У него больше пяти словаре́й.
He has more than five dictionaries.
1. слова́рь noun, masculine, inanimate
Rarely used word (top 7,000)
dictionary, glossary, vocabulary
2. пять noun, inanimate
Чем ваша то́чка зре́ния отлича́ется от его?
How does your opinion differ from his?
3. то́чка noun, feminine, inanimate
Often used word (top 700)
dot, point, period
4. зре́ние noun, neuter, inanimate
Somewhat often used word (top 2,000)
sight, eyesight, vision, view
5. отлича́ться verb, imperfective
Somewhat often used word (top 2,000)
differ, be notable, distinguish oneself, excel, cause a stir, make an exhibition of oneself, rise to the top, good enough
Любы́е лю́ди мо́гут подружи́ться, даже если их языки́ и нравы отлича́ются.
All people can become friends, even if their languages and customs are different.
6. нра́вы noun, masculine, inanimate
Very rarely used word (top 50,000)
customs, morals and manners, mores
7. язы́к noun, masculine, inanimate
Daily used word (top 300)
tongue, prisoner
на ко́нчике языка́ - on the tip of one's tongue
Example: ру́сский язы́к - russian language