Society of Petroleum Engineer-National Oil Rig
Competition (SPE-NORC)
On 7th July 2018, seven SST students participated in the Society of Petroleum Engineer - National Oil Rig Competition (SPE-NORC) at the Universiti Teknologi Petronas. They were required to build an oil rig plantation model by using recyclable items within two weeks. Besides that, they also took part in a presentation, smart quiz, case study, and petrodash quiz. Each team were assessed based on five judging ...criteria in this competition which were stability, float ability and strength (15%) as well as creativity (5%) of the model, presentation (20%), smart quiz (25%), case study (10%) and petrodash quiz (25%). The case study and quizzes involved general knowledge and issues related to the Oil and Gas field and Renewable Energy Resources. They inspired other students to be creative and think outside the box. We are proud to announce that they ended successfully in the top 8 out of 44 teams from 30 schools throughout Malaysia. Congratulations and keep it up!
Universiti Teknologi Petronas에서 있던 SPE-NORC 대회에 7명의 학생들이 참가했습니다. 오일 시추 플랜테이션 모델을 2주에 걸쳐 만들었습니다... 말레이시아 전역의 30개 학교 44개팀이 참석하여 톱8에 든 우리 학생들...정말 축하합니다.