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자료 검색하다가...
도하 아시안 게임 홈페이지에 들어갔습니다.
제15회 도하 아시안게임
메인 홈페이지에 태권도가 나오네요.
아시안 게임이 벌써 기다려집니다.
중동국가 한번도 못갔는데 이번에 기회가 되면 한번 가보고 싶네요.

태권도가 이번주 소개 운동종목인가봐요.
Sport of the week

인용하는 사진이 쪼매 이상하긴 합니다만...
아래 사진 사단 어쩌고 하는거 보니 나라 지키는 군인 같네요.
Taekwondo - History
Korean history relates that the prominent leaders of the three ancient tribal kingdoms had a military background. As a result, martial arts training became one of the important subjects of learning.
"Taekwondo is the basis of martial art, enabling one to build strength," states an ancient book, showing that taekwondo was prevalent in the time of the Shilla and Koguryo kingdoms, founded some 2,000 years ago.
In 1955, a group of Korean martial arts leaders chose taekwondo as the definitive Korean martial art to promote its development internationally.
In 1973, the Korean government recognised the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) as the legitimate governing body. The first world championships were held that year.
Taekwondo was featured as a demonstration sport in the 1988 and 1992 Olympics, becoming an official medal sport at the Sydney Olympics in 2000.
Taekwondo first became a competitive event in the 10th Asian Games in 1986, in Seoul, Korea.
그래도 기분이 좋네요.
다만 태권도가 남과 북으로 나뉘어져 있다는 사실이 안타까워요.

Taekwondo is one of the most systematic and scientific Korean traditional martial arts, teaching more than just physical fighting skills.
It shows ways of enhancing spirit and life through training the body and mind.
The word taekwondo is one word in Korean. "Tae" means foot, leg or to step on. "Kwon" means fist or fight. "Do" means the way or discipline. As one word, it means "way of kicking or strking".
There are two important concepts behind taekwondo:
- the correct way of controlling parts of the body - the fists and feet
- a way to control or calm down fighting, keep the peace and build a more peaceful world
Taekwondo has developed over 5,000 years in Korea, beginning as a defensive martial art called "subak" or "taekkyon," and becoming a way of training body and mind.
The taekwondo competition will comprise the following events at the 15th Asian Games in Doha:
- 54kg (Fin)
- 58kg (Fly)
- 62kg (Bantam)
- 67kg (Feather)
- 72kg (Light)
- 78kg (Welter)
- 84kg (Middle)
- +84kg (Heavy)
- 47kg (Fin)
- 51kg (Fly)
- 55kg (Bantam)
- 59kg (Feather)
- 63kg (Light)
- 67kg (Welter)
- 72kg (Middle)
- +72kg (Heavy)
Contests consist of three rounds of 2-mins each, with a 1-min rest period between rounds. In case of a tied score after the third round, a fourth sudden death round of 2-mins will be conducted.
Did you know?
"Taekwondo today is split between the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF), and the International Taekwon-do Federation (ITF). While the ITF brought its art to the world in the 1960s, WTF rules were adopted by the International Olympic Committee."
남과 북이 함께 참가 하게 되는 경기...
남자 축구는 20년 만에 축구 우승하고...
북한 여자 축구도 우승했으면 합니다.
아시안게임 축구,약체들과 같은 조 |
2006.09.08 12:31 |
구기종목 조편성 확정
오는 12월 1일 개막하는 2006 도하 아시안게임 구기종목의 조 편성이 확정됐다.
도하 아시안게임 조직위원회가 8일 발표한 조 편성에 따르면 축구,농구,핸드볼 등 아시아 정상급인 한국 구기종목은 대부분 무난히 조예선을 통과에 본선 토너먼트에 진출할 것으로 전망된다.
1986년 서울 아시안게임에서 우승 이 후 20년 만에 우승을 노리는 남자축구는 바레인, 베트남, 방글라데시 등 비교적 약체들과 B조에 속해 각 조 1,2위가 진출하는 16강토너먼트에 쉽게 오를 것으로 보인다.
일본과 북한은 투르크메니스탄,파키스탄과 함께 F조에 편성됐다.
9개팀이 2개조로 나눠 조예선리그를 벌이는 여자 축구는 세계청소년대회 우승에 빛나는 북한을 비롯해 태국, 대만, 베트남과 한
조에 속해 최소 조2위를 노려야 하는 상황이다.
8개국이 참가한 여자 농구는 대만, 카자흐스탄, 태국과 함께 B조로 편성됐고 남자 농구는 개최국 카타르, 이란, 요르단 등과 2라운드 A조에 속했다.남자농구는 6개국이 두팀으로 나눠 2라운드를 치르며,이에 앞서 하위 12개국이 1라운드를 거쳐 4팀이 2라운드에 합류한다.
이밖에 남자 배구는 8개 팀에 주어지는 시드 배정을 받아 3라운드로 직행했고 9개국이 2개조로 나눠 치르는여자 배구는 중국, 대만, 베트남과 A조에 속했다.
또 남자 핸드볼은 레바논, 시리아와 함께 D조에, 여자 핸드볼은 일본, 대만, 태국과 함께 B조에 편성됐다
야구는 6개국이 출전해 조편성없이 라운드 로빈 방식으로 우승팀을 가린다.
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아래는 뽀너쓰!!
우리 대한 민국과 조선민주주의 인민공화국 소개!!
Population: 48.2 million (UN, 2005 est.) Size: 98,480 sq km 2004 Athens Olympics: 9 gold, 12 silver, 9 bronze Position in medals table: Ninth 2002 Busan Asian Games: 96 gold, 80 silver, 84 bronze Position in medals table: Second
Athletes to watch:
Korea took seven medals at the last Asian Games in soft tennis and can be expected to dominate this sport again.
Koreans are also strong in wrestling, cycling, sailing, shooting and taekwondo, a sport native to the country. In women's archery, Park Sung Hyun and Lee Sung Jin took gold and silver at the Athens Olympics.
Korea hosted the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, giving the country an economic boost through increased tourism and greater world recognition.
A unified Korean team competed separately in sporting events but marched under the Unification Flag in the opeining ceremonies of the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, the 2002 Asian Games in Busan, the 2004 Olympics in Athens,and the 2006 Winter Olympics in Torino.
In the summer of 2002, football's World Cup was hosted jointly by Korea and Japan, with 10 stadiums in each country used for the event. Korea qualified automatically as co-hosts and made it to the semifinals, achieving fourth place.
DPR Korea
Population: 22.9 million (UN, 2005 est.) Size: 120,540 sq km 2004 Athens Olympics: 4 silver, 1 bronze Position in medals table: Joint 58th 2002 Busan Asian Games: 9 gold, 11 silver, 13 bronze Position in medals table: Ninth
Athletes to watch:
Kye Sun Hui was the youngest ever Olympic judo gold medallist when she won in Atlanta 1996 and also won a world championship title in 2001. She will want to make up for the disappointment of missing out on a gold for bronze at Busan 2002.
Weightlifter Ri Song Hui is going for a second successive gold and is also a former world record holder and Olympic silver medallist.
Pistol shooter Kim Jong Su is an Asian Games gold and Olympic bronze medallist.
DPR Korea came into being in 1948 when Korea was split in two after World War II.
In 1966, its football team reached the quarterfinals of the World Cup, having beaten Italy. DPR Korea first entered the Olympic Games at Munich 1972, winning five medals, including gold in the small bore rifle event.
Two years later, it sent a team to the Asian Games for the first time and finished fourth in the medal table. |