"게스트 지휘로는 함부르크 카메라타와 함부르크 엘브필하모니 데뷔, 라이프치거 심포니커와 게반트하우스 데뷔, 베를린 콘체르트하우스 오케스트라, 함부르크 심포니 오케스트라, 슈투트가르트 필하모닉 오케스트라, 뉘른베르크 심포니 오케스트라,
프랑크푸르트 국립 오케스트라, 브란덴부르크 심포니 오케스트라, 함부르크 카메라타와 함께 데뷔했다. , 도쿄 필하모닉
오케스트라, 부쿠레슈티 심포니 오케스트라, 아라드 필하모닉 오케스트라, 서울 필하모닉 오케스트라, 코리안 심포니
오케스트라, KBS 심포니 오케스트라 및 SAC 페스티벌 오케스트라. Lee는 또한 2021년과 2022년 Cabrillo Festival
of Contemporary Music의 지휘자로 활동하며 지휘자 Cristian Măcelaru, Yannick Nézet-Séguin, Octavio Más-Arocas 및
Marin Alsop과 함께 작업했습니다.Lee는 쾰른, 뮌헨, 잘츠부르크의 WDR Sinfonieorchester와의 콘서트에서 Cristian Măcelaru를
도왔으며, 런던 필하모닉 오케스트라와의 콘서트에서는 Vladimir Jurowski를 도왔습니다. 최근 그는 미네소타 오케스트라 구독
콘서트의 표지 지휘자로 활동했습니다.지휘 펠로우이자 다니엘레 가티(Daniele Gatti), 리카르도 무티(Riccardo Muti),
네메 예르비(Neeme Järvi), 마르쿠스 스텐츠(Markus Stenz)와 같은 지휘자들의 마스터클래스에 참여하면서 그는 지휘 예술에
대한 더 깊은 통찰력을 얻었습니다.2019년에 그는 다니엘레 가티(Daniele Gatti)가 감독하는 시에나의 Chigiana 국제 음악
축제를 위해 오케스트라 조바닐레 디 시에나(Giovanile di Siena)를 지휘하도록 초청받았습니다. 이번 연주를 위해 그는
Stravinsky의 The Firebird Suite, Bartók의 오케스트라를 위한 협주곡, Ravel의 Ma mère l'Oye를 이끌었습니다. 그는 또한
도쿄의 Riccardo Muti 이탈리아 오페라 아카데미 Vol. 1은 도쿄 봄 축제 주최로 베르디의 리골레토를 지휘했습니다.2016년부터
사무엘 리(Samuel Lee)는 베를린 CPEBach Musikgymnasium 오케스트라의 음악 감독이자 지휘자로 활동하고 있습니다.
그와 오케스트라는 구독 콘서트를 위해 베를린 필하모니와 베를린 콘체르트하우스에 정기적으로 초대되었습니다. 또한
2022년까지 독일 라이프치히 음악대학과 “펠릭스 멘델스존-바르톨디” 극장에서 비올라 교수를 역임했다.비올라 연주자로서
바덴바덴 필하모닉, 뮌헨 챔버 오케스트라, 남독일 필하모닉, 자브제 필하모닉, 서울 필하모닉, KBS 심포니, 코리안 심포니,
슐레스비히-홀슈타인 음악제, 메클렌부르크-포어포메른 음악제 등에서.
그는 Anton Rubinstein 국제 콩쿠르, Michael Spisak 국제 콩쿠르에서 1위를 수상했으며 Lionel Tertis 국제 비올라 콩쿠르와
Max Rostal 국제 콩쿠르에서 입상했습니다.이씨는 2009년부터 2017년까지 노부스 현악4중주단의 비올리스트로 활동해
베를린 필하모니, 카네기홀, 비엔나 무지크페라인, 쾰른 필하모니, 산토리홀 등 유명 공연장에 초청받아 연주했다.
그는 또한 ARD 뮌헨 국제음악콩쿠르 61회 2위, 잘츠부르크 국제 모차르트 콩쿠르 1위를 차지했다. 이씨는 베를린 음악대학
“한스 아이슬러”에서 타베아 치머만 교수(BM, MM, Konzertexamen)에게 비올라를 배웠고, 크리스티안 에발트(BM, MM)
교수에게 오케스트라 지휘를 배웠다. Lee는 함부르크 음악대학(Hochschule für Music und Theatre Hamburg)(Ulrich Windfuhr
교수)에서 관현악 지휘로 Konzertexamen을 이수했습니다."
He has won several international conducting competitions. He has been a professor at the conservatory in Leipzig.
He has a permanent position with one of America's well known symphony orchestras. And he has appeared in concert
halls all over the world, both as conductor and soloist.
The 34-year-old winner of this year's Malko Competition, South Korean Samuel Lee, already has a flying career in the world of classical
music. But there is no doubt that the victory in the Danish National Symphony Orchestra's international Malko Competition
will take his musical career to new heights.
It was the Danish National Symphony Orchestra's chief conductor and Malko Competition jury chairman, Fabio Luisi,
who presented the first prize with words of praise about the young winner: Samuel has a fantastic way of phrasing
the music, and he worked with the orchestra's sound in a very special way throughout the competition. That is why he
wins the Malko Competition 2024.
Richard Krug, who is solo cellist in the DR Symphony Orchestra and a member of the international jury in the Malko
Competition, also has words of praise for Samuel Lee.
– Samuel Lee has incredible energy when he conducts. He has impressed the jury and the orchestra throughout the
competition with his musicality and his seriousness, and his extensive experience as both musician and conductor is
expressed in the most beautiful way when he conducts.
With the victory in the Malko Competition, 34-year old Samuel Lee has not only won the coveted prize money of 20,000
euros. He has also won conducting contracts with 24 leading international symphony orchestras and a three-year period
with the Danish National Symphony Orchestra's chief conductor Fabio Luisi as a personal mentor.
Risky start
In this year's Malko Competition, Samuel Lee distinguished himself already in the first round compared to the other
candidates. He chose to perform the Haydn symphony La passione in a special baroque version, which i.a. included
harpsichord accompaniment.
– It was a risky choice for me to set out in that way, but I believed in it, and I am glad that the jury and the orchestra
understood the idea, says Samuel Lee. He continues:
– Although I have conducted many good orchestras, it has been very special to work with the Danish National Symphony
Orchestra for a whole week. All in all, it's a fantastic experience to stand on the podium and shape the music with my
hands while I communicate with the musicians, he says.
Three awards for Colombian conductor
Although the coveted first prize in the Malko Competition is the main attraction among the 24 young conductors who
come through the eye of the needle to the competition, it is not the only prize they can win.
This year, the 28-year-old Colombian Ana Maria Patiño Osorio won 2nd prize in the competition, and at the same time
she ran with as many as two other prizes.
The audience and viewers of the competition chose her as their favorite during the semi final, and thus she won this
year's audience prize of 1500 Euro.
Ana Maria Patiño-Osorio also won the special youth jury prize, which was presented on stage in the Concert Hall by students from Viborg
Cathedral School. They have been following the competition live from Viborg all week, but in connection with the final
concert, two of them had traveled to Copenhagen to present the award to their favorite conductor, on behalf of the whole
Surprise on stage
According to tradition, the winner of the Malko Competition must conduct H.C. Lumbye's Champagne Gallop as the end
of the final concert and award ceremony in DR Koncerthuset.
However, that tradition was a surprise for Samuel Lee, who was presented with sheet music and baton by jury president
Fabio Luisi on stage shortly after being presented with the Malko trophy.
After some persuasion, however, he went on the podium to conduct the Danish National Symphony Orchestra in the
festive orchestral piece, which is also a fixture at the orchestra's New Year's concerts in DR Koncerthuset.
Cecilie Rosenmeier, DR Koncerthuset - Choirs & Orchestras