21, February, 2023, Tuesday.
The 10 Mysteries and the Remnants' Eyes That See the World(Acts 1:3)
After his suffering, he showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God.
Hymn #292 I Could Not Do Without Thee(Unified Hymn 415)
Right now, you're faced with the age of concentration. This is a battle between the transcendental meditation movement and the holy meditation movement. For this battle, Remnants must start three works. The first is to focus for ten thousand hours. The second is to focus on “40 years, 40 days, 10 days, during worship, and every day at home."(Acts 1:3, 2:2, 2:42, & 2:46~47) The last is to focus on "24, 25, and Eternity.” Recorded in the Bible, these are the answers that transcend time and space. If you don't know these, you don't know prayer. Here's what you must know.
1. The Three Kingdoms
First, three kingdoms exist. The first is the kingdom of the world Acts 1:6~7 which mustn't be ignored. More importantly, the unseen kingdom of Satan exists as well. The Bible calls Satan "the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spiritual force of evil in the heavenly realms, the king of the world, the god of the world, your father the devil, and the one who shakes the whole world."(Ephesians 2:2, 6:12, John 16, & 2 Corinthians 4:4~5) That's why from beginning to the end, the Bible emphasizes the Kingdom of God. In addition, Jesus only spoke about God's Kingdom as the place where you must go; as your background; and its establishment on this earth.
2. Discern the World(Matthew 6:33)
Instead of judging the world, you must be able to discern it. That's the same for people as well. Furthermore, reality; the facts that are hidden within it; undisclosed truths; and spiritual facts must be discerned very well because the will of God emerges from there.
3. Spiritual Discernment
Something more important exists. In order to gain spiritual strength, you must discern three points. You must discern prayer, real studying, and what your business is. By know those, the answers of "24, 25, and Eternity” will come.
The 7 Remnants of the Bible precisely saw those and challenged toward them. By challenging toward God's "absolute plan," it won't be difficult at all. Moreover, all problems that arise in the church are in regards to future blessings. By seeing them and looking at your weaknesses, you'll realize the "Throne's Power" that's contained in the Gospel.
[Covenantal Prayer] Dear God, throughout the day, as I listen to the Word, may it become a time of power and healing. As I hold onto the covenant and pray, may that become the time when I receive the greatest answers. Bless all believers so that they can escape from what's physical and enter spiritual concentration. Within all trials, help me enjoy Your grace and victory. In Jesus Christ's name, I pray. Amen.
Remnant Study of Evangelism / 30, April, 2022.