The book's title is "Alexander Graham Bell, the Great Inventor." Alexander Graham Bell was born in Scotland in 1847. When he was 12 years old, he invented a machine that cleaned wheat. This helped farmers do their work quickly. Alexander's mother was deaf, which inspired him to study speech and sound**,** like his father. When Alexander was 23, he moved to Canada with his family. Alexander started teaching a deaf woman named Mabel. Five years later**,** they got married. On March 10, 1876, Alexander sent the first message ever by telephone. Alexander died in 1922. After I read this book, I think Alexander was a very great Inventor inventor.
Score: A-
- 쉼표를 적절히 써주세요! (문장 사이에 쉼표를 잘 써주면 읽기 쉬워요)
- '발명가'는 일반 명사라서 소문자로 써요! ('inventor'처럼 써요)
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- 알렉산더가 왜 통신에 관심을 가졌는지 더 설명해보세요! (이유를 더 자세히 써보세요)