The title of this story is "A short Short and Sweet History of Chocolate." I learned about history the history of chocolate. Long time ago, the Mayans and Aztecs used cocoa beans in drinks and as currency. As time goes went by, the Spanish sweetend sweetened chocolate drinks, so it became popular as a treat. Also, Joseph Fry made chocolate bars. Many chocolate companies were founded. Now, I can enjoy many kinds of chocolates. I didn't know that the chocolate was used by as medicine. This story is helpful to me.
Score: B+
- 책 제목에서 'Short'는 대문자로 시작해야 해요.
- 과거 이야기를 할 때는 과거 시제를 사용하세요. 예: 'goes' → 'went'
- 'sweetened'의 철자를 주의하세요.
- 초콜릿이 약으로 사용된 것에 대해 더 자세히 설명해보세요. 언제, 어떤 용도로 사용되었나요?
- 초콜릿의 역사에서 가장 흥미로웠던 부분은 무엇인가요? 그 이유도 함께 써보세요.