The title of this book is "An inspiring Inspiring architect Architect". TadaoAndo Tadao Ando is a world renowned -renowned architect. He born was born in 1941, Osaka, Japan. He doing did boxing but he quit boxing, it because he saw the imperial Imperial hotel Hotel during a high school trip. A do Ando worked in on small residential projects in Japan. Then he made became well as known for his use of natural elements. People admire his unique use of materialas materials such as in architecture. I think this book is interested interesting and nice.
Score: B-
- 이름과 책 제목의 모든 주요 단어는 대문자로 시작해야 해요.
- 'be born'은 'was born'으로 써야 해요.
- '~했다'는 과거형을 사용해야 해요. 예: 'did boxing', 'became well known'
- 'materials'의 철자를 주의하세요.
- 안도 다다오의 건축 스타일이나 유명한 작품에 대해 더 자세히 설명해보세요.
- 이 책에서 가장 인상 깊었던 부분은 무엇인가요? 그 이유도 함께 써보세요.