The title of the book is "Let's Go Out and play Play". Danny wants to play outside with his dog and in the snow. But his mother says that he must wear his snowsuit, boots, scarf and kitten mittens. He asks his mother that why some animals don't wearing don't wear those. So, she answers to him. Dog's hair is longer and thicker than the in summer, birds are find fine and go to a warmer place. Finally, he wear wears his snowsuit, boots, scarf and kitten mittens and play plays outside with his dog.
Score: B
- 대니가 왜 동물들이 옷을 입지 않는지 궁금해한 이유를 설명해보세요.
- 엄마가 대니에게 설명한 다른 동물들의 예를 더 추가해보세요.
- 대니가 밖에서 무엇을 하고 놀았는지 자세히 써보세요.
- '키튼(kitten)'은 '새끼 고양이'예요. 손에 끼는 것은 '미튼(mittens)'이에요. 이 둘을 혼동하지 않도록 주의하세요.