LONDON (AP) ― Thousands of British students protested Wednesday against government plans to triple university tuition fees,
and there were sporadic scuffles with police, two weeks after a similar demonstration sparked a small riot.
College and university students across the country held marches and sit-ins to oppose the decision to increase university fees to 9,000 pounds ($14,000) a year, a key plank in the government’s deficit-cutting austerity measures.
In central London, the university students and younger pupils in school uniforms marched from Trafalgar Square toward the Houses of Parliament, chanting “no ifs, no buts, no education cuts.”
The Metropolitan Police said two officers were injured in London, including one with a broken arm.
Thirty-two protesters were arrested for charges including violent disorder and criminal damage.
Some attacked a parked police van, smashing the windows and scrawling graffiti.
Others destroyed phone boxes and set fire to a ticket machine at a bus stop.
“Education is not a rich kid’s game,” said Tash Holway, 19, a student.
“If this keeps up, the entire industry will change. It won’t be about talent, but only about who can pay.”
Lines of police guarded the headquarters near Parliament of junior government partner,
the Liberal Democrats. The Lib Dems have drawn particular anger because the party campaigned on a promise to abolish tuition fees, then abandoned it once in power.
The party leader, Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, said Wednesday “I massively regret finding myself in (the) situation” of not being able to keep this promise.
Asked how he felt about seeing students burn him in effigy, Clegg told BBC radio, “I’m developing a thick skin.”
There was a heavy police presence, with hundreds of uniformed officers on duty.
Students complained about confrontational tactics.
“At first the march was peaceful and then the police were called in and started kettling people and not letting anyone out,” said Mara Payne, 25, of south London.
Kaya Wiley, 17, said the government is breaking its promises.
“They’re wasting our money and we’re not going to get anywhere,”
she said. “I don’t want work at (supermarket) Tesco.
I want to be able to go to university.
I don’t think the violence is effective and I’m afraid the government might just brush it off.”
There were demonstrations several thousand strong in university towns and cities across the country, including Bristol, Liverpool, Sheffield and Leeds.
In Cambridge, hundreds of students scaled the fence outside Senate House, the building used for graduation ceremonies, and marched into the grounds of the 700-year-old King’s College shouting and waving placards.
Two people were arrested for obstructing police.
An 18-year-old British student pleaded guilty Wednesday to throwing a fire extinguisher off the roof of the high-rise building during the protest in London two weeks ago.
It narrowly missed police officers standing below.
Edward Woollard admitted one count of violent disorder.
His lawyer said Woollard was “very sorry for his actions.”
District Judge Nicholas Evans said Woollard would be sentenced later.
He faces a maximum of five years in prison.
우리에 비하면 천국인대 말이죠......
요즘도 영국대학 진학률이 60%를 넘지 못하나요?
첫댓글 듣기론 총리가 서민정책으로 공약해서 당선되었는데. 대학금 펀딩을 줄이고 학비를 올리는식이니. 어쩌면 학생들로선 납득이 안갈수도. 특히 지금 1학년들은 당장 3학년떄부터 인상된 학비가 지금의 세배이니. 어쩌면 당연한 시위일수도 있다고 생각하지요. 개인적인 생각
지금까지 이전 노동당 정부가 퍼주기식으로 welfare 정책속에서 학생들 펀딩해주고 했으니.... 나라 경쟁력을 위해서 캐머론 총리가 적극 추진하고 있다죠... 복지정책 예산 삭감...
카메론은 몰라도 닉 클레그는 출마했을때 부터 학생복지등을 공약으로 내세운 사람인데 이번에 입장을 바꿔서 학비 올리는데 찬성하는쪽으로 갔다고 하니 학생입장에서 당연히 배신감이 들겠죠. 게다가 우리나라와 비교하면 영국 학비 싸 보일 수도 있지만 (자국민에게) 다른 유럽 국가에 비해선 현재도 엄청 많은 학비를 내고 다니고 있는데 이걸 2-3배를 더 올린다 하니 당연히 시위할 만 한거 같아요. 그냥 가만히 있는게 더 이상한듯.. 하지만 전에 한 무력시위는 좀... 아쉽더라고요.. 전 국제학생 입장에선 PSW 없어진다 해서 서운하네요 ㅜㅜ
학비오르면 공장간다는녀석도 있고 한번에 300%를 올린다는건 이건 완전 잘못된정책인거 같아요 재정이 든든한 영국에 어른들이 세금을 20%대나 내고있는대 그돈으로 뭘한거죠? 영국정부 돈 없나봐요?
그런데 정말 옛날부터 궁금했는데 영국은 엄청나게 세금은 걷어가고 관광객도 많고 유학생들 돈도 엄청 가져가면서 그 돈 다 어디다 쓰길래 다른 EU국가에 비해서 저렇게 학비를 많이 받나요? -0- 의료비땜에 그런가? 의료시스템도 거지같드마...;;;;
추축하건데 그렇게 많이 걷어가는 세금이 benefit 혜택을 받는 사람들한테 많이 가는것 같에요. 우리집 주변에 앞집, 옆집,또 옆집 ,그리고 오른쪽 옆집, 뒷집 우리 집 주변 이웃이 다 benefit 혜택을 받는 사람들이에요.
그럼 유학생 학비도 오르나요? 걱정되요. 계획을 수정해야할지...
제가 다니는 학교는 20프로 인상이라고 들은 것 같아요...
유학생 학비도 오르지만, 지금 Non-Eu citizen을 줄이는 쪽으로 가고 있기 때문에, 학생 비자 받기 어려워지는 것은 물론이고, work permit은 아예 보통 사람들(CEO 나 되는 고소득 연봉자가 아니라면) 어렵다는 말을 들은 거 같아요. 학비의 문제 뿐만 아니라 입국자체가 더욱 어려워지는 상황이 되는거죠...