근방추는 추외근섬유가 과도하게 늘어나면 반사적으로 반응(stretch reflex)하여 주동근이 더이상 늘어나는 것을 방지하고, 2차신경원이 반응하여 길항근을 이완시킴.
결국 스트레치 반사는 근육이 일정한 길이를 유지하도록 함.
여기서 탐구할 것?
감마 운동신경원 -> 감마 운동신경의 neuromuscular junction - 효과기(effector muscle)
Gamma motor neurons (γ motor neurons), also called gamma motoneurons, are a type of lower motor neuron thattake part in the process of muscle contraction, and represent about 30% of fibers going to the muscle.[1] Like alpha motor neurons, their cell bodies are located in the anterior horn of the spinal cord.
감마운동신경원은 하부운동신경원이고 근수축과정을 담당하고, 근육으로 이어지는 근섬유의 약 30%를 대표함. 알파운동신경원과 마찬가지로 감마운동신경원의 세포체는 척수의 전각세포에 위치함.
Their axons originate from the bulboreticular facilitatory region of the pons in the brainstem with a diameter of only 5 μm. Unlike the alpha motor neurons, gamma motor neurons do not directly adjust the lengthening or shortening of muscles. However, their role is important in keeping muscle spindles taut, thereby allowing the firing of alpha neurons to continue discharging, leading to muscle contraction. These neurons also play a role in adjusting the sensitivity of muscle spindles.[2]
감마운동신경원 축삭은 뇌간의 bulboreticular facillitatory 부위로부터 기원하고 직경은 5um임.
알파운동신경과 다르게 감마운동신경원은 근육의 수축이나 이완을 직접 조정하지는 못함.
하지만 감마운동신경원의 역할은 근방추가 taut하도록 유지하는데 중요한 역할을 하고, 근수축을 야기하는 지속적인 알파운동신경 발화를 허용함.
감마운동신경원은 근방추의 민감성을 조절하는 역할을 수행함.
근방추의 본래 기능
When a muscle lengthens, the muscle spindle is stretched and its nerve activity increases. This increases alpha motor neuron activity, causing the muscle fibers to contract and thus resist the stretching. A secondary set of neurons also causes the opposing muscle to relax. The reflex functions to maintain the muscle at a constant length.
근육이 늘어날때, 근방추가 스트레치되고, 그것의 신경활성이 증가함. 근방추 신경활성의 증가는 알파운동신경원 활성을 증가시키고, 근수축을 유도하고, 더이상 근육이 스트레치되는 것을 방지함. 2차신경원은 반대측 근육을 이완시킴. 스트레치 반사는 근육이 일정한 길이를 유지하도록 함.
그런데.. 인체에서 근방추가 비정상적인 스트레치 반사반응으로 반사성 근수축이 일어남.
타박상 등 조직손상이 있을때, 염증이 있을때, 비정상 장력을 받을때, 비정상 압박력을 받을때, 관절이 안움직일때, 통증이 있을때, 고정되어 굳어있을때..
중추신경 마비때는 강직성 마비, DTR항진
말초신경 마비때는 이완성 마비, DTR소실
이러한 문제가 있을때 무엇을 알아야 하고 어떻게 해결하는 것이 최적의 방법인가?
panic bird....
알파 운동신경원
alpha motor neuron activity
gamma motor neuron activity - dynamic gamma motor neuron - dynamic bag fiber
- static gamma motor neuron - static bag fiber and chain fiber
alpha-gamma co-activation(alpha-gamma loop)
Alpha motor neurons (α motor neurons), also called alpha motoneurons, are large lower motor neurons of the brainstem and spinal cord. They innervate extrafusal muscle fibers of skeletal muscle and are directly responsible for initiating their contraction. Alpha motor neurons are distinct from gamma motor neurons, which innervate intrafusal muscle fibers of muscle spindles.
- 알파운동신경원은 뇌간과 척수의 큰 하위운동신경원(lower motor neurons)임. 알파운동신경원은 골격근의 추외근섬유에 신경지배하고 직접적으로 근육수축을 시작하는 역할을 수행함. 알파운동신경원은 근방추의 추내근섬유에 신경지배하고 있는 감마운동신경원과 구별됨.
While their cell bodies are found in the central nervous system (CNS), alpha motor neurons are also considered part of the somatic nervous system—a branch of the peripheral nervous system (PNS)—because their axons extend into the periphery to innervate skeletal muscles. An alpha motor neuron and the muscle fibers it innervates is a motor unit. A motor neuron pool contains the cell bodies of all the alpha motor neurons involved in contracting a single muscle.
- 알파운동신경원의 세포체는 중추신경내에 있고, 알파운동신경원은 말초신경의 가지인 체신경시스템으로 간주됨. 왜냐하면 알파운동신경원의 축삭이 말초로 뻗어나가 골격근에 신경지배하고 있기 때문임. 알파운동신경원과 근섬유는 운동단위로 연결됨. 운동신경원 풀은 알파운동신경원의 세포체를 포함하고 단일근육의 수축과 관련됨.
- GTO에서 올라오는 Ib afferent 자극은 알파운동신경원에 직접 inhibitory postsynaptic potential을 일으킬 수 있음.
- 근방추에서 올라오는 Ia(primary ending), II(secondary ending) 구심자극은 억제 중간뉴런을 거쳐 작용함.
1) nuclear bag fiber - primary ending and secondary ending - group Ia fiber - contractile and noncontractile portion
2) nuclear chain fiber - primary ending and secondary ending - group II fiber - contractile and noncontractile portion
3) intrafusal fiber - 3~12개 bag and chain fiber and fluid-filled cavity - gamma motor neuron - gamma neuromuscular junction
4) extrafusal fiber - alpha motor neuron - alpha neuromuscular junction
5) golgi tendon organ - Ib fiber - nuclear bag(?) fiber로 연결
참고) primary(annulospiral) endings of afferent fiber = non contractile portion
secondary(flower-spray) endings of afferent fiber = contractile portion
참고) 이 그림을 이해해야 근방추 gammm motor neuromuscular junction에서 발생하는 근수축 도움(알파운동신경원의 Neural firing 지속가능하도록 하면서 30% 근수축을 담당하는 근방추역할을 이해)
- 추외근 섬유가 짧아지면 fusimotor neuron(beta motor neurons and gamma motor neurons)이 inactive됨. -> Ia afferent firing rate가 낮음.
- 추외근 섬유가 약간 늘어나면 fusimotor neuron은 아직 inactive -> Ia afferent firing rate가 중간
fusimotor neuron이 활성화되면 추내근섬유를 활성화하여 근방추의 길이가 늘어나고 gto에 장력이 걸림.
- 추외근 섬유가 늘어나고 fusimotor neuron이 활성화 - Ia afferent firing rate 매우 높음 - 근방추의 길이는 더욱 늘어남.
Gamma motor neurons (γ motor neurons), also called gamma motoneurons, are a type of lower motor neuron that take part in the process of muscle contraction, and represent about 30% of fibers going to the muscle.[1] Like alpha motor neurons, their cell bodies are located in the anterior horn of the spinal cord.
감마운동신경원은 하부운동신경원이고 근수축과정을 담당하고, 근육으로 이어지는 근섬유의 약 30%를 대표함. 알파운동신경원과 마찬가지로 감마운동신경원의 세포체는 척수의 전각세포에 위치함.
Their axons originate from the bulboreticular facilitatory region of the pons in the brainstem with a diameter of only 5 μm. Unlike the alpha motor neurons, gamma motor neurons do not directly adjust the lengthening or shortening of muscles. However, their role is important in keeping muscle spindles taut, thereby allowing the firing of alpha neurons to continue discharging, leading to muscle contraction. These neurons also play a role in adjusting the sensitivity of muscle spindles.[2]
감마운동신경원 축삭은 뇌간의 bulboreticular facillitatory 부위로부터 기원하고 직경은 5um임.
알파운동신경과 다르게 감마운동신경원은 근육의 수축이나 이완을 직접 조정하지는 못함.
하지만 감마운동신경원의 역할은 근방추가 taut하도록 유지하는데 중요한 역할을 하고, 근수축을 야기하는 지속적인 알파운동신경 발화를 허용함.
감마운동신경원은 근방추의 민감성을 조절하는 역할을 수행함.
The presence of myelination in γ motor neurons allows a conduction velocity of 4 to 24 meters per second, significantly faster than with non-myelinated axons[3][4] but slower than in alpha motor neurons.
감마운동신경원에서 수초의 존재는 초당 4~24미터의 전도속도를 허용함. 수초가 없는 축삭보다 훨씬 빠르고 알파운동신경원보다는 느림.
Muscle spindles are the sensory receptors located within muscles that allow communication to the spinal cord and brain with information of where the body is in space (proprioception) and how fast body limbs are moving with relation to space (velocity) They are mechanoreceptors in that they respond to stretch and are able to signal changes in muscle length. The sensitivity of detecting changes in muscle length are adjusted by fusimotor neurons – gamma and beta motor neurons.
근방추는 근육내에 위치하는 감각 수용기로 몸의 공간(고유수용감각)과 사지의 빠른 움직임의 정보를 뇌와 척수로 소통을 허용함. 근방추는 스트레치에 반응하는 기계적수용기로 근육길이 변화신호를 전달함. 근육길이 변화를 발견하는 감수성은 방추운동신경(fusimotor neuron, gamma and beta motor neuron)에 의해서 조정됨.
Muscle spindles can be made up of three different types of muscle fibers: dynamic nuclear bag fibers (bag1 fibers), static nuclear bag fibers (bag2 fibers), nuclear chain fibers, and the axons of sensory neurons.
근방추는 세가지다른 근섬유로 이루어짐.
1) dynamic nuclear bag fiber(bag1 fiber)
2) static nuclear bag fiber(bag3 fiber)
3) nuclear chain fiber and axon of sensory neurons
When the central nervous system sends out signals to alpha neurons to fire, signals are also sent to gamma motor neurons to do the same. This process is called alpha gamma co-activation, which is what maintains tautness of the muscle spindles. It is important to note that nuclei (plural for singular nucleus) of spindle muscle cells are located in the middle of these spindles and intrafusal muscle fibers do not have myofibrils, the contractile elements of muscles. Furthermore, the lack of these elements means that the equatorial region of fibers do not contract.[6]
중추신경계가 알파운동신경 발화에 신호를 보낼때, 신호는 감마운동신경원에도 동시에 보내짐.
이러한 과정을 알파감마 상호활성이라고 하고, 근방추의 단단함 유지에 관여함. tautness of the muscle spindle를 유지
근방추세포 핵이 근방추의 중앙에 위치하고, 추내근 섬유는 근수축의 최소단위인 근원섬유를 가지지 않는다는 것은 매우 중요함.
게다가 근방추 요소의 부족은 근방추 중앙부위가 수축하지 않는다는 의미.
Without gamma motor neurons, muscle spindles would be very loose as the muscle contracts more. This does not allow for muscle spindles to detect a precise amount of stretch since it is so limp. However, with alpha gamma co-activation where both alpha neurons and gamma neurons are present, muscle fibers with the muscle spindles are pulled parallel to the extrafusal contraction causing the muscle movement. The firing of gamma motor neurons in synch with alpha motor neurons pulls muscle spindles from polar ends of the fibers as this is where gamma motor neurons innervate the muscle. This part of the spindle is innervated by type Ia sensory fiber that go on to synapse with alpha motor neurons, completing the gamma-loop. The parallel pulling keeps muscle spindles taut and readily able to detect minute changes in stretch.
감마운동신경원이 없다면, 근방추는 근수축함에 있어서 매우 느슨할 것임.
알파감마동시활성화와 함께 근방추를 포함한 근섬유는 근육움직임을 야기하는 추외근 섬유수축에 평행하게 당김.
알파운동신경원과 동기화되는 감마운동신경원의 발화는 근섬유의 극성 끝으로부터의 근방추를 당김.
type 1a 감각섬유에 의해서 신경지배받는 근방추의 부분은 알파운동신경원의 시냅스와 이어지고 감마-loop를 완성함.
평행당김( parallel pulling)은 근방추 taut를 유지시키고 스트레치의 변화를 쉽게 찾아낼 수 있음.
The fusimotor system is a system by which the central nervous system controls muscle spindle sensitivity. It consists of muscle spindles along with fusimotor neurons - beta motor neurons and gamma motor neurons. Because beta motor neurons innervate extrafusal as well as intrafusal muscle fibers, they are more specifically named skeleto-fusimotor neurons. Gamma motor neurons are the efferent (sending signals away from the central nervous system) part of the fusimotor system, whereas muscle spindles are the afferent part as they send signals relaying information from muscles toward the spinal cord and brain.[7]
fusimotor system 근육방추시스템은 중추신경이 근방추 민감도를 조절하는 것임.
그것은 베타운동신경원과 감마운동신경원인 방추운동신경원과 함께 근방추로 구성됨.
왜냐하면 베타운동신경원은 추내근섬유뿐아니라 추외근섬유에 신경지배하기 때문.
감마운동신경원은 방추운동시스템의 원심섬유의 일부이고, 반면에 근방추는 구심성 섬유임.
Static gamma motor neurons innervate static nuclear bag fibers (bag2 fibers), a type of nuclear bag fiber and nuclear chain fibers. Both of these fiber types are part of the intrafusal muscle spindle fibers, where the static gamma motor neurons innervate onto. Nuclear chain fibers' nuclei are organized in longitudinal columns which is where it gets its name from, whereas the nuclear bag fibers' nuclei are clumped in the midsection of the muscle spindle.
정적인 감마운동신경운은 static nuclear bag fiber, a type of nuclear bag fiber and nuclear chain fibers.에 신경지배함. 이 두가지 섬유는 추내근섬유 근방추의 부분으로, 정적인 감마운동신경원이 지배함.
핵사슬섬유의 핵은 종 columns에서 조직화하여 이름지워짐. nuclear bag fibers의 핵은 근방추의 중간단면에서 무리를 이룸.
There is a 2:1 ratio of nuclear chain fibers to nuclear bag fibers. The static gamma motor neurons increase their firing, in response to an increase in magnitude of change in length and controls the static sensitivity of the stretch reflex.[9] For this reason, this type of gamma motor neuron is mostly used in the maintenance of postures and slower movements such as lifting a box, rather than activities requiring rapid changes due to rapid change in muscle length.
- nuclear chain fiber와 nuclear bag fiber는 2:1 비율을 이룸.
- 근육 길이변화의 크기 증가에 반응하여 정적 감마운동신경 발화가 증가하고, 스트레치 반사의 정적인 감수성을 조절함
- 이러한 이유로 감마운동신경원은 근육길이 변화가 빠른 움직임에 반응하기보다는 작은 움직임과 자세유지에 사용됨.
Dynamic gamma motor neurons innervate the dynamic nuclear bag fibers (bag1 fibers), another type of nuclear bag fiber smaller than the static nuclear bag fibers. This type of gamma motor neuron can enhance the sensitivities of Ia sensory neurons.
동적 감마운동신경원은 dynamic nuclear bag fiber에 신경지배함. nuclear bag fiber는 정적인 nuclear bag fiber보다 작음. 감마운동신경원의 이 형태는 1a 감각신경원의 감수성을 증가시킴.
It is done so because the dynamic nuclear bag fibers, which are innervated by the dynamic gamma motor neurons, receive Ia sensory innervation. Furthermore, the firing of dynamic gamma motor neurons removes the slack in dynamic nuclear bags, bringing Ia fibers closer to the firing threshold.
- dynamic nuclear bag fiber는 동적 감마운동신경원에 의해서 지배받고 1a 감각을 받아들임. 게다가 동적감마운동신경원의 발화는 동적인 nuclear bag fiber에 있어서 느슨함을 제거항 1a 섬유를 가져다 발화 역치에 가깝게 함.
Dynamic gamma motor neurons alter muscle spindle sensitivity and increases its discharge in response to velocity, the rate of change, of muscle length rather than simply the magnitude as it is with static gamma motor neurons. Therefore, this type of gamma motor neuron can be used for activities requiring quick changes in muscle length to adjust such as balancing on a rail.
- 동적 감마운동신경원은 근방추 민감성을 변화시키고, 속도에 반응하여 감마운동신경원의 discharge를 증가시키고, 정적감마운동신경원과 함께 ..??... 그래서 이러한 동적 감마운동신경원은 난간에서 발란스로 조절하는 근육길이 변화의 빠른 변화가 필요함.
The effect of nuclear chain fibers on primary endings is to drive the discharge up to a frequency of around 60 Hz in a linear fashion, above which the discharge can become irregular. The activities of bag2 fibers show an initial sharp peak in discharge, which gets less as the receptor adapts. Bag2 fibers also reduce the dynamic sensitivity of the Ia afferent and sometimes also reduce the length sensitivity. Activation of bag1 fibers has the effect of increasing both the length sensitivity and the dynamic sensitivity of the primary ending.[10]
primary ending에서 nuclear chain fiber의 효과는 직선형에서 60Hz 주파수...
bag2 fiber의 활성화는 discharge에서 초기 날카로운 피크를 보여줌.
bag2 fiber는 1a 구심성의 동적민감도를 감소시켜 때때로 길이 민감도를 줄임.
bag1 fiber의 활성화는 길이민감도와 primary ending의 동적민감도를 증가시킴.
It is believed that the secondary sensory endings serve to measure length and muscle contractions of nuclear chain fibers at the pole via the static γ-motoneurons both excite the ending and increase its length sensitivity. Bag1 and bag2 fibers receive very little innervation from secondary endings, and activation of these fibers has a minimal effect on the discharge of the secondary ending.[10]
- secondary 감각말단은 정적인 감마운동신경원이 신경말단을 흥분시킴과 길이 감수성 증가를 통해 nuclear chain fiber의 근수축과 길이측정을 제공한다고 믿어짐.
- Bag1-2 fiber는 secondary말단으로부터 매우 적은 신경지배를 받고 있고, 이 섬유들의 활성화는 secondary ending의 discharge방전에 미미한 효과를 가짐
Gamma motor neurons develop similarly to alpha motor neurons at the beginning. They originate in the basal plate which is the ventral portion of the neural tube in the developing embryo. Sonic Hedgehog genes (Shh) are an important part of the development process which is secreted by the notochord creating gradients of concentrations. After the hedgehog genes, various other molecular markers and transcription factors play a role in differentiating motor neurons into the specific gamma motor neurons.
- 감마운동신경원은 초기에는 알파운동신경원과 비슷하게 진행함. 감마운동신경원은 basal plate에서 기원하고 ...
Gamma motor neurons, like all cells, express specific genetic markers at birth. Muscle spindle derived GDNF neurotrophic factors must also be present for postnatal survival.[11] Wnt7A is a secreted signaling molecule selectively in gamma motor neurons by embryonic day 17.5 of mice. This is the earliest molecule present in gamma motor neurons that differentiates them from alpha motor neurons, illustrating the divergence of these two types of lower motor neurons.[12]
- 감마운동신경원은 모든 세포와 마찬가지로 탄생시 specific genetic marker를 가짐. GDNF neurotrophic factor에서 유래된 근방추는 ,,, 발생학 이야기...
In addition, serotonin receptor 1d (5-ht 1d) has been concluded to be a novel marker for gamma motor neurons enabling researchers to distinguish between the various types of lower motor neurons. Mice lacking this serotonin receptor 1d, displayed lower monosynaptic reflex (a reflex arc involving only a sensory and motor neuron), which may be caused by a reduced response to sensory stimulation in motor neurons. In addition, knockout mice without this serotonin receptor exhibited more coordination on a balance beam task, suggesting that less activation of motor neurons by Ia afferents during movement could reduce the unnecessary excess of muscle output.[13]
- 게다가 세로토닌 수용기는
Another distinguishing molecular marker of gamma motor neurons is transcription factor Err3. It is expressed at high levels in gamma motor neurons, but very little in alpha motor neurons. On the other hand, neuronal DNA binding protein NeuN, are present in significantly greater quantities in alpha motor neurons.[14] Osteopontin, a protein also expressed in bones, hence the "osteo-" prefix, is a marker for alpha motor neurons. This in turn can provide scientists a way of eliminating gamma motor neurons if alpha motor neurons are of interest.
One study in particular made this conclusion based on the fact that osteopontin was present in larger cell bodies, indicating the alpha motor neurons as they have larger cell bodies than gamma motor neurons.[15]
- 알파운동신경원과 감마운동신경원의 분자생물학적 차이를 설명
Although muscles can be in a relaxed state, muscles have a general resting level of tension. This is termed muscle tone and is maintained by the motor neurons innervating the muscle. Its purpose is to maintain posture and assist in quicker movements, since if muscles were completely loose, then more neuronal firing would need to take place.
- 근육이 이완상태가 될수 있을지라도 근육은 장력의 안정성 레벨을 가짐. 이를 근긴장(muscle tone)라고 하고, 이는 알파운동신경원에 의해서 유지됨. 근긴장의 목적은 자세를 유지하고 빠른 움직임을 도움. 그래서 만약 근육이 완전히 loose되면, 신경발화는 더 필요함.
The amount of tension in the muscles depends primarily on the resting level discharge of alpha motor neurons, mainly the Ia spindle afferents. Gamma motor neurons are also involved through their action on intrafusal muscle fibers. The intrafusal muscle fibers control the resting level of the Ia afferent pathway, which in turn creates a steady level of alpha neuron activity.
- 근육에서 장력의 양은 알파운동신경의 resting level discharge에 주로 의존하고, Ia 근방추 afferent에 의존함.
- 감마운동신경은 추내근섬유의 활동과 연관됨. 추내근 섬유는 구심성 pathway의 resting level을 조절하고 이는 알파운동활성 레벨을 만듬.
Muscle tone can also be due to tonic discharge of gamma motor neurons. The activation to these neurons are mostly from the descending fibers of the facilitatory reticular formation.[16] This leads to the stretching of muscle spindle, activation of alpha motor neurons and finally a partially contracted muscle. The cerebellum is the alpha-gamma motor neuron linkage. Therefore, with the cerebellum the muscle tension is maintained via alpha motor neurons as well as the gamma motor neurons.
- 근긴장(muscle tone)은 감마운동신경원의 tonic discharge때문일 수 있음. 감마운동신경원의 활성은 facilitatory reticular fomation의 하행성 섬유로부터 발생함. 이것은 근방추의 스트레칭과 알파운동신경원의 활성을 유도하고, 결국 부분적으로 근육을 수축케 함.
- 소뇌는 알파-감마 운동신경원 연결체임.
- 그래서 소뇌와 함께 근육 장력은 알파운동신경원 뿐 아니라 감마운동신경원을 통해 유지됨.
Hypotonia can be due to damage to alpha neurons or Ia afferents carrying sensory information to the alpha neurons. This creates a decrease in muscle tone. Opposite to this, hypertonia is caused by damage to descending pathways that terminate in the spinal cord. It increases muscle tone by increasing the total responsiveness of alpha motor neurons from its Ia sensory input.
Spasms can be caused by a disparity between how much alpha and gamma motor neurons are firing i.e. too much gain of one or the other. The imbalance causes an inaccurate reading from muscle receptors in the muscle spindle. Therefore, the sensory neurons feeding back to the brain and spinal cord are misleading.
- muscle spasm은 알파와 감마운동신경원이 발화되는 차이에 의해서 발생할 수 있음.
- 알파와 감마운동신경원의 불균형은 근방추에서 근육 수용기의 부정확한 유도를 야기함. 그래서 감각신경이 척수와 뇌에 피드백에 잘못된 유도가 됨.
For example, if a patient has over active gamma motor neurons, there will be a resistance to passive movement causing stiffness, also called spasticity. This is often found in individuals with damage to higher centers affecting the descending pathways. This can sometimes cause a gamma-bias (constant discharge of some gamma motor neurons) to be greater or less than usual. In the case for patients with excess gamma bias, the sensory endings within muscle spindles are discharging too frequently causing there to be more muscle activity than appropriate. Furthermore, this hyperactivity in the gamma spindle loop can cause spasticity.[8]
- 예를들어, 환자가 감마운동신경원 과활성이 발생하면, 수동적 움직임이 야기하는 강직에 저항이 발생하고 이를 stasticity라고 함. 이는 중추신경손상 환자에게서 흔히 발생함. 이는 때로 gamma-bias(지속적인 discharge)를 야기하고, ...
Gamma motor neurons assist in keeping the muscle spindle taut, thus adjusting sensitivity. Therefore, if proper gamma motor neuronal firing does not occur, muscle movement can be adversely affected. Fine motor skills such as movements with the fingers and eyes are affected most since any lack of tautness within the muscle spindle hinders its ability to detect the amount of stretch through the sensory endings. This means that the muscle will not be able to precisely move accordingly. Lesions controlling descending pathways in lower motor neurons to the upper limbs, can cause a loss in patient's ability to have fine movement control.
In clinical settings, it is possible to test if someone has an abnormally low or high gamma gain simply by moving the patients arm. Gamma gain is the process where acceleration, velocity, and length of muscle changes are scaled up equally, enabling more accurate movements to take place in the appropriate situation. If it is more difficult to bend a patients arm at the elbow back and forth, then he/she has higher gamma gain while someone who's arm moves very easily will have lower gamma gain.
Oscilloscopes can be used to measure action potentials of an axon from a motor neuron in order to assess general muscle activity. Though it cannot distinguish alpha motor neurons from gamma motor neurons, it is useful in understanding whether one has abnormal motor neuron activity. With low rates of activity of the descending pathway, fewer and smaller motor neurons are activated leading to a small amount of muscle force. This will appear on the oscilloscope as lower peaks on the y-axis.
첫댓글 -감마운동신경원은 근육의 수축이나 이완을 직접 조정하지는 못함. 하지만 감마운동신경원의 역할은 근방추가 taut하도록 유지하는데 중요한 역할을 하고, 근수축을 야기하는 지속적인 알파운동신경 발화를 허용함. 감마운동신경원은 근방추의 민감성을 조절하는 역할을 수행함.
-베타운동신경원 추내근 섬유와 추외근 섬유에 동시 신경지배하고 아주 적게 존재함.
-중추신경계가 알파운동신경 발화에 신호를 보낼때, 신호는 감마운동신경원에도 동시에 보내짐.?이러한 과정을 알파감마 상호활성이라고 하고, 근방추의 단단함 유지에 관여함.
알파 감마 운동신경 읽기
When a muscle lengthens, the muscle spindle is stretched and its nerve activity increases. This increases alpha motor neuron activity, causing the muscle fibers to contract and thus resist the stretching. A secondary set of neurons also causes the opposing muscle to relax. The reflex functions to maintain the muscle at a constant length.
근육이 늘어날때, 근방추가 스트레치되고, 그것의 신경활성이 증가함. 근방추 신경활성의 증가는 알파운동신경원 활성을 증가시키고, 근수축을 유도하고, 더이상 근육이 스트레치되는 것을 방지함. 2차신경원은 반대측 근육을 이완시킴. 스트레치 반사는 근육이 일정한 길이를