The book's title is "Alexander grahemball Graham Bell, the great inventer inventor." Alexander grahemball Graham Bell was borned born at in scortland Scotland in 1847. He has had many curious curiosities about the world. When he was 12 years old, he made a machine that clean cleaned the wheat. And When he was 23 years old**,** he went to canda Canada. He experiment experimented about sound and electricity. And He married with Mabel. He help helped start Bell's telephone Telephone company Company and he get got many a lot of money. I think Aelxander grahemball Alexander Graham Bell is was a smart.
Score: C+
- 이름의 철자를 정확하게 써주세요! ('Alexander Graham Bell'이 맞아요)
- 시제를 맞춰주세요! ('had', 'cleaned'처럼 과거형으로 써요)
- 철자를 정확하게 써주세요! ('Scotland', 'Canada'가 맞아요)
- 'And'로 문장을 시작하지 말아요! (새로운 문장으로 시작하세요)
- 벨이 어떤 실험을 했는지 자세히 설명해보면 좋겠어요! (전화기 발명에 대해 써보세요)