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Study Plan in Australia
Kil Dong Hong
Student, Computer Systems Engineering
Hankuk National University
I entered Hankuk National University in 2001 and have studied in Computer Systems Engineering. I have just finished my military service and decided to improve my English in Australia for 45 weeks before the first semester starts early next year.
English proficiency does not have much to do with my course work at the university. However, I have decided to improve my English because there are more and more demands on English communication in future jobs and study opportunities. I believe I will need English in whatever I pursue in my life.
I am interested in cultural diversity in Australia as well as natural beauties. I understand that a variety of races live harmoniously with each other and that the whole country is concerned with preserving the inherited natural environment. I think it best to experience the language and culture in the society that the language is spoken.
I have enrolled for General English and Academic English Program at CELUSA (Centre for English Language at University of South Australia) for 45 weeks between 7 February 2005 and 27 January 2006. I will come back to my studies at the university as soon as I finish my courses at CELUSA. I think I will travel around Australia for a couple of weeks before I leave for Korea.
I have already paid for my tuition fees and airfares. My father is working for Hyundai Construction Group as Managing Director of the Company. He will pay for all the expenditures while I am in Australia.
I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely
Kil Dong Hong
Visa Applicant
EduAustralia as Authorised Communicator