Loved it. I did not know which pack to buy - I was looking for a quality, light pack that was sturdy enough for multiday alpine climbing. It also needed to be comfortable enough to carry heavy loads and allow me to save some ebery for summit attempts.
I had my eyes set on this pack and the bora 65. I had tried on the bora 80 but thought this was too heavy and big for what I had in mind. I did not have the opportnity to touch both in a shop, so I called backcountry. The recommendastion I got was to buy both, try them out in the mountains and return one of them (or both if I wanted to!). I did not really believe this, and expected to run into some proiblems when i wanted to return one after using it to climb mount Rainer, but backcountry lived up to its promise: they fully refunded my used pack.
A friend ended up using (and liking) the bora 65, but I preferred the khamsin 70. It is lighter, easier to handle because of the big openings and is still comfortable enough. Our paks were treated to some prettu cold and heavy weather: we summited during a blizard, and when we woke up after a night of smow and ice rain, both packs had to be hacked out of the ice.
I am very impressed by backcountry's service, offerings and information. Nothing beats testing a pacvk while on a climb, and being able to do this to choose a pack and getting reimbursed for the other is just great.
Last note regarding the khamsin 70: it does not have a sleeping bag compartment to save weight. This was something I expected to miss, but it turned out to be completely fine, because of the easy access to anything being probvided by the side pockets.
첫댓글 179에 69 정도되는데..역시 s는 무리겠죠??^^;;;
개인적인 생각으론 괜찮을듯합니다;; 혹시 안맞으시면 반품 택배비만 부담하시고 반송하셔도 됩니다(발송택배비는 까페에서 부담;;) 제가 175에 72 정도되는데 엠사이즈 매니까 좀 크게 느껴졌습니다. 엑스피크
네 감사합니다. 엑스피크
남은 재고사이즈가 어떻게 되나요 주문하고 싶은데...
등판 숏사이즈 1개 남아 있습니다. 엑스피크
숏사이즈면 182정도 키에는 작을까요?
일반적으로 엠이 맞으실 듯 합니다만 배낭은 딱히 뭐라 말씀드리기가 애매합니다. 본인이 메보고 판단하셔야 할 듯 합니다. 혹시 안맞으시면 반품 택배비만 부담하시고 반송하셔도 됩니다(발송택배비는 까페에서 부담;;) 엑스피크
여성에게는 좀 무리인 배낭인지요 65L정도를 찾고 있는데요... 157/54kg
이 배낭은 등판이 좀 크실듯합니다. 그레고리나 아크테릭스 같은 경우 엑스스몰 사이즈가 좋으실 듯 합니다. 즐거운 명절되세요!! 엑스피크
178/78인데 괜찮을까요??
일반적으로 100(L) 사이즈 상의 입습니다.
개인적인 생각으론 괜찮을듯합니다;; 혹시 안맞으시면 반품 택배비만 부담하시고 반송하셔도 됩니다(발송택배비는 까페에서 부담;;) 제가 175에 72 정도되는데 엠사이즈 매니까 좀 크게 느껴졌습니다.(개인적 차이가 있어서 딱히 제 느낌이 맞는다고는 말씀드리기가 애매합니다) 엑스피크
침낭칸을 따로 열고 닫을 수 있는 시스템인가요? 아니면 통으로 된 시스템인가요?
한번 체크해보겠습니다만 제 기억엔 통으로 된 시스템이었던듯합니다. 엑스피크