Wagner Accepts Warriors Buyout
며칠전부터 나오던 얘기입니다..
워리어스에서 근무하던(??) 다후완 와그너가 바이아웃에 합의했네요.. 한때 제2의 아이버슨이었는데..
![]() Sports Illustrated - 11/19 - 11:04 PM EST (AP Photo) ![]() The 23-year old Wagner signed a two-year contract with the Warriors in the off-season after missing all of the 2005-06 season recovering from surgery to have his colon removed. Wagner scored four points in one game for Golden State this season. According to the source, Wagner's conditioning had steadily deteriorated since joining the Warriors and after a stellar training camp where Wagner started all but one preseason game and twice led the team in scoring he quickly fell out of favor with head coach Don Nelson. Wagner was not at the Warriors game against Seattle on Saturday with the team reporting he was "under the weather." A spokesman for the Warriors would not comment but said the team would have an announcement regarding Wagner on Monday. [READ] | |
Iverson And Cheeks Have Drastically Different Opinions On Effort 클리퍼스와의 경기 후 앨런 아이버슨과 헤드코치 모리스 칙스가 상이한 의견을 갖고 있네요.. 뭐 게임에 대한 노력이나 열정.. 승리.. 음..
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Philadelphia Inquirer - 11/20 - 8:17 AM EST
![]() "I loved our effort," Cheeks said after the game. "I don't care who you're playing against, if you're playing a little rec-league team," said Iverson. "The effort is supposed to be there every night. So it's not a big thing for me. To say, 'Yeah, we gave effort' or whatever, you're supposed to give effort. But when you go out and play basketball, you're supposed to win the basketball game. "If you're satisfied the effort that you give, then some positive things are supposed to happen, and the most positive thing that can happen is to win... . You don't pay nobody a million dollars, a whole bunch of money, then not give effort." [READ] | |
Larry Miller Renames Jazz's Arena 요즘 잘나가는 유타 재즈의 홈구장이름을 파트너십사인 전미에너지서비스사, 에너지솔루션의 이름을 따서.. 에너지솔루션어리나로 명명했습니다.. 10년계약이라네요.. 우리나라도 요런거 하지.. 왜 우리나라기업들은 멍청하게 구단을 소유하고 팀명에 집어넣고..ㅡㅡ
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NBA.com - 11/20 - 6:24 PM EST
![]() The sponsorship deal reached today is a ten-year agreement which includes exclusive sponsorship and advertising rights and prominent signage on the exterior and interior of the building. [READ] | |
LeBron And Dirk Named Players Of The Week 리브런 제임스와 더크 노비츠키가 각각 동부와 서부컨퍼런스에서 그주의 선수에 뽑혔습니다.. 킹이야 그렇다 치고 노비츠키는 이제 팀성적 끌어올리겠죠?..
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Press Release - 11/20 - 3:21 PM EST
![]() In four games during the week, James led the Cavaliers to a 3-1 record by averaging 29.5 points on .513 shooting, 6.3 rebounds and 5.8 assists. He ranked second among Eastern Conference players in total points (118) and third in scoring average. James has now won the award nine times in his career. (Once this season, five times last season and on three occassions during the 2004-05 campaign.) He led or tied for the team lead in scoring in each of the four games during the week and scored at least 29 points in each of the Cavaliers’ three wins. He scored 22 of his game-high 32 points in the second half against Portland on Nov. 15 and posted 37 points, nine rebounds and six assists in Cleveland’s win over Minnesota on Nov. 17. Cleveland’s 7-3 record this season puts them in a tie atop the Eastern Conference standings with the Orlando Magic . The Dallas Mavericks ’ Dirk Nowitzki was named the Western Conference Player of the Week. [READ] | |
Wagner Officially Waived By Golden State 처음에는 웨이브 소식이었었군요.. 위에 바이아웃기사 있으므로 패스..
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Press Release - 11/20 - 1:41 PM EST
![]() Wagner appeared in one game for Golden State this season, logging four points and one assist in seven minutes vs. Detroit on November 11. [READ] | |
Anthony Tries To Downplay Scoring Lead 현재 리그 스코어링 리더는 누구일까요?.. 바로 카멜로 앤서니입니다.. 으쓱으쓱~ 레전드 플레이어 애드리언 댄틀리가 한번 득점왕 먹어버리라고 했네요..
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Denver Post - 11/20 - 11:39 AM EST
![]() Adrian Dantley jokes with him about becomming the NBA's top scorer. "It's too early, eight games into the season," he said. "We're playing good right now. We hit a couple of bumps in the road in the first couple of games, but I'm liking where we're headed." [READ] | |
Watson's Relationship With Hill Still Rocky 시애틀의 가드 얼 왓슨과 헤드코치 밥 힐과의 관계가 여전히 불안불안하네요.. 힐은 그의 슛을.. 왓슨의 그의 플레잉 타임을.. 음.. 해결책이 있을지..
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Tacoma News Tribune - 11/20 - 11:20 AM EST
![]() Watson sat down with coach Bob Hill on Thursday to clear the air, but there appears to be no resolution. “I think that for the most part, coach and I have a great relationship,” Watson said. “It is just rocky right now. We are adults, and we are in a business to win. I would just like to get on the same page and that is it. “We need resolution. He says my shot is inconsistent. I say my minutes are inconsistent. We got to get on the same page.” [READ] | |
Dunleavy On Boos: "It's Kind Of A Laughing Matter Now" 마이크 던리비 쥬니어가 홈게임에서 팬들에게 야유를 받고 있나요?.. 신경쓰지 않는다고 하면서 저런 말을 남겼네요..
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Mercury News - 11/20 - 8:12 AM EST
![]() ``They pay money, they can do whatever they want,'' said Dunleavy, a fifth-year pro. ``It doesn't bother me. I've dealt with it. It's not a big deal. Quite frankly, I'm used to it. It's kind of a laughing matter now.'' [READ] | |
뉴욕 닉스의 코치 아이자이어 토머스가 에디 커리에 대해서 서두를 필요가 없다고 하네요.. 패트릭 유잉의 23때의 모습을 기억하라는데.. 저는 시카고 팬은 아니지만 지금 내년 드래프트를 기대하고 있을텐데.. 닉스 덕분에 테디어스 영이나 케빈 듀란트 얻는단 얘기 나오면..ㅋㅋ
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New York Daily News - 11/20 - 4:58 AM EST
![]() "We have a lot of time," Thomas said after practice in Greenburgh. "We're not asking Eddy to dominate the league at 23 years of age. That's a tall task for anyone. I don't remember too many 23-year-olds coming in and dominating, regardless of how long they've been in the league. Twenty-three is still 23." "I saw Patrick Ewing in the gym (Saturday) night," Thomas said. "I remember Patrick at 23. Do you remember what the Knicks' record was when Patrick was 23? ... I'm just saying, it takes awhile." [READ] | |
Team Needs Toughness, Yao Says 휴스턴 롹킷츠의 밍 야오께서 팀에 터프함을 주문했습니다.. 4쿼터에서 밀리는 모습을 보여줘서 그런가 봅니다.. 스퍼스.. 불스.. 피스톤스..
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Houston Chronicle - 11/20 - 4:52 AM EST
![]() But the breakdowns have been more pronounced in the fourth quarter when the Rockets blew leads against San Antonio and Chicago, and gave up a 13-0 run to Detroit. "The fourth quarter because it's the last quarter, we need to keep our concentration and our mental toughness," center Yao Ming said. ''They work the same plays we know. In practice, we know where we are going. But at that moment, we're shocked and we stop playing. Not just some guys, it's the whole team." [READ] | |
Carlesimo Disappointed Kings Didn't Come Calling 새크라멘토 킹스가 릭 애들먼을 보내고 새로운 코치로 에릭 머슬만을 고용했을 때.. 아쉬워했던 사람이 현 워리어스 헤드코치인 돈 넬슨만이 아니었군요.. 피제이 칼리시모도 아쉬웠답니다..
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Sacramento Bee - 11/20 - 4:49 AM EST
![]() "Yeah, I was disappointed," said Carlesimo about not receiving a call. "I just thought it was a heck of a job. I would love to have been involved, just because I thought it was such a good job." "I like the franchise. I like the players. I liked everything about it. It's a good town. For a lot of reasons, it was very, very attractive." [READ] | |
Phil Jackson: Bulls Like A Latte 필 잭슨께서 시카고 불스에 대해 강력한 공격력의 부재를 지적했네요.. 라떼와 같답니다..ㅡㅡ
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Chicago Tribune - 11/20 - 3:32 AM EST
![]() "People around the league will say there's not another team that plays with the same intensity," he said. "They're a pushed, driven team. You don't get a recovery moment where you can [walk] back on defense. You turn around and they're on you." Usually assistants scout opponents and draw up the teams' plays for the players to look at before the game. Jackson does it for one team a season and picked the Bulls this season. So what did he see? "Sometimes there is more froth than substance," Jackson said. "Kind of like a latte. Not much there." "They have trouble scoring, but they will push you to the extreme. They will wear you out because they work so hard. But the teams that have beaten the Bulls have really attacked them inside." [READ] | |
Wooden, Russell, Big O Lead Founding Class Of Collegiate HOF 전미대학농구 명예의 전당 뉴스네요.. ..
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AP - 11/20 - 0:35 AM EST
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Old Dominion Knocks Off No. 8 Georgetown 올드 도미니언이 8위 죠지타운을 무너뜨렸네요.. ..
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Yahoo.com - 11/20 - 0:30 AM EST
![]() The Monarchs dominated the offensive boards and hit 3-pointers at will during a second-half run, silencing the student-dominated crowd at McDonough Arena in a 75-62 victory over No. 8 Georgetown on Sunday. "This is pretty good stuff for us," coach Blaine Taylor, who called the victory his biggest in six seasons with the Monarchs. "Being as they're ranked, and deservedly so, and being on the road and in this environment, it all kind of adds up to a pretty big win." [READ] |
출처 : 리얼지엠..
제 여자친구는.. 아니 결혼을 약속한 사람은..
하지만 아직도 그녀의 침을 맞는게 두렵습니다..
왜 그런 걸 걸까요..
그냥 몸이 욱씬욱씬하다고 했더니 침놔줄까 하는 그녀의 말에..
겁을 집어먹엇던 아침입니다..
날씨도 우중충한데 좋은 하루 되세요~..
첫댓글 한의사여친 부럽지않아 ㅠ.ㅠ, 와그너는 결국 바이아웃인가.., 불스는 공격력옵션이.... 진짜 불스팬들은 닉스가 꼴등하길 바라고있을듯..
한의사도 개업의 아니면 그냥 그렇습니다.. 라고 말하지만 저보다 월소득이 두배 많아요..;; 암튼 불스팬들 닉스때문에 쌩큐베리감사할 날이 올것만 같은....
염장.. 윽..
마지막 반전이군요....뉴스가 기억 안날정도로...ㅡㅡ;;
항상 뉴스 다음은 염장으로 마무리.. 쿨럭;; 그럼 이제 델타센터라는 이름은 추억속으로 사라지겠군요. ㅠㅠ
새소식들 언제나 감사합니다라고할려고했는데............... 마지막반전때문에 취소!!
환상적인 반전이네요ㅋ 잘 읽고 있습니다. 저도 예전에 단신을 올려봐서 얼마나 힘들고 귀찮은 일인지 알고 있어서..^^ 앞으로도 좋은 뉴스 부탁드릴께요.
타고난 신문기자이시군요. 역시나 마지막에 전달하시고자 하는 정보가 ㅋㅋ
상큼뉴스...염장마무리...어디 북두신권이라도 하는 여자분 없소??ㅋㅋ
너무 부러워요~
뉴스 마지막 부분은 모자이크 처리라도..ㅠㅠ
한의사.............ㅋㅋㅋ저 침놔주세요.~ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
이뭐염.... 이건 뭐 염장도 아니고..
음.. 전에 골든 스테이트 경기 하는거 봤는데. 홈경기였는데도.. 마이크 던리비 엄청 야유 먹더라구요.. 그날 슛정확률 최악에 턴오버 환상.. 그것도 중요하다 싶을 순간에는 어김없이 패스안하고 혼자 헛짓하다 블락 아니면 에어볼 아니면 턴오버;; 아... 아마도 아버지가 조언좀 해줘야 할듯;;
클리퍼스가 오퍼도 했었지 않앗나요?.. 그냥 입질만 했었나?..;;
어이쿠.. 괜한 말 마지막에 썼다가..;; 어제 오늘 바빠서 컴퓨터를 이틀만에 켰더니..ㅠ
운영자님 게시판 맞지 않는 게시물이 있습니다...