I have stuffy nose.
I have splitting headache.
I ache all over.
He slipped and fell and sprained his ankle.
He had a heart attack.
Do you have anything for a cold?
Do you have fever?
I have a cough and my nose is running.
Why don't you take an aspirin.
How many should I take?
Only one at a time.
I had the flu for a couple of weeks.
He had a car accident and broke his arm.
How often should I take these pills?
Take one in every five hours.
What a headache!
You must relax.
We have to operate.
Do you have health insurance?
I have a sharp pain right here.(point to where the pain is)
I am very short of breath.
I am here to take your temperature and your blood-pressure.
Where does it hurt?
Breathe out.
Breathe in.
Hold your breath.
1. ailment: 가벼운 병
(감기처럼 심하지 않은, 가벼운 병을 가리킵니다.)
2. disease: 병
(박테리아나 전염으로 인해 생긴 병을 이르는 말로, 사람의 병 뿐만 아니라 동식물의 경우에도 쓰입니다. 특히, 의학적인 병명을 가지고 있는 구체적인 병을 가리키는 말입니다.)
3. disorder: 심신의 질환, 이상
(몸의 병 뿐만 아니라 사람의 정신이 병든 상태를 가리킬 때도 사용하는 말입니다.)
4. illness: 병
(건강 상태가 나쁜, 혹은 병에 걸린 상태로서의 “병”을 나타낼 때 쓸 수 있는 가장 일반적인 말 입니다.)
sprain=wrench: (손목, 발목 등을) 삐다
I sprained my ankle.(발목을 삐었어요)
<범죄관련 영어>
You're under arrest.
The accused made acknowledgment[confession] of his guilt.
The judge found the defendant guilty[not guilty].
He was convicted of drunk driving
The criminal is still at large
The witness gave testimony against the defendant.
The police have caught the murderer.
He has reported the incident to the police.
The police detained him as a suspect.
He was found innocent and acquitted.
There is enough evidence to convict him.
I'd like to report a theft (fire).
I want to report an assault and battery.
Can you describe the assailant?
Someone broke into my apartment.
Is anything missing?
Is anyone hurt or injured?
Where do you keep your valuables?
Your court date is September 10th, at 10:30.
You're illegally parked.
Among the democratic liberties are freedom of speech, movement, and association.
Everyone must be treated as equal before the law.
You have a right to remain silent
If you cannat afford an attorney,one will be appointed for you if you so desire.
The case was decided in favor of the defendant.
He is going to be tried soon.
가해자 injurer 경범죄 misdemeanour 경제 범죄 economical crime
고등 지능 범죄 white-collar crimes
공범 accomplice 기결수 convict
누범 repeated offender 단독범 sole offender
목격자 spectator ; bystander
미결수 accused 범법자 offender 범인 criminal 상습범 habitual criminal
소년 범죄 juvenile delinquency
신고자 reporter 위반자 violator
전과 previous conviction 전과자 ex-convict 조직 범죄 organized crimes
주범 principal offender 중죄 felony
피의자(용의자) suspect 피해자 victim 흉악범 brutal criminal
The two teams were neck and neck until the last inning.
I thought Bulls would win by landslide.
So did I, but it was really close at the end.
The score was tied, six to six.
The score was seven to six in our favor.
Is this game live?
How often do you work out?
We won the game 3 to nothing.
Who's your favorite player?
Would you like smoking or non-smoking seats?
This beer is stale.
The food was cold, the service was bad and the meals were overpriced.
Excuse me. Is this seat taken (occupied)?
Do you have any particular restaurant in mind?
Have you ever tried (tasted) fried shrimp?
I'll ask the waiter when he's near.
What's your favorite Korean food?
What kind of Korean food would you like to (have?)try?
What do you recommend?
What's the special of the day?
How do you want the steak?
Well-done (Rare, medium), please.
Anything to drink?
Glass of water will be fine.
Miss, may I have the check?
This milk(meat) has gon bad.
What is the check-in time for my flight?
Will this flight leave on time?
Your flight will be delayed.
Please give me a window seat.
I would like to be seated in the front.?
Where is my departure time?
I'd like to confirm! my flight.
I'll cancel my reservation.
Your passport has expired.
I'm sorry, but we cannot permit you to travel.
At which gate do I have to board the plane?
May I see your boarding card.
Do you have anything to declare
When is the expected date of your departure ?
How much money do you have with you ?
May I see your passport?
Where are you going to stay in the United States ?
I am going to stay with a friend of mine.
How long are you going to stay in the United States ?
About a month.
They are gifts for friends.
These are just beverage for health. not medicin at all.
We're a party of six.
I am in a tourist group.
What's the purpose of your visit?
I am here on vacation.
Can you get me interpreter ?
What do you mean?
Please tell me how to fill in this form.
Do you have a special fare for children?
You are number 2 on the waiting list.
Please walk through the metal detector.
Please be sure to take all of your belongings then you leave the plane.
This is prohibited article
What is your connecting flight?
*안내소 information center 대합실 waiting room 귀빈실 VIP room
전언판 passenger message board 발착일람표 schedule board
기내반입 수하물 carry-on-baggage
분실물 취급 lost and found
외국인 aliens 거주자 residents
*입국관리 immigration
출국카드 embarkation card 입국카드 disembarkation card
*세관검사 custom inspection 여권검사 passport control
예방주사증명서 yellow card 검역 quarantine
면세점 duty-free shop 면세품 tax-free article
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