 애미슬래터리 집에서 오는 길인데
당신아이가 태여났어요
Wi; My child ma'am, I'm sure I don't understand.
제 아이라뇨? 무슨 말씀인지..
El; Has been born, and mercifully has died. good night, Mr, Wilkerson.
아이는 태어나자 죽었어요 그럼이만!
Ma; I'll fix you up something for you myself and you eat it.
곧 저녁식사 준비하겠습니다
El; after prayers, Mr, Ohara, we must dismiss John Wilkerson.
기도부터하고 그러세요 여보, 조니스 윌커슨 씨를 해고하세요
Ge; dismiss him Mrs, O'hara? he's the best overseer in the country.
조니씨를? 그는 이곳에서 제일가는감독관 이오
El; he must go tomorrow morning, the first thing.
내일 아침 당장 해고하세요
Ge; but, now, the Yankee wikerseon and
the white trash Slatery girl..
설마.. 사실이애요양키 윌커슨과 가난한 스래터리가?
El; now, we'll discuss it later Mr. O'hara.
나중에 얘기해요
Ge; yes, Mrs Ohara.
제랄드와 세 딸이 이층에서 내려 오면서 서로 이야기 하고있다. 저녁식사때;
Su; I don't want to wear this pink dress.
스칼랫언니의 초록색 드래스 입ㅂ을래요
El; I don't like your tone Suellen. your pink gown is lovely.
무슨소리야? 네 분흥 옷도 예쁜데
Co; Oh, Mother. can't I stay up for the ball tomorrow?
엄마 내일 밤 무도회에 뭘 입죠
El; you may wear my garnet. with it.
대신 내 가닛 목걸이를해라
Co; why can't I stay up for the ball tomorrow night?
저도무도회에 끝까지 있을래요
El; Scarlet, you look tired my dear, I'm worried about you.
스칼랫, 안색이 안 좋구나 무슨일 있니?
Sc; I'm alight mother.
괜찮아요 어머니
Co; why can't I stay up for the ball tomorrow night? I'm thirteen now.
내일밤새면 안되요? 저도 이제 열세살인데
El; you may go to the barbecue and stay up till supper.
저녁때까지는 있어도 좋아
Su; I didn't want to wear your tachy green dress anyhow, stingy.
언니 초록색 드래스는 미워! 조용히못해
El; Oh, hush up, prayers, girls.
애들아 기도하자
제랄드와 가족이모두 식사하기전 기도를드린다 기도도중 스카랫은
기도를드리지않고 딴생각한다.
El; and to all the saints, I have sinned exeedingly
and felt worried indeed, through my fault, through my fault,
through my most greedest fault. therefore, I received
your blessing Mary of the Virgin, Blessed Michael of the Artillery,
Blessed John the Baptist, the holy Apostles, and all the saints...
많은 죄를 지었나이다 제탓이요, 제 탓이요 저의 큰 탓이옵니다그러므로 간절히 바라오니 평생 동정이신 성모마리아와
모든 천사와 성인과 형제들은 저를 위하여 하느님께..
Sc; Ashley doesn't know I love him.
I'll tell him that I love him and then he can't marry.
애슬리는 내마음을 몰라 내가 사랑한다고 말하면 멜라니와 결혼 안할거야
X; He's the almighty, most merciful god,
Grant us pardon absolution and admission of our sins, Amen.
저희를위해 기도 하옵소서 아멘
마미가 스카렛의 옷을입혀 주고있다 프리사가 음식물을 들고드러오며
Ma; Just hold on, and sunk in.
꼭 붙잡고 배당겨요
Pr; Mammy, here's Scarlet's victuals,
큰아씨 식사예요
Sc; you take it all back into the kichen, I won't eat a bite.
안 먹을 거니까 도로가져가
Ma; Oh, yes, you eat it, you eat every mouthful of this.
드셔야해요, 다드세요
Sc; No, I'm not. so put on the dress cause we're late already.
싫다니까 옷이나 입혀줘 벌써늦었어
Ma; but my lamb, going where?
Sc; there.
Ma; No, you ain't. you can't show your bosom till
three o'clock. I'm going to speak to your ma about you.
못입어요, 3시이전엔 가슴을 보여선 안되요
마님께 일러바칠거예요
Sc; If you say one word to mother, I won't eat a bite.
한마디라도 하면 한입도먹지았겠어
Ma; well, keep a shawl on your shoulders.
I ain't for you to get all freckled out,
the buttermilk I've put on you all this winter.
oh, now, Miss Scarlet, you come on and be good
and eat just a little bite.
좋아요, 어께에 숄을 둘러요 겨울내내 버터밀크를 발라주곤 했는데
주근께 생기면 안되요 자이제착하게 식사하세요.
Sc; No, I'm gonna have a good time today, and do my eating at the barbecue.
싫어 오늘은 재밌게 놀고 바비큐도 만껏먹을거야
Ma; If you don't care what folks say about this family...
I've told you and told you that you can always tell a lady by the way she eats,
in front of folks, like a bird, and I'm aiming for you to go to Mrs. John Wilkes, and don't eat like a field hand and gobble like a hog.
그러면 사람들이 흉봐요 숙녀는 앞에서 새처럼 조금만 먹어야 한다니까요
윌크스 씨 댁에서 돼지처럼 마구드시게 놔둘 순 없어요
Sc; Fiddle dee dee,
Ashley wilkes told me he likes to see a girl with a healthy appetite.
걱정붙들어 매셔! 애슬리는 식욕 좋은 아가씨가 좋데
Ma; what gentlmen says and what they think is two different things and I ain't
noticed Mr.Ashley's asking to marry ya.
남자들 말은 속마음과달라요 그리고 애슬리는 아가씨와 결혼할 눈치가아니던데
Ma; Now don't eat too fast, ain't no need in having it come right back up again.
천히드세요 도로올라오겠서요
Sc; why does a girl have to be so silly to get a husband?
결혼하려면 여자들은 왜 멍청해져야 하지?
Ge; Scarlet O'hara, if you're not down here by the time I count ten,
we'll be going along.
스칼랫!~ 열셀동안 안내려오면 우리끼리간다
Sc; I'm coming Pa.
GE; 1,2,3,4,5,..
Sc; Oh, dear, my stays are you tight I know I'll never get
through there without belching.
너무 꼭 죄여서 자꾸 트림이나와
투왤브오크스의 정원 제랄드가 애쉴의 아버지인 존윌키스에게 말를건다
Ge; well, John Wilkes, It's a grand day you'll be having for your barbecue.
죤 윌크스 씨, 바비큐 파티 하기에 좋은 날씨군요
Jw; so it seems. why didn't you bring Mrs. O'hara with you?
네, 부인은 같이 안 오셨어요?
Ge; she's after something because of the overdue,
(ex) she's after settling accounts with the overseer.
but she'll be along for the ball tonight.
감독관과 장부를 검토중인데 오늘밤 무도회에는 올겁니다
Ge; Thank you kindly India, your daughters getting prettier everyday John.
항상 상냥하구나 인디아 따님이 날로 예뻐집니다
Jw; oh, India, here are the O'hara girls. we must great them.
인디아, 오하라씨 댁 딸들한대도 인사해야지
In; I can't stand that Scarlet, did you see the way she throws herself at Ashley?
스칼랫은 싫어요 오빠한데 제 멋대로 굴어요
Jw; Now, now, it's your brother's business, you must remember your duties as hostess. good morning. girls, you're looking lovely Good Morning Scarlet.
그건오빠일이고 너는손님을 맞아야지어서들와요 어서와요. 스카랫양
Sc; India Wilkes, What a lovely dress. Perfectly lovely, darling
I just can't take my eyes off it. come on, Good morning, Ashley.
인디아. 드래스가 참 예뻐눈을 땔수가 없는걸
As; Scarlet my dear,
안녕하세요, 스카렷양
Sc; I'm been looking for you everywhere. I've got something I must tell you.
Can we go some place where it's quiet?
당신을 찿았어요할말이있는데 조용한 곳으로 가서 해도 될까요?
As; yes, I like to, but I have something to tell you,too, something I, I hope you'll be glad to hear. come, say hello to my cousin, Melanie Hamilton.
그럽시다 나도 할말이있소 당신도 기뻐할 소식이지 우선 멜라니와 인사해요
Sc; Oh, do we have to?
꼭 해야되요?
As; she's been looking forward to seeing you again. Melanie, here's Scarlet.
당신을 만나고 싶어했소 멜라니 스칼랫이요
Me; Scarlet, I'm so glad to see you again.
스칼랫 반가워요
Sc; Melanie Hamliton, what a surprise to run into you here, I hope you're going to stay with us a few days at least.
여기서 만나다니 놀라워요 며칠같이 지낼수 있죠?
Me; I hope, I shall stay long enough for us to become real friends, Scarlet,
스칼랫과 친구가 되고 싶으니 되도록 오래 머물러야 겠어요
Sc; I do so want us to be.
As; we'll keep her here, won't we Scarlet?
스칼랫, 우리가 못가게 꼭 잡읍시다
Sc; Oh, we'll have to make the biggest fuss over it. won't we Ashley? and if there's anybody who knows how to give a good time, it's Ashley. when I think of the times, it seems terribly silly of you because you're so serious.
대접을 잘해드려야 겠네요 애슬리는 여자를 기쁘게 해줄 줄알죠
멜라니는 점잖아서 노는게 유치해 보이겠죠?
Me; Oh, Scarlet, you have so much life. I've always admired you so,
I wish I could be more like you.
당신은 생기로 가득해요 그런당신이 부러워요
Sc; you musn't flatter me Melanie, and saying things you don't mean.
맘에도 없는 말로 놀리지말아요
As; Nobody could refuse Melanie of being insincere, could they my dear?
멜라니는 그런사람이아니오? 안그렇소
Sc; Oh, then she's not like you, is she Ashley?
Ashley never means a word he says to any girl.
오늘은 당신답지않군요 애슬리는 여자를 막 대하지는 않죠
Sc; Oh, why Charles Hamilton, you handsome old thing, you.
찰스 해밀턴. 정말미남이라니까
Ch; But, oh, Miss O'hara.
Sc; do you think that was kind to bring your good looking brother down here just to break poor simple country girls heart?
멋진남여가 가엽은내가슴에 상처를 주려고 오셨군요
Su; Look! Scarlet. she hasn't even noticed Charles before, Now just because she's after your beau he's acting like honest.
언니 좀 봐, 찰스에게 관심도없더니 네애인이니까 저런다
Sc; Charles Hamilton, I want to eat barbecue with you, and mind you don't go plying with any other girls cause I might be jealous.
나 찰스하고 바비큐 먹고 싶은데 딴 여자하고 가면 질투할거예요
Ch; I won't, Miss O'hara, I couldn't.
그러지 않을게요 당연하죠
스카랫이 이층계단으로 올라가다 프랭크와마주친다 조금떨어진곳에서 인디아가 스카랫이
프랭크에게 수작거는 것이 못마땅하여 술랜에게말한다
Sc; I do declare, Frank Kenedy,
you don't look dashing with that new set of whickers.
이게 누구야,프랭크! 구레나룻이 멋있어요
Fr; oh, Thank you, Miss Scarlet.
고마워요, 스칼랫양
Sc; You know Charles Hamilton and way. Halbert asked me to eat barbecue with them, but I told them I couldn't cause I'd promised you.
찰스하고 래이프가 같이 바비큐 먹자고 했는데 당신과 선약이있다고했어요
In; oh, you needn't be so amused. look at her, she's after your beau now.
남 얘기할 때가 아냐 네애인도 건드리고 있어
Fr; oh, that's mighty flattering of ya Miss Scarlet?
I'll see what I can do Miss Scarlet.
그러셨다니 몸 둘 바를 모르겠군요 이따 시간을 내보겠습니다
Ca; What's your sister so mad about Scarlet? you're stealing her beau?
네동생이 화가 났던데 애인을 가로챈거야?
Sc; as if I couldn't get a better beau than that old maid in breeches Brent and Stuart Tarleton! you too, you handsome old things, oh, no you're not.
I don't mean to say that I'm mad at you.
그런늙은이 애인한탠 관심 없어 브랜트, 스튜어트 타알튼! 소문난 미남 형제!
취소할래요, 나 화났어요
St; But, but, oh, Scarlet, what have we done honey?
왜그래요? 무슨일이죠?
Sc; you haven't been near me all day and I wore this old free just because I thought you liked it, I was counting on eating barbecue with you, too.
종일 내 곁에 안왔죠? 이옷은누구 때문에 입었는데! 같이 바비큐 먹을 생각이었단 말예요
St; well, we are Scarlett.
Br; of course you are honey.
Sc; oh, I never can make up my mind which of two is the handsomer.
I was awake all last night trying to figure it out.
둘줄 누가 더잘 생겼는지 모르겠다니까 어제밤에도 그생각하느라 한숨도 못잤어요
St; Oh, shucks, I'm sorry.
스카랫이 계단밑에서 스카랫를 빤히 쳐다보고잇는 렛드를 가리키면서 케슬린에게말한다
Sc; Cathleen, who's that?
케슬린 누구야?
Ca; who?
Sc; That man looking at us with smiling a nasty, fall one.
우릴보고 미소 짓는 남자말이야 음흉하게생겼어
Ca; My dear, don't you know who? that's Rhett Butler. He's from Charleston,
he has the most terrible reputation.
몰랐어? 랫드버틀러야 찰스터출신인데 평판이 아주 나빠
Sc; He looks as if he knows what I look like without my Shimmy!
내알몸을 보고있는것 같이 -스카랫
Ca; how? I hear he isn't received. he had to spend most of his time at war because
his folks in Charleston won't even speak to him. He was expelled from west point so fast and then there's the business about that girl he wouldn't marry.
여긴 초대 받지도 않았대찰스턴 사람과는 사이가 나빠서 주로 북부에 살았다는데
웨스트포인트에서는 퇴학당했고 여자문제도 있었나봐
Sc; tell, tell.
Ca; he took her out buggy riding in the late afternoon without a chaperone and then he refused to marry her, now but she was ruined hust the same.
다 저녁에 여자와 단둘이 마차를 타고 나갔는데 그후에 저사사람이 결혼을 안 하겠다고 한거야 그건아니지만 몸을버린거나 마찬가지지
어슴프레한 우유빛 유리로된 문 앞에 애슬리와 멜라니가 마주보며 서서
Me; Ashley.
As; Happy?
Me; So happy.
As; you mean to being here....as if it has all been imagined for you.
당신은 벌서 이곳 사람같아 마치 운명인 것처럼 말이오
Me; I like the feeling that I belong to the things that you love.
당신이 사랑하는곳에 어울린다니 기뻐요
As; you love Twelve Oaks as I do.
나만큼이나 이곳을 사랑하는군
Me; yes, Ashley, I love as more than a house, it's a whole world that wants only to be graceful and beautiful.
그래요, 여긴 집이상의 뭔가가 있어요 평화롭고 기품있는 하나의 세계에요
As; It's so unaware that it may not last, forever.
영원히 그럴순 없겠지
Me; you're afraid of what may happen, if the war comes, won't you?
But we don't have to be afraid of it, no war can come into our world, Ashley. whatever comes, I'll love you just as I do now, untill I die.
전쟁을 겁내시는군요? 하지만 걱정마세요 전쟁도 우리 세계를 침범하진 못할 태니
무슨일이 있어도 죽는 날까지 지금처럼 당신을 사랑할거예요
수 많은 남자들 가운데 둘러쌓여 스카랫이 의기양양한 표정으로 앉아 있으나 속마음은 딴곳에 있는 듯한 표정이 역역하다
Sc; How is Miss Suellen sitting at the table?
the girl hasn't got the two sides to her own table.
여기가 태이블보다 낫죠? 거긴 내옆에 둘밖에 못 앉잖아요
Ch; I'll go get her dessert. Yeah, she said to me.
디저트를 가져올게요 내가 할거야
Fr; allow me Miss O'hara.
누가 할까요 오하라양?
Sc; I think, mm-mm I think Charles Hamilton may get it.
누가 갈까.. 음 찰스 해밀턴이 가져오도록해요
Ch; Oh, thank you Miss O'hara, thank you.
고마워요 오하라양 정말고마워요
Fr; go get it, isn't he lucky?
어서 가봐, 운도 좋군
Ch; Miss O'hara, I love you.
오하라양, 사랑합니다
Sc; I, I don't guess I was as hungry as I thought.
이제 배 안고파요
Su; why do I have to take a nap? I'm not tired.
피곤하지도 않은데 왜낮잠을 자야돼
Ma; well brought up young ladies take naps sometimes, and time to time, you start behaving yourself, and acting like you was Miss Ellen's daughter.
양반댁규수들은 다 구래요 아가씨도 엘랜 마님의 딸답게 그렇게 하세요
Su; when we were in Saratoga, I didn't notice any yankee girls taking naps
사라토기의 양키 여자들은 낮잠을 안자던데
Ma; No, and you ain't gana see no yankee girls at the ball tonight either.
여기 양키 여자는 없어요
Su; How is Ashley today Scarlet?
he didn't seem to be paying much attention to you.
애슬리는 언니한태 눈길 한번 안주더라
Sc; you mind your own business,
you'd be lucky, if you don't lose old whisker face Kenedy.
네일이나 잘해 구레나룻 케네디나 놓치지 마
Su; you've been sweet on Ashley for months,
and his engagement is going to be announced tonight.
몇 달이나 애슬리를 쫓아 다니더니 오늘 결혼 발표를 한대
Sc; Hush! untill this morning.
Su; that's as much as you know.
그거야 네생각이지
Ma; Miss Scarlet, Miss Suellen, you all behave yourself, act like poor white trash
chidren, if you's old enough to go to parties you's old enough to act like ladies.
제발 숙녀답게 행동하세요 파티에 나올 나이가 됐으면 숙녀답게 행동하셔야죠
Sc; who cares.
조그만 흑인 여자노예가 낮잠자는 아가씨들에게 부채질을 해주는 동안 스카랫은 살며시 그것을 빠져나와 남자들 소리가나는 곳으로 살며시간다 제랄드를 가운데두고 재랄드바로앞에 애슬리가 그리고 그 둘래에 청년들이 서서 이야기를나누고잇다
we've borne enough insults from the medding yankees.
더 이상 양키에게 당할수만은 없소
It's time we made them understand we'll keep our slaves..
with or without their approval. 'twas the sovereige right of the state of Georgia secede from the Union! the south must assert herself by force of arms.
After we've fired on Yankee rascals at Fort Sumter,
그들의상관없이 우린 노예를 부린다는 걸 보여줍시다
조지아주의 연방 탈퇴는 신성한 궐리요! 옳습니다 남부는 무력으로 대처해야하오
섬터요새에서 양키를 발포한이상
we've got to fight! there's no other way!
우린 싸울수밖에 없소
Fight! That's right, fight! let the Yankees'ask for peace!
싸웁시다! 양키가 휴전하자고 빌때까지!
the situation is simple, the Yankees can't fight and we can.
상황은 간단하오 양키는 싸울 능력이없소
there won't even be a battle.
they'll just turn and every time, One Southerner can lick 20 yankees,
싸움도 안 일어날거요 그들은 치고 빠질 태니 남부인 1명당 20명씩 해치우죠
we'll finish them in one battle.
Gentlemen can always fight better than rabble.
단번에 해치울 수도 있어요 신사가 폭도보다 잘 싸우니까
What does the captain of our troop say?
장교는 어찌 생각하니?
well, gentlemen, if Georgia fights I go with her, But, like my father,
I hope that the Yankees will let us leave the Union in peace.
조지아가 싸운다면 저도함께하겠습니다 하지만 평화적인 방법으로 우리가 연합해서
탈퇴할수 있길바람니다
But, Ashley.. But, Ashley,
they've insulted us! you can't mean you don't want war!
그러나 애슬리 우릴 모욕했는데도 전쟁을 원하지 않는다는거요?
most of the miseries of the world were caused by wars, and when the wars were over one over knew what they were about. If it wasn't that I knew you..
전쟁은 비극을 부릅니다 또 전쟁이 끝나면 허무함을 느끼죠
now, gentlemen, Mr. Butler's been up North,
I hear, don't you agree with us, Mr.Butler?
잠시만요 북부에 다녀온 버틀러 씨에게 묻죠 찬성합니까, 버틀러씨?
I think it's hard winning a war with words gentlemen.
전쟁은 말로 하는게 아닙니다
what do you mean, sir?
무슨 뜻이죠?
there's not a cannon factory in the whole South,
남부에는 대포공장 하나 없지 않소?
what difference does that make to a gentlmen?
그게 어떻다는 거요?
it'll make a great deal of difference to a great many gentlemen, sir.
여러분 모두에게 중요한 문제죠
Are you hinting Mr. Butler, that the Yankees can lick us?
양키가 우리를 이긴다고 보시오?
no, I'm not hinting.
I'm saying very plainly the Yankees are better equipped than we.
양키의 장비가 더 낫다고 말씀드리는 겁니다
they've got factories shipyards, coal mines. and a fleet to bottle up our harbors
and starve us to death.
공장과 항구를 막아 우릴 말려 죽일 배까지 깆고 있소
All we've got is cotton and slaves and arrogance.
우리에겐 목화와 노예 그리고 교민뿐이오
that's Yankee treachery! sir, I refuse to listen to any renegade talk!
당신은 양키야! 반역자의 말은 안 듣겠소!
I'm sorry if the truth offends you,
기분 나빴다면 용서 하시오
Apologies aren't enough, sir!
사과하면 다 된다고 생각하시오?
I hear you were turned out of West Point,
웨스트포인트에서 쫓겨났다면서요?
Mr.Rhett Butler..and you aren't received by decent family in Charleston,
not even your own!
그래서 찰스턴의 어느 가문에서도 환영받지 못하죠 당신 집에서 조차!
I apologize again for all my shortcomings.
나의 결점을 용서하시오
perhaps you won't mind if walk about and look over your place.
집안을 좀 둘러봐도 될까요?
I seem to be spoiling everybody's brandy and cigars and..dreams of victory.
제가 브랜디와 시가 맛을 망친 것 같군요 승리의 꿈도요
That's just about what you could expect from somebody like Rhett Butler.
you did everything but call him out.he refused to fight.
저런 식으로 비겁하게 빠져 나갈 줄 알았어요 결투는 할수없겠군 저자가 먼저 피했어요
Not quite that, Charles. He refused to take advantage of you.
비겁해서가 아니라 자네를 위해서 그런거야
take advantage of me?
날 위해서 라고요?
he's one of the best shots in the country.
버틀러씨는 이나라 제일가는 명사수야
as he's proved a number of times..
against steadier hands and cooler heads than yours.
자네보다 잘 쏘는 자들도 당했어
I'll show him! Now, please.
본때를 보여주겠어!
don't go tweaking his nose anymore.
그를 건드리지 말게
you may be needed for more important fighting,
앞으로 더 큰 싸움이 있을 테니까
Charles. for more important fighting, Charles.
Now, if you'll excuse me, Mr.Butler is our guest. I think I'll just show him around.
버틀러씨도 제손님이니 안내를 해야겠습니다
Ashley! Ashley. Scarlett who're you hiding from in here?
애슬리 스칼렛! 왜 여기 숨어 있소?
what are you up to?
무슨 일이오?
well, why aren't you upstairs resting with the other girls?
다른 여자들처럼 왜 쉬지 않고?
what is this, Scarlett? A secret?
뭐요, 스칼렛? 비밀이오?
oh, Ashley, Ashley.. I love you.
오! 애슬리 ! 사랑해요
Scarlett, I love you, I do!
스칼렛 사랑해요
well, isn't it enough that you've gathered every other man's heart today?
그많은 남자들의 마음을 뺏고도 모자라오?
you've always had mine you cut your teeth on it.
내맘도 당신거요 당신한테 잡혔소
Oh, don't tease me now,
내 속을 태우지 말아요
Have I your heart, my darling? I love you, I love you.
당신도 날 사랑하나요? 사랑해요 사랑해요
you musn't say such things. you'll hate me for hearing them.
그런 말은 해선않돼요 날 싫어하게 될거요