안녕하세요! 영교론 pllt 교재를 선생님 2025 1월,2월 영교론 강의와 함께 공부를 시작한 학생입니다.
4주차 3번째 individual differences에서 avoidance에 대해 설명하는 부분에 대해 질문이 있어서 Q&A 남겨봅니다.
PLLT 교재에
L2 Learner : I lost my road.
Native speaker : You lost your road?
L2 Learner: Uh..... I lost. I lost. I got lost.
이 부분에서 syntactic, lexical, phonological, topic avoidance 중에 lexical avoidance 라고 하셨던 것으로 기억하고 있습니다.
제가 의문점이 있는 부분은 물론 어휘부를 바꾼 것도 있지만 lost your road에서 got lost로 통사적으로 바꾼 것으로도 볼 수 있지도 않을까 싶어서 syntactic avoidance로도 볼 수 있는 지 여쭤보고 싶습니다.
어떤 기준으로 lexical과 syntactic을 구분할 수 있는 지 그 기준이 있는지도 여쭤보고 싶습니다!!
첫댓글 Lexical Avoidance:
This happens when a learner avoids using specific vocabulary words they are unsure about, usually because they don’t know how to use them correctly or don’t remember them. Instead, they use simpler, more familiar words or expressions.
If a learner doesn’t know the word “accomplish,” they might say “do” instead, as in “I want to do my goals” instead of “I want to accomplish my goals.”
Syntactic Avoidance:
This occurs when a learner avoids using complex grammatical structures because they are unsure of the rules. Instead of attempting challenging sentence constructions (e.g., using conditionals or passive voice), they simplify their sentences.
A learner avoids saying, “If I had known, I would have gone,” because they’re not confident about using the past conditional. Instead, they might say, “I didn’t know, so I didn’t go.”
PLLT 교재의 예시는 The learner avoided using more precise or correct vocabulary initially, likely because they weren't sure of how to say it correctly.
In this dialogue, the L2 learner initially says, "I lost my road," which is not the correct way to express being disoriented or lost while navigating. When the native speaker questions it, the learner revises their statement multiple times, eventually arriving at the correct phrase "I got lost.“
The type of avoidance used here is lexical avoidance. The learner initially struggled with the correct word or expression for "I got lost," and instead, they used the word "road" in an attempt to communicate the idea. After realizing that it was incorrect, they reformulated their sentence several times until they arrived at the right phrase.
got lost라는 통사구조가 어려워서 회피하려고 좀 더 쉬은 통사구조로 말하고 있는 것이 아니라 got lost라는 lexical expression이 생각나지 않아서 이 표현을 못쓰고 회피하고 의미상 가장 유사한 어휘 lost the road로 대체해서 말하고 있는 상황입니다.
'길을 잃었다'를 뜻하는 got lost 라는 item 자체를 놓고 생각해봤을 때를 말하신 거군요. 이해 됐습니다!! 감사합니다!!
그리고 각각의 avoidance에 대해 궁금했는데 추가적으로 설명해주셔서 감사합니다!!