Forensics Competition
토론 대회
Congratulations to the Dalat Forensics team! After many months of developing and honing their speech and drama skills, a team of twelve high school students travelled to ISKL last week for three days of intense competition at the 2017 SEA Forensics Tournament. The students brought some of their best performances and competed with great attitudes. Many thanks to coaches Carin Roylance, Kelly Burleson, Bob Pagee, Josh Anderson, and Doug Yost. Dalat staff and alumni Jon Horton was asked to speak at the final ceremonies, inspiring over 150 students from twelve schools to continue to develop their lifelong communication skills. Jon was a Duet Acting Gold medalist at SEA Forensics exactly 30 years ago!
축하합니다. 달랏의 토론팀! 지난주 고등학생 12명이 ISKL에서 2017 SEA Forensics Tournament가 있었습니다. 스피치, 드라마 스킬등 수개월간 노력한 결과를 얻었습니다. 150명이 참가한 이번 대회는 카린, 켈리, 밥, 조시등 많은 스태프들의 도움도 있었습니다.