미드로 공부하기는 시간이 부족하여 당분간 쉬도록 하고 조만간 굿모닝팝스 중에 스크린잉글리시 부분을 도입하도록 하겠습니다.
오픽은 두개구요 답변은 만들어 오시면 좋습니다. 시간없으시면 오셔서 준비하셔도 되나 시간은 많이 드리지 않습니다.
토요일에 뵈요~
1. You said in the background survey that you are a student. Please describe your campus.
2. please select one of the dishes you cook vert well and tell us about its recipe from the beginning to the end.
< study curriculum >
1. Small Talk and self introduction
2. 대박패턴 시험 - 당분간 쉽니다.
3. American drama or movie
- Modern family or Notting Hill
- 진행방식: 약 3분이내의 자막을 올려드립니다. 외워오셔서 돌아가면서 롤플레이합니다.
- 토픽에 대한 답변을 1분30초 정도로 준비해주세요
5. Easy english - 두명이 1팀으로 짝을 지어서 진행합니다.
- 5분간 dialog 역할 분담하여 외우기
- role play
- 역할 바꿔서 외우기
6. Free talking
- 인원에 따라 2~3팀으로 나누어 토픽에 관련하여 대화나누기
- 토픽을 먼저 리딩하고 주요표현 리뷰한 후 시작하거나, 그냥 시작은 팀의 자율
- main topic이 일찍 마무리되면 extra topic에 대해서 free talking 해도 무방
to staff - 토픽 출력 부탁합니다~~ easy english 7월 22일자 부탁드립니다~~~~^^ 입트영 최신걸로 2개 부탁드려요~
첨부 파일 출력해주세요
[Topic 1 - How to Make People Feel Comfortable Around You]
1. Be yourself and act natural. No one likes a fake, so just be yourself. People will admire that you aren't afraid of what others think.
Don't be different on purpose though; this will just make you seem weird.
2. Sincerely praise others. Don't use flattery, but genuinely give credit where credit is due.
3. Avoid making fun of others. Avoid insulting other people unless you're just messing around. Don't say anything hurtful. Be really careful with this. The longer you've known a person, the more you can mess around with him.
4. Make fun of yourself. You know yourself better than pretty much anyone else, so it's easiest to make jokes about you. Everyone likes someone who's humble.
5. Think about what you are going to say before saying it. Consider what people's reactions will probably be, and decide if what you are about to say is worth being spoken.
6. Minimize others' mistakes Do not correct other people, unless their mistake will end up making things worse for them or someone else. Also, downplay it if others point it out.
7. Be inclusive. Don't use an inside joke unless everyone present knows it. Also, don't refer to something about which a person in the conversation doesn't know without explaining it to him or her.
8. Be bold! Don't be afraid to make a fool of yourself! Being open is important in making people relax.
1. Do you think you can make people feel comfortable? Why or why not?
2. When you meet a stranger (ex> in blind date or the first day of in any activities),
what do you feel?
A. And what do you do to break the ice?
3. Have you ever felt uncomfortable with people's reaction when you're making fun of
yourself? ( ex> feel like they look down on you)
4. Do you have any good ideas to make people feel you are so comfortable to talk with?
5. Who can represent "comfortable people"? (You can mention about celebrities or our
members.. etc...)
A. Why do you think so? Is there a common symbol of "comfortable people"?
6. Are you comfortable among members? (I hope so!!)
7. Are you always behaving as the same person? Or that depends on each friends
who you are meeting?
[Topic 2 - Korean Style of Internet.]
‘Minerva’, who has been recognized as the economic president in the cyberspace, was arrested on Jan. 11th 2009. Park Dae-Sung, who used Minerva as his ID, was restrained because of spreading false information on the internet. The prosecutors claimed that he had misled the public with “an intent to hurt public interests”, and hurt the national credit. On Dec. 29th, 2008, he wrote on the internet that the government ordered financial institutions and major corporations to stop buying dollars in order to curb the Won’s fall against the greenback- which turned out to be just a rumor.
Minerva became famous by predicting the collapse of Lehman Brothers. However, the prosecutors said that this was not a prediction made by him, but was a prediction made by an economic magazine, which he just pretended as his own.
The opinions on his arrestment differ among many groups. In the judicial field, some say that there is no flaw in arresting him, as he violated the telecommunications law, and etc. Others say that the court decided wrong, because if one person is able to harm the national credence, the problem lies in the nation too.
In the political field, the Grand National Party (GNP) agrees to the arrestment, claiming “freedom of expression! should carry responsibility”; however, the democratic parties assert that this arrestment is showing the regression of democracy
1. What are the biggest advantages of the Internet?
2. Did the Korean Internet culture create a person such as ‘Minerva’?
3. Do you think what ‘Minerva’ did was wrong?
4. Why do you think the democratic parties said this arrestment is showing the regression of democracy?
5. Have you ever experienced bad replies to something you wrote?
6. Have you ever written bad replies to what somebody else wrote?
7. Have you ever believed wrong information from the Internet?
8. How much freedom do you think should be granted on cyberspace?
[Expression of the Day]
1) I really put my foot in my mouth.
내가 말 실수한 것 같아.
A : I can't stand the new guy in my department.
B : Are you taking about Brian? He and i are good friends.
A : Gosh, I'm sorry. i really put my foot in my mouth.
B : That's okay. He can be hard to get to know.
2) Enough is enough
그만하면 됐다/ 더 이상 못 참겠다.=That's it, That's all, Converstation is over
A : Mom, I really don't want to take any more math classes.
B : Your math score fell 20 points on the last test.
A : But i still don't want to go.
B : Enough is enough. You're going.
3) Would you just hear me out ?
내 말을 끝까지 좀 들어봐
A : I can't believe you stood me up again? = You bailed on us again
B : I'm sorry. I had a sudden emergency.
A : This is already the third time you did this.
B : Would you just hear me out ? I can explain.
뉴커머 참석을 희망하시는분은 댓글 달지 마시고 저에게 먼저 연락주세요~
참여댓글 양식
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첫댓글 1st Henry attend
2rd/younny/불참(다음주까지휴가라..8월에 뵐게요^^)
자료 준비했습니당 ^_^
3rd Joy attend