Chapter 02 The Arts | | |
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NO | English | | Korean | English Explanation |
1 | chant | n | 성가 | a piece of religious music sung using a very limited range of notes, or music of this type |
2 | arguably | ad | 아마도 틀림없이 | in a way that can be shown to be true |
3 | accompany | v | 수반하다, 동반하다 | to go with someone or to be provided or exist at the same time as something |
4 | ancestor | n | 조상 | a person in your family who lived a long time ago |
5 | invasion | n | 침입, 침략 | the act of an army entering another country by force in order to take control of it |
6 | pluck | v | (손으로) 뜯다 | to pick up something quickly with your fingers |
7 | minstrel | n | 음유 시인 | a travelling musician and singer common between the 11th and 15th centuries |
8 | replace | v | 대신하다, 대체하다 | to get rid of someone or something, and to put a new person or thing in their place |
9 | evolve | v | 진화하다 | to gradually develop particular physical features |
10 | as for | phr | ~에 대해 말하자면 | considering or speaking about |
11 | prevailing | ad | 널리 퍼진, 우세한 | existing or most common at a particular time |
12 | innovative | ad | 혁신적인 | introducing or using new ideas, ways of doing something, etc. |
13 | excel at | phr | ~에 뛰어나다 | be good at |
14 | vivid | ad | 생생한 | producing very clear pictures in your mind |
15 | shun | v | 피하다, 비키다 | to avoid somebody or something |
16 | drab | a | 단조로운, 생기 없는 | without interest or color; boring |
17 | brushstroke | n | 붓놀림 | a mark left on a surface by the movement of a brush |
18 | abstract | a | 추상적인 | existing as an idea, feeling, or quality, not as a material object |
19 | exhibition | n | 전시, 전시회 | a collection of things, for example works of art, that are shown to the public |
20 | glance | n | 흘긋 봄, 한 번 봄, 일견 | a quick look |
21 | constitute | v | 구성하다 | to be the parts that together form something |
22 | flat | a | 평평한; 생기 없는 | level and smooth, with no curved, high, or hollow parts; not interesting, or without emotion or excitement |
23 | expressionless | a | 무표정한 | not showing what someone thinks or feels |
24 | mitigate | v | 완화시키다 | to make something less harmful, unpleasant, or bad |
25 | highlight | v | 강조하다 | to emphasize something, especially so that people give it more attention |
26 | contour | n | 윤곽 | the outer edges of something; the outline of its shape or form |
27 | stand out | phr | 두드러지다 | to be easily seen or noticed |
28 | convey | v | 나르다, 전달하다 | to take, carry or transport somebody or something from one place to another |
29 | emotion | n | 감정 | a strong feeling such as love, fear or anger; the part of a person’s character that consists of feelings |
30 | cosmetics | n | 화장품 | a substance that you put on your face or body to make it more attractive |
31 | exaggerate | v | 과장하다 | to make something seem larger, better, worse or more important than it really is |
32 | attain | v | 얻다, 획득하다 | to succeed in achieving something, especially after a lot of effort |
33 | pale | a | 창백한 | light and not bright in color |
34 | scar | n | 상처 | a permanent mark on your skin where you have been injured |
35 | bruise | n | 멍 | a mark that you get on your body if you are hit or if you knock against something |
36 | semblance | n | 겉모습, 외관 | a similarity to something, or the appearance of being or having something |
37 | post-production | n | (영화 제작의) 후반 작업 | the work that is done on music or on films after recording or filming has happened |
38 | pitch | n | 음의 높낮이 | how high or low a sound is, especially a musical note |
39 | scream | n | 비명 | a loud high shout made by somebody who is hurt, frightened, excited, etc. |
40 | distress | n | 고통 | a feeling of great worry or unhappiness; great mental pain |
41 | growl | n | (동물의) 으르렁거리는 소리 | a long, low sound, like the threatening sound made by a dog |
42 | sinister | a | 불길한 | making you feel that something bad or evil might happen |
43 | somber | a | 음침한 | serious, sad, and without humor or entertainment |
44 | upbeat | a | 낙관적인, 명랑한 | full of hope and happiness |
45 | atypical | a | 전형적이지 않은 | not typical or usual |
46 | ingenious | a | 재치 있는, 영리한, 독창적인 | having a lot of clever new ideas and good at inventing things |
47 | blast off | phr | 솟아오르다 | to leave the ground |
48 | craftsman | n | 장인, 기술자 | a person with a special skill, especially one who makes beautiful things by hand |
49 | previously | ad | 이전에 | at a time before the time that you are talking about |
50 | recognition | n | 인정 | the act of remembering who somebody is when you see them, or of identifying what something is |
51 | commission | v | 위임하다, (일 등을) 의뢰하다, 주문하다 | to officially ask somebody to write, make or create something or to do a task for you |
52 | small fortune | n | 상당히 많은 돈 | a lot of money |
53 | strive | v | 애쓰다, 노력하다 | to try very hard to achieve something |
54 | monetary | a | 화폐의 | connected with money, especially all the money in a country |
55 | talented | a | 재능이 있는 | having a natural ability to do something well |
56 | two-dimensional | a | 이차원적인 | flat, having width and length but not depth |
57 | patron | n | 후원자 | a person or group that supports an activity or organization, especially by giving money |
58 | fashionable | a | 유행하는 | popular at a particular time |
59 | avid | a | 열성적인 | extremely eager or interested |
60 | get rid of | phr | ~을 없애다, 제거하다 | to remove something that you do not want any longer |
61 | auction | n | 경매 | a public sale in which things are sold to the person who offers the most money for them |
62 | on account of | phr | ~ 때문에 | because of |
63 | garner | v | 얻다, 획득하다 | to obtain or collect something such as information, support, etc. |
64 | masterpiece | n | 걸작 | a work of art such as a painting, film, or book that is made with great skill |
65 | icon | n | 우상, 아이콘 | a very famous person or thing considered as representing a set of beliefs or a way of life |
66 | objective | n | 목표, 목적 | something that you are trying to achieve |
67 | option | n | 선택 | something that you can choose to have or do; the freedom to choose what you do |
68 | portable | a | 휴대가 가능한, 휴대용의 | easy to carry or to move |
69 | wander | v | 떠돌아 다니다, 방랑하다 | to walk slowly around or to a place, often without any particular sense of purpose or direction |
70 | repertoire | n | 상연 목록, 연주 목록, 레퍼토리 | all the songs, pieces of music etc that a performer knows and is able to perform |
71 | dreary | a | 우울한 | boring and making you feel unhappy |
72 | battlefield | n | 전장 | a place where a battle is being fought or has been fought in the past |
73 | combination | n | 조합 | an arrangement in a particular order |
74 | integral | a | 필수적인 | necessary and important as a part of a whole |
75 | cathedral | n | (대)성당 | the main church of a district, under the care of a bishop |
76 | uplift | v | 고취시키다, 영감을 주다 | to improve a person's moral or spiritual condition |
77 | instill | v | 주입시키다 | to gradually put an idea or attitude into somebody's mind |
78 | divine | a | 신의, 신성의 | connected with a god, or like a god |
79 | march | v | 행진하다, 진군하다 | to walk with stiff regular steps like a soldier |
80 | spot | v | 발견하다 | to see or notice a person or thing, especially suddenly or when it is not easy to do so |
81 | tracing | n | 투사(그림 등을 투명한 종이 밑에 받쳐 놓고 베낀 것) | a copy of a map, drawing, etc. that you make by drawing on a piece of transparent paper |
82 | elude | v | 피하다, 피해 가다 | to avoid somebody or something; to make someone |
83 | indisputable | a | 반박할 수 없는 | true, and impossible to doubt |
84 | bleak | a | 황폐한, 냉혹한, 모진 | cold and not welcoming; not giving much hope for the future |
85 | clan | n | 씨족 | a family, esp. a large group of people who are related |
86 | beautify | v | 아름답게 만들다 | to improve the appearance of someone or something |
87 | significance | n | 의미, 중요성 | the meaning of something; importance |
88 | ritual | n | 의식 | a fixed set of actions and words, especially as part of a religious ceremony |
89 | valid | a | 유효한, 타당한, 설득력 있는 | based on truth or reason; able to be accepted |
90 | illiterate | a | 글자를 모르는 | not knowing how to read or write |
91 | verify | v | 입증하다 | to show or say that something is true or accurate |
92 | bison | n | 들소 | a large wild animal like a cow with long hair and a big head |
93 | depiction | n | 묘사 | the act of showing somebody or something in a particular way in words or pictures |
94 | instruct | v | 지시하다, 가르치다 | to tell somebody to do something, especially in a formal or official way; to teach somebody something |
95 | promise | n | 장래성, 가능성 | a sign that somebody/something will be successful |