30, January, 2023, Monday.
"My 24 Hours" That Church Officers Will Enjoy(Psalm 103:20~22)
Praise the LORD, all his heavenly hosts, you his servants who do his will(21).
Hymn #546 Standing on the Promises(Unified Hymn 399)
The church officers' "24 hours" is to hold onto the accurate Word because they contain God's will. To the Israelites who were colonized by Rome, Jesus said the blessings that they were talking about weren't blessings at all. In this age of COVID-19 and the Fourth Industry, spiritual problems have greatly increased. Because blessings and curses are always before you, it's imperative to accurately hold onto the Word. Through the church, which is the platform of the 237 age, the healing; Summit; and Remnant movements must be done. When you accurately hold onto God's Word and give worship, God will send angels to fulfill His Word and send heavenly armies to carry out His will(Psalm 103:20~22). David who received the most amount of answers to prayer confessed, "You who are before God's presence...” Here, "you" refers to the heavenly army and angels. If the correct covenant is grasped, the journey will naturally come out. Journeys have goals because God's Word must surely be fulfilled. If that takes place, then five points will be changed.
1. Business
Your job is a side business, and world evangelization is your main business. When the power of the Word appears, your business changes.
2. Prayer
Rather than what's worldly or physical, through prayer that enjoys what's spiritual, you'll enjoy the “Throne's Blessing."
3. Line of Sight
Because your eyes will change, you'll see the "9 Streams of the Throne."(The Works of the Triune God, 10 Mysteries, 10 Foundations, 5 Assurances, 9 Streams, 62 Life Points, & the Church)
4. Thoughts
You'll see answers within all problems. All hardships will become opportunities for renewal, and all crises will become opportunities.
5. Heart
Because your heart changes, thanksgiving will inevitably come out.
With these, if you go to the field, then “re-creation" will arise. Sick people will be healed, and those who are discouraged will hear God's Word which will revive their spirits. Fanny Crosby found these, which in turn, became her "24."
[Covenantal Prayer] Dear God, grant me evidences to save those who don't know You and are dying. Help me stand as a witness before those who can't receive answers despite going to church because they're being deceived by what's in the world. May today be the day when I personally receive Your tremendous grace. In Jesus Christ's name, I pray. Amen.
Remnant Study of Evabgelism / 2, April, 2022.