1. The political situation of the region was so ------ that most foreign firms started to shut down their branches. a. discouraged b. discourage c. discouraging d. encouraging
2. The insurance company will cover all the damage, ------ the policy holders pay the premiums in time.
a. provided that b. supposed that c. before d. while
3. Next month"s ------ of all personnel will take place in South Hall, and will include a free banquet in honor of retired chairman, Jack Cosby
a. attachment b. assemble c. assembly d. assembler
4. The fund is supposed to be given to the firms ----- products are recognized as the best in their market.
a. which b. who c. whose d. that
5. Because our firm is so proud of our products that all the products we provide are guaranteed -----
a. completely b. complete c. completion d. completion
6. Once they were considered to be in danger of ------,; however Kangaroos are easily seen anywhere in Australia now. a. extinction b. exodus c. escalation d. withdrawal
7. It is predicted that the employment rate will go up in the ----- future.
a. nearly b. foreseen c. forseeable d. recent
8. Under our restructuring plan, all the unprofitable divisions in the firm will be sold to foreign conglomerates to ------ funds to invest in some of its profitable ones.
a. alleviate b. generate c. elevate d. prevent
9. Please fill out this portion of the application, ----- it and return it to the personnel office no later than 1 October. a. write b. detach c. withdraw d. prescribe
10. Students are asked not to occupy ------ parking space which is designated only for school faculty.
a. preserved b. reserved c. consigned d. observed
11. Each serial number, ----- is marked at the bottom of the product , is required when you ask your product to be exchanged. a. who b. that c. which d. whose
12. People who want to go into business should get advice from other business owners ---- professionals.
a. also b. or c. alike d. both
13. The author ----- the right to change the contents without prior notification to the publishing company.
a. conserves b. reserves c. consents d. admires
14. The new office building is ------- with the state of the art communication system.
a. equip b. equipped c. equipping d. equipment
15. The exchange rate , one of the ------- economic indicators , remained stable throughout the month.
a. leading b. lead c. leaping d. lean
16. Presumably , the owner of the big mall has trouble paying back the loan it ------ from the bank.
a. lent b. loaned c. borrowed d. rented
17. Please make all attempts to ------- the administrative procedures to fix work related problems.
a. streamline b. streamlining c. streamlined d. be streamling
18. Although the design of the car was influenced by ------ imported cars , it has its own characteristics.
a. the b. every c. an d. it
19. People planning to join the English course are not ----- required to pass a certain test.
a. necessary b. necessarily c. necessity d. necessities
20. When employing someone, be sure to have enough time to review his past performances ------- to talk with him.
a. only b. and c. or d. as
21. We are not ------ able to accept your order, since our production facility is running beyond its capacity. a. just b. now c. hardly d. quite
22. A Dispute ------ how to maintain high levels of customer satisfaction has made managers stay late at the office . a. over b. in c. with d. beyond
23. How we can arrange the production procedures in accordance with safety standards was likely to be of much ------- to managers. a. interesting b. interest c. interested d. interests
24. The ------- is that the skyrocketing price of gasoline will make buyers hesitant to buy luxury sedans.
a. expected b. expectation c. expectant d. expect
25. How to use company employees to their ----- potential is an important issue to most of the managers.
a. full b. utmost c. much d. extra
26. Failure to ------- many changes within your firm can make you lag behind others.
a. satisfy b. reveal c. document d. overwhelm
27. Be sure to read the ----- side of the test sheet, since proper procedures for marking your answer sheet are on it. a. reflect b. returned c. reverse d. reflex
28. Equipping your store with our innovative cash register is -------- recommended since it can keep track of your inventory.
a. significantly b. proficiently c. strongly d. dramatically
29.Many --------- tickets to the concert were sent to music schools to promote the concert.
a. comprehensive b. compliment c. complimentary d. mandatory
30. Despite the great interest the firm seems to have in acquiring our company, the price was ----- high that few are willing to invest at this time.
a. too b. much c. so d. such
31. In an effort to ------ sales and boost profits , more bonus will be given to sales representatives.
a. esteem b. generate c. up d. heighten
32. ----- , but not all, students who decided to study English seem to reach their goal in this class.
a. Much b. Many c. all d. Almost
33. When two nations were severely opposed each ----- , they asked for intervention of the U.N.
a. another b. the other c. others d. other
34. Mr. Stuak has a reputation for making repairs and getting equipment back to his customers in a ----- manner.
a. timely b. timed c. amicably d. timeless
35. If you would like to take a workshop, please give us ------ details of your school, areas of interest and preferred dates.
a. little b. wide c. full d. long
36. You are supposed to train, evaluate, and screen ----- to make them well qualified employees for our firm
a. performances b. contributions c. applications d. candidates
37. I"d like to suggest that we should ------- several cars for this coming vacation and it will save more money in the long run .
a. lend b. lease c. book d. mend
38. As a part of city beautification ------- , many trees will be planted along the streets.
a. proposal b. project c. progress d. system
39. A ------- of 5 years" experience in sales is required when you are not a college graduate.
a. minimization b. minimum c. minimal d minimize
40. For 3 ------ days , the stock price has soared, promising more dividends to many who have invested.
a. comparable b. continual c. consecutive d. last
1. The political situation of the region was so ------ that(명사절) most foreign firms started to shut down their branches. a. discouraged b. discourage c. discouraging d. encouraging 답 C 해석 : 그 지역의 정치 환경은 너무나 실망스러운 것이어서 대부분의 외국 회사들은 그들 지사를 폐쇄하기 시작하였다.
* 턔(5가지) (뒤에서 결정)
: 동+명사(능) / be +ing명사(능) /be + p.p전 /,(수) have p.p명사(능) / have been P.P전/,(수)
2. The insurance company will cover all the damage, ------ the policy holders pay the premiums in time.
a. provided that b. supposed that c. before d. while
해석 : 그 보험회사는 보험 증권의 소지자들이 보험료를 시간 안에 낸다면 모든 손실을 보장 할 겁니다. 답 A
if 대용 : Provided (that) / ( assuming (that) / given that
3. Next month"s ------ of all personnel will take place in South Hall, and will include a free banquet in honor of retired chairman, Jack Cosby a. attachment b. assemble c. assembly d. assembler
해석 : 다음 달의 모든 인원의 총회는 사우스 홀에서 열릴 것이며 퇴직한 의장인 Jack Cosby 씨는 기념하는 무료 연회 를 포함하게 될 것이다. assembly 조립 , 총회 , 집회, 국회 monopoly(독점) 답 C
*(명사형) 1.assembly ,monopoly ,arrival, approval, disposal, proposal ,renewal, increase * 2 appraisal, removal potential, mutual ,representative. alternative, initiative characteristic
4. The fund is supposed to be given to the firms(선행사) ----- products(명사) are recognized as the best in their market. a. which b. who c. whose d. that
해석 : 그 자금은 상품들이 그들의 시장에서 최고로 인정받는 회사들에게 주어질 것이다.
괄호 이하의 문장이 완벽할 때는 whose 가 올 수 있다. 다른 관계 대명사는 뒤 문장에서 명사가 하나 없다는유의 답 C
* 선행사 + 사람 (명사): who<- 동사(go) , whom <- 주격(I) , whose <- 명사
* 선행사 + 사물 (명사): which ( =that) <- 동사 , which(=that) <- 주격 , whose<- 명사
* which 가 없으면 That
5. Because our firm is so proud of our products that all the products we provide are guaranteed -----
a. completely b. complete c. completion d. completion
해석 : 우리회사는 너무나 우리의 상품들에 자부심을 가지므로 우리가 제공하는 모든 상품들은 완벽하게 보장된다. completely 완벽하게 , 철저하게 문장의 의미가 이미 완벽하므로 부사형이 어울린다. 답 A
* be + 형용사 // 일반동사 + 부사 // * 심화 (자동사 + 부사 / 타동사 + (목적어) + 부사)
6. Once they were considered to be in danger of ------,; however Kangaroos are easily seen anywhere in Australia now. a. extinction b. exodus c. escalation d. withdrawal
해석: 한때는 멸종의 위기에 있는 것으로 간주되었지만 , 캥거루들은 지금은 호주 어디에서든지 쉽게 볼 수 있다.
extinction 멸종 endangered 위협받는 답 A
7. It is predicted that the employment rate will go up in the ----(형용사 어휘) future.
a. nearly b. foreseen c. forseeable d. recent
해석 : 고용비율이 가까운 미래에 올라 갈 거라고 예측되어진다. foreseeable 예지 할 수 있는 , 가까운 답 C
8. Under our restructuring plan, all the unprofitable divisions in the firm will be sold to foreign conglomerates to (타동사+ 명사)-- funds to invest in some of its profitable ones. a. alleviate b. generate c. elevate d. prevent
해석 : 우리의 구조조정 계획 하에서 , 회사내의 모든 이익이 남지 않는 부문들은 회사의 이익이 남는 몇 몇 부문에
투자할 돈을 만들기 위하여 해외 대기업에 매각될 겁니다. generate 낳다, 발생시키다, 생기게 하다. 답 B
9. Please fill out this portion of the application, ----- it and return it to the personnel office no later than 1 October. a. write b. detach c. withdraw d. prescribe
해석: 부디 신청서의 이 부분을 작성하셔서 절취하여 인사부에 10월 1일 보다는 늦지 않게 보내주십시오. 답 B
detach 절취하다 <----> attach 붙이다.
10. Students are asked not to occupy ------ parking space which is designated only for school faculty.
a. preserved b. reserved c. consigned d. observed
해석 : 학생들은 오직 학교 교직원들을 위해서만 따로 마련된 주차 공간을 차지하지 않도록 요구됩니다.
reserved 예비의 , 예약한, 지정된, 미리 떼어놓은 답 B
11. Each serial number, ----- is marked at the bottom of the product , is required when you ask your product to be exchanged. a. who b. that c. which d. whose
해석 : 당신이 상품이 교환되기를 요구 할 때는 상품 아래에 표시된 각각의 일련 번호가 요구됩니다. 답 C
* that (X) 2가지 : 1. .... , (x) that->which // 2. 전 + that -> which x
12.People who want to go into business should get advice from other business owners(명)---- professionals(명).
a. also b. or c. alike d. both
해석 : 사업을 하고 싶어하는 사람들은 다른 사업체 소유자들 혹은 전문가들로부터 조언을 구해야한다. 답 B
* 병렬 (병치): and ( 복수) but (yet) 부정어 ,so(긍정), or (단수), nor (도치)
13. The author(타동사 명사)----- the right to change the contents without prior notification to the publishing company. a. conserves b. reserves c. consents d. admires
해석 : 저자는 출판사에 사전 통보 없이 내용을 변경시킬 수 있는 권리를 보유합니다. 답 B
14. The new office building is ------- with the state of the art communication system.
a. equip b. equipped c. equipping d. equipment
해석 : 새로운 사무실 건물은 최첨단 통신 시스템을 갖추고 있다. be equipped with ... ...를 갖추다. 답 B
. ((with)) : 관련된 기출 총정리
1. interfere with (방해) / deal with(처리) / comply with / sympathize with(동정) / leave - (with,for,from)
2. contend with(경쟁) / complete with(완전) / concern + (with <about)걱정) / charged with( 책임)
3. replace - (with,as) (교체) / coincide with (일치) / interact - with(상호) / unfamiliar(익숙) with
4. in compliance with(준수) / in accordance with(일치) / agree with(일치) / assist with(도움)
5 collaborate +( with, on)-협동 / prepare with / equipped((설치)+ outfitted ) + with / popular(인기) with
6. associated with(협력) /compatible(호환) +(with, to, for) / in alignment with(일치)/ personalize(맞춤) with
15. The exchange rate , one of the ------- economic indicators , remained stable throughout the month.
a. leading(형용사) b. lead c. leaping d. lean
해석 주요한 경제 지표들 중 하나인 환율은 이 달 내내 안정적인 상태로 유지되었다.leading 이끄는 , 주요한 답 A
16. Presumably , the owner of the big mall has trouble paying back the loan( 중복 피한다) it ------ from the bank.
a. lent b. loaned c. borrowed d. rented
해석:아마도,그 큰 쇼핑 센터의 주인은 은행으로부터 빌린 대부금을 갚는데 어려움이 있다. borrow ...를 빌리다. 답 C
17. Please make all attempts to ------- the administrative procedures to fix work related problems.
a. streamline b. streamlining c. streamlined d. be streamling
해석: 부디 일과 관련된 문제들을 해결하기 위하여 행정 절차를 간소화 할 모든 시도를 해주십시오. 답 A
to 부정사 뒤이므로 동사원형 A 번이 맞다. * 원형(5개) : 조동사 + / to부정사 + / 사역동사 + / please + 원형) / 주장 ,제안 ,명령 that + 원형
. to (부정사) + 동.원 // 2. to (전치사) 뒤에 ˜( ing / 명사) (동명사숙어)
a. look forward to ˜ing / (명사)
b. 사람 (get) be accustomed to ˜ing(명사)
c. object to + ing , be opposed to + ing
d. be committed to + ing ,devoted to+ ing, contribute to+(명사)/ ing ,dedicated to+ ing
e. prior to + ing ,due to+명사 / in addition to + ing / in response to+ ing / lead
18. Although the design of the car was influenced by----(수일치) imported cars , it has its own characteristics.
a. the b. every c. an d. it
해석: 비록 자동차의 디자인이 수입된 자동차들에 의해서 영향을 받았지만, 그 차는 차고유의 특성을 가지고 있다. cars 가 복수이므로 an 과 every 는 답이 될 수 없으며 명사 앞에 it 은 쓰지 않는다. 답 A * (단,복) 둘다가능: a lot of ,plenty of ,enough, (the) ,any, some
19. People planning to join the English course are not ----- required to pass a certain test.
a. necessary b. necessarily c. necessity d. necessities
해석 : 영어 과정에 참여하기를 계획하는 사람들은 반드시 어떤 테스트를 통과해야한다고 요구되어질 필요는 없다.
역시 괄호 없이도 문장이 완벽하므로 부사형이 어울린다. not necessarily (always) 부분부정..반드시 ...은 아니다.답 B
* 부분부정 not + necessarily / particularly )
20. When employing someone, be sure to have enough time to(1개) review his past performances ------- to(2개) talk with him. a. only b. and c. or d. as
해석 : 누군가를 고용할 때는 , 반드시 그의 과거 실적을 점검하고 그와 이야기할 충분한 시간을 가져라. 비슷한 내용 이 연속되므로 and 가 어울린다. 답 B
: 병렬 (병치) : 2개and=plus (복수), or
21. We are not ------ able to accept your order, since our production facility is running beyond its capacity. a. just b. now c. hardly d. quite
해석 : 우리의 생산 설비가 수용력을 넘어서 운영되고있는 중이므로 지금은 당신의 주문을 받을 수 없습니다. 답 B
* 기본 시제 : 위치 파악하기
현재: often, these days, every+시간 ( currently / normally, usually, frequently )(수의일치)
과거: ago, last, in과거년도. previous ,at the time, just ,recently ( once) + (ed 가끔)
미래: next, soon , in , until, following , is going to (predicts, anticipate, announce 미래동사)
22. A Dispute ------ how to maintain high levels of customer satisfaction has made managers stay late at the office .a. over b. in c. with d. beyond
해석 : 어떻게 높은 수준의 고객만족을 유지할 지에 관한 논쟁이 매니저들을 사무실에 늦도록 남아 있게 만들었다. 답 A
...에 대한 분쟁, 논쟁은 A dispute over...로 한다. 함께 ...에 대한 우려 , 관심이란 표현 A concern over ...도 알아두자.
((over)); 관련된 기출 총정리
1. concern + ( over ,about. for )(걱정) / take priority over(우선) / optimism (over ,about) (낙관)
2. look + ( over, for) (검토) / dispute over (논쟁) = (preference(우선) + ( for, over) -보다도(비교)
23. How we can arrange the production procedures in accordance with safety standards was likely to be of much ------- to managers. a. interesting b. interest c. interested d. interests
해석: 어떻게 우리가 생산 절차를 안전 표준에 맞추어 준비할 수 있을지가 매니저들에게는 큰 관심사가 될 것 같았다.
of much 뒤라면 당연히 명사형이 되어야하며 여기서 interest 관심은 복수로 쓰지 않는다. 답 B
* 불가산 명사 : 관사(a, an, +s )복수(x) the (o)
1. information, advice, equipment , damage(손상)
2. interest(관심), merchandise (상품), thought , knowledge(지식)
3. baggage = luggage (수화물), furniture, certification(기준), prospect(전망) , debate(토론)
4. 돈: cash, money ( prices, funds, discounts, dollars )
*.S + 명사: news, sports, goods, earnings (소득) savings , belongings(소지품),
24. The ------- is that the skyrocketing price of gasoline will make buyers hesitant to buy luxury sedans.
a. expected b. expectation c. expectant d. expect
해석 : 치솟는 가솔린 가격이 구매자들로 하여금 고급 세단을 사는 것을 망설이도록 만들 거라고 예상되어진다.
The expectation is that... ...라고 예상되어지다. 답 B
25. How to use company employees to their ---(형용사어휘) potential is an important issue to most of the managers. a. full b. utmost c. much d. extra
해석 : 어떻게 회사 종업원들의 최대의 잠재력을 이용할 수 있는 가는 대부분의 매니저들에게 중요한 문제이다.
full 완벽한, 최대의 , 꽉 찬 답 A
26. Failure to ------- many changes within your firm can make you lag behind others.
a. satisfy b. reveal c. document d. overwhelm
해석 : 당신 회사 내에서의 많은 변화들을 주시하지 못하는 것은 당신을 다른 사람들보다 뒤 처지게 만들 것입니다.
document 기록하다. 주의 깊게 보다. 답 C
27. Be sure to read the ----- side of the test sheet, since proper procedures for marking your answer sheet are on it. a. reflect b. returned c. reverse d. reflex
해석 : 답을 표시하는 데에 대한 적절한 절차들이 뒷면에 있으니 반드시 테스트 용지의 뒷면을 읽도록 하십시오. 답 C
28. Equipping your store with our innovative cash register is -------- recommended since it can keep track of your inventory. a. significantly b. proficiently c. strongly d. dramatically
해석 : 우리 금전 등록기는 당신의 재고를 파악할 수 있으므로, 당신 가게를 우리의 혁신적인 금전 출납기로 갖추는
것은 아주 장려됩니다. strongly 강하게 , 아주 답 29.Many --------- tickets to the concert were sent to music schools to promote the concert.
a. comprehensive b. compliment c. complimentary d. mandatory
해석 : 콘서트를 선전하기 위하여 콘서트에 대한 많은 무료 표들이 음악 학교에 보내졌다. 답 C
comple(이)ment / compli(아이)ment
* 이가 빠지면 보충하다 / 아이들에게 친창/ 무료로 준다
30. Despite the great interest the firm seems to have in acquiring our company, the price was ----- high that few are willing to invest at this time. a. too b. much c. so d. such
해석 : 그 회사가 우리회사를 인수하는데 가지고 있는 듯 보이는 엄청난 관심에도 불구하고 , 가격이 너무 높아서
이 시점에서 투자할 의향이 있는 회사는 거의 없어 보인다. 답 C
* 결과 * so 형 that ( too . how) // such 명 that(명사기준)
31. In an effort to(타동사 명사) ------ sales and boost profits , more bonus will be given to sales representatives. a. esteem b. generate c. up d. heighten 답 B
해석:판매를 발생하게 하고 이익을 촉진시키기 위한 노력의 일환으로,더 많은 보너스가 판매사원들에게 주어 질 것이다.
32. ----- , but not all, students who decided to study English seem to reach their goal in this class.
a. Much b. Many c. All d. Almost
해석 : 이 반에서는 다는 아니지만 영어를 공부하기로 결정한 많은 학생들이 그들의 목표에 다다른 듯 보인다. 답 B
33. When two nations were severely opposed each ----- , they asked for intervention of the U.N.
a. another b. the other c. others d. other
해석: 양 국가가 서로 심하게 반목할 때, 그들은 U.N. 의 중재를 요청하였다. 답 D * 서로서로: (2명) each other between (both) // (3) 이상) one another (셋) = among
34. Mr. Stuak has a reputation for making repairs and getting equipment back to his customers in a ----- manner .a. timely b. timed c. amicably d. timeless
해석 : Mr. Stuak 씨는 장비를 수리하여 고객에게 시간에 맞는 방식으로 돌려주는 것으로 평판이 있다.
timely 시기에 적절한 , 시간에 맞는 답 A
* 무조건 형용사 *
1. (형 용 사) : likely. friendly, orderly ,timely
2. (형용사ing) : outstanding , promising ,overwhelming ,stimulating, succeeding ,dining ,closing
3. (분사 (ing)형용사 : missing , lasting , existing ,opposing
4. (분사 (ed형) : dedicated ,skilled , experienced, distinguished, motivated, sophisticated, qualified
35. If you would like to take a workshop, please give us ------ details of your school, areas of interest and preferred dates. a. little b. wide c. full d. long
해석 : 워크숍에 참가하고 싶다면 , 우리에게 당신 학교, 관심 분야들 그리고 선호되는 날짜에 대한 완벽한 세부사항을 알려주십시오. full 완벽한 , 완결한 , 가득한 , 꽉 찬 답 C
36. You are supposed to train, evaluate, and screen ----- to make them well qualified employees for our firm
a. performances b. contributions c. applications d. candidates
해석 : 당신은 후보들을 회사를 위한 검증된 직원들로 만들기 위하여 훈련시키고 , 평가하고 심사하여야 합니다. 답 D
37. I"d like to suggest that we should ------- several cars for this coming vacation and it will save more money in the long run .a. lend b. lease c. book d. mend
해석 : 나는 이번에 다가오는 휴가를 위하여 자동차를 몇 대 리스하길 제안합니다.
lend 는 빌려주는 것이므로 의미가 맞지 않다 lease 임대하다가 맞겠다. 답 B
38. As a part of city beautification( 복합명사) ------- , many trees will be planted along the streets.
a. proposal b. project c. progress d. system
해석 : 시 미화 프로젝트의 일환으로서 , 거리에 많은 나무들이 심어질 것이다. 답 B
<< 10년간 기출 복합명사 정리 >>* school X (s) bus, safety belts
1. sales representatives /(consumer, client)+(satisfaction ,complaints ,perspective(관점)/ expiration date(유효만기)
2. (staff ,employee) productivity (근무효율) / employee attendance (직원참가) / promotion budget(홍보예산)
3. safety + ( precaution , prevention, regulation) / job opportunity(고용기회) / satisfaction form (만족용지)
4. (attendance, performance) + record( 출석기록) / fringe benefit (복지혜택) / savings plan (저축계획)
5. standard procedure (표준절차) / parking permit (주차허가) / account numbers(계좌번호) / delivery company(배발회사)
6. interview training (면접훈련) / (early조기)+ retirement + celebration( 은퇴 축화) / living expense (생활비)
7. job description (직업업무) / fitness activities(신체활동) / (energy, production) +efficiency) / guest lecture(초청강의)
8. handling +(charge,cost)(처리) / personal (belongings(소집품),family matters) / building maintenance(건물관리)
9. contract negotiations( 계약 협상) / production cost (생산비용) / shipping + ( charge, division) (선적비용)
10 customer loyalty(단골손님) / office supplies /research(project,laboratory(실험) /marketing +(strategy ,approaches접근)
11. bank transaction (은행거래) / money management(금융경영) / communication skill / evaluation form( 평가지)
12. keynote speaker(기조연설) (employment, job ) + (openings) + ceremony개업식) / application process (지원절차)
13. course evaluation(과정평가) / (shipping ,standard) + price / training + (session, process) / advance registration(미리등록)
14. working conditions / produce output(생산) / office environment (사무실환경) / security measure(안전조치)
15. expansion plan(확장계획)/ employee productivity /(plant, seating)+capacity(용량) / installation explanation(설치설명)
16. beautification(미화) project/ fiscal year(회계연도) /telephone extension(내선번호 /investment leader(투자선두)
39. A ------- of 5 years" experience in sales is required when you are not a college graduate.
a. minimization b. minimum c. minimal d minimize
해석 : 당신이 대학 졸업생이 아닐 경우에는 세일즈 분야에 있어서 최소 5 년 간의 경험이 요구되어집니다.
minimum 최소 명사 minimal 최소의 형용사 a 뒤이므로 명사형인 minimum 이 맞다 답 B
40. For 3 --(형용사어휘) days , the stock price has soared, promising more dividends to many who have invested.
a. comparable b. continual (중단하면서) c. consecutive (중단없이 계속) d. last
해석 : 3 일 연속으로 , 투자한 많은 이들에게 더 많은 배당금을 약속하면서 , 주식 가격은 치솟았다. 답 C