< No free Tibet, No Olympic Games >
No Dalai Lama, No Beijing !
No Liberated Tibet, No China !
Avoid Tibet, No Justice !
China's terrorism against other countries(races/ethnic minorities)
must be terminated !
China should respect all the minority races(ethnic groups/nationals) !
China ought to abandon imperial hegemonism
on Asian countries !
어느 사이트에 이런 답글이 올라 있었고..
2008-03-19 오후 5:47:23
Mr./Ms. Justice!
You are just saying what I want to say.
The concurrent tendency of decentralizing nationalities is
We can say the same likeliness in case of China which has
pressed many minority groups in the mainland at least for
half century.
Furthermore, the governors in China have been insisting
that they should recognize the other parts of non Chinese
ethnical groups as their dependent parts,
including North Korea and even South Korea through the
so-called "East-North Project."
In my opinion, we should do our irresistable best for
preventing them not mentioning about any more.
There is one way to do so. What is this?
I think it is quite essential to provocate or agitate the
minority groups in China to become independent of the
아래 두 국제기구 사이트에 들어가 E-메일을(맨위 내용)
보냈는데.. 제대로 들어갔는지는 미확인이구요...
Internaal Secretariat - Amnesty International
첫댓글 국제여론을 자꾸 환기시켜야....
꾸준히 내리는 이슬비 는 옷을 적시지...
유민은 역시 홍익인간이야..