Throughout the summer and particularly in the past few weeks, Lakers Director of Athletic Performance Chip Schaefer has been among the members of L.A.’s training staff routinely working with various Lakers players. Many of L.A.’s younger guys - including Luke Walton, Josh Powell, Sasha Vujacic and Adam Morrison - have regularly been participating in strength and conditioning programs run by Schaefer.
Other players go through their own specific training regimen outside of the practice facility (i.e. Lamar Odom’s boxing routine), but Schaefer and the staff monitor what each and every guy is doing. Accordingly, Lakers.com headed over to the training room to get a player-by-player update from Schaefer:
Schaefer: Josh has been traveling in and out of town all summer (between North Carolina and L.A.), but every week I e-mail him his program so we can follow him from afar. That way I know exactly what he’s doing, so when he gets back in L.A. we can hit the ground running. I already know where he is in the cycle phases, which varies from player to player.
Last year was the first time I had a chance to work with Josh since it was his first with the Lakers, and I found him to be among a handful of the most dedicated players we’ve had. He has a mantra of ‘I’m just trying to get better’ that applies off the court in strength training and some of the different things we do to try and keep him healthy. He’s been in here first thing in the morning working with (Lakers advance scout and assistant coach) Rasheed Hazzard for his on-court work, then he comes in and goes full blast with me for an hour or hour-and-a-half every day. His programs are such that we’re sort of peaking towards training camp, which means an increase in the intensity of the program as well as the volume. That means we may be doing more weight and fewer repetitions to try and get him in tip-top shape heading into training camp.
Schaefer: As our fans know, Sasha left the Slovenian National Team about two weeks ago, and has been back in Los Angeles both rehabbing some of the knee issues he had and starting on some of his conditioning and upper body work that he has been able to do without limitations at all. He’s been in pretty consistently since he’s been back in town.
Just like with anyone else, the first thing we do when guys get back from out of town – whether it’s with a player’s National team or just working out on their own – is assess the level of fitness they’re in and determine what they’ve been doing. For people like Sasha, who have been playing all summer with their National teams, they’re going to come back in pretty good shape. As far as strength and conditioning, we do tend to create different cycles throughout the offseason and during the season, but we have some general principles that we apply in all our programs.
Schaefer: Shannon spent most of his summer in Chicago, but he’s back in town now. Most of the stuff he likes to do is on the court, in addition to some bodyweight and core-type work and we’re fine with that. You don’t look at Shannon Brown and think, ‘Boy we need to improve your power,’ the guy is just freakishly gifted in those departments, so we don’t want to mess with it too much. The biggest thing, and our priority on this staff, is injury prevention as much as we can. There’s no substitute for having guys on that court 82 nights a year. That’s our goal, every year, to have them dress for every game and not miss practice, because that’s where they can really improve. So it’s not all performance enhancement work … which we do … but also keeping our guys on the court.
Schaefer: One of the challenges that’s presented with an athlete like Kobe - who obviously is fully dedicated to his health and his well-being 365 days a year – are all the off-court obligations that need to be fulfilled in a limited amount of time. It’s non-stop. Therefore, it’s difficult for him to get the consistent training that he’d probably prefer to get if it weren’t for those obligations. That said, I don’t know anybody that does a better job of doing it all. The last couple of weeks Kobe has been coming in and coordinating workouts very, very early in the morning. I don’t know when he sleeps, but he likes to get his work done early. It’s been mostly on-court stuff, including a lot of flexibility stuff, here at the facility. As talented as he is, what really separates Kobe is that he continues to strive his on-court skill work, and he never gets tired of the fundamentals. There’s a reason why he is where he is.
Schaefer: We haven’t had a chance to work with Ron yet, but we’re looking forward to that. He’s obviously a tremendous specimen and talent physically, and we’re really confident that he’ll blend right in with the rest of the team. He has been in to work out with Kobe early in the morning as well.
Schaefer: Adam has had a very good summer with us, with a little bit of travel as well. He was the only veteran to play with us in Summer League, and Adam did come to us last year with some lingering issues from that (ACL) reconstruction that he had in Charlotte. He’s had some health issues related to that knee as well as some tightness and restriction issues in his pelvis, back and core, because he is a player that you look at and say probably could easily stand to gain maybe 6-8 pounds of lean mass to his frame. You don’t want to overdo that, but he has a nice frame and I think that (the team) is looking to use him on the wing as a two or three, so he can afford a little increase in mass. Right now we’re phasing into some general strengthening stuff into some speed and power, in addition to some movement enhancement things to try to work on his first-step quickness.
He’s been pretty good about playing throughout the summer as well, working out with his private coach, and he’s been very dedicated. It’s been a good summer for Adam.
Schaefer: I understand that Lamar is doing some boxing, although I haven’t had a chance to talk with him since his (re-signing) press conference. We’re fine with that, the idea of doing some cross training and alternate work. At this level, when guys are getting to their 10th or 11th year in the league, we’re together for eight months every year – hopefully – and there’s a lot of basketball to be played. So when guys want to do something else to increase their work capacity and general fitness, it’s just fine. Just a few weeks on the basketball court is more than enough to get that basketball specific timing and training back, so I have no problem with the type of training Lamar’s been doing. I’m just happy to learn that he’s been working hard.
Schaefer: We love the fact that guys are still playing basketball and staying fit in a competitive atmosphere, and obviously the European Championships feature a high level of basketball. These guys all have the luxury of being with teammates they trust, and staffs that we’re assuming are very competent and aren’t over-training the players, as with Pau in Spain. It’s unfortunate that these things do lead to injuries some times, but you just cross your fingers and hope players come through healthy. In fact, sometimes playing pick-up games in gyms get raggedy, and players may be more likely to get hurt in that environment than under a structured environment with referees.
On the improvement in Pau’s strength last season: Very late in the year, Pau made a comment to me that he’d done more weights (last year) than throughout his entire career combined. I laughed and said, ‘That means you’ve either really worked hard this year or it speaks to how little you did prior to this year,’ and we had a good time with that. But I give him all the credit in the world. He really made a decision dating back to June within hours after our disappointing loss to the Celtics two seasons ago, that he was going to dedicate himself to getting stronger. It was almost reminiscent of Michael Jordan making that kind of revelation in 1989-90 after getting thumped on by the Pistons for a few years, to be able to withstand those blows and play a more physical game. It was tough at first, because when Pau came back before training camp, we started out slow, as with a lot of athletes who haven’t done much of that kind of training. Sometimes we had to nudge him into the weight room, but after about a month or so when he started to see a result, he liked it, and it became less and less difficult to convince him to do that work as the season went on. He became a fan of it, and I give him all the credit, because no matter what is suggested, the athlete himself has to come in and dedicate the time and the energy. He worked hard, and he and the team reaped a lot of the benefits.
Schaefer: Derek is just such a delight to work with. He has a maturity and seriousness about him that I wish every player had, and he does a great job of sharing that professionalism with the younger guys. I’m knocking on wood that he goes another 82 (for the fifth-straight season), and I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if he did with his work ethic. He’s very good about re-inventing things, because he discovers things that he needs to develop each year – whether it’s core strength or flexibility in different years – and he’s completely dedicated from a sports nutrition standpoint. They don’t come any better than Derek.
Schaefer: Jordan’s been in and out this summer, having done some international travel that he’s kind of taken to in the last few years, and he’s still in the process of deciding what he most likes to do. When he first came in a few years ago, we had him on some traditional programs, and he may have gained
some initial lean mass but decided he wanted to be quicker rather than stronger, so we changed his program accordingly, similar to Shannon’s. Jordan also discovered yoga a year or two ago, and really found that he likes that quite a bit. Those things aren’t too specific to the power and explosiveness associated with basketball, but they are very beneficial to him. One of the things with guys is they have to feel good about the program that they’re on. That’s where some of the art comes in, and why we have 13 or 14 different programs for 13 or 14 different guys, because otherwise they’re just going to go through the motions.
Schaefer: Luke’s been in and out of town, and we also communicate through voice mails and texts. He’s been playing some basketball in local gyms as well as hitting a track here and there, which I’m not necessarily a big fan of without him doing some of his core and prep work beforehand. But he's been in working with us this week and we're starting to get up to speed.
Schaefer: We do try and communicate with Andrew on almost a weekly basis. He did some international travel as well, but has created a base for himself to train in the offseason in Atlanta. He’s there right now, but we’re hoping to see him within a week or so. The reports that I have from Atlanta – I have a friend in the Hawks organization – are that he’s working hard and was just playing in their gym the other day. We’re hoping for big things for him this year.
Schaefer: D.J. loves to train and we know that he’s been with his Belgian National team. I’m sure between the demands of the National team and his passion for training, he’ll be reporting to camp in great shape.
Schaefer: We do try and communicate with Andrew on almost a weekly basis. He did some international travel as well, but has created a base for himself to train in the offseason in Atlanta. He’s there right now, but we’re hoping to see him within a week or so. The reports that I have from Atlanta – I have a friend in the Hawks organization – are that he’s working hard and was just playing in their gym the other day. We’re hoping for big things for him this year.
드디어!! 보고 싶던 글이 올라왔군요
선수 한명 한명의 오프시즌 행보와 트레이닝 효과등을 말하네요. Chip Schaefer 란 사람의 1인층 글로 선수들의
설명이 써져있네요.
조쉬 파웰
조쉬는 오프시즌동안 LA에 거의 없었어. 여행도 다니고 그랬지만 내가 그를 위해 준비해준 프로그램을 보냈고
그는 내가 본 선수중 열정이 대단한 선수중 한명에 속해. 그가 하고 있는 프로그램은 온코트 워크아웃과 나랑같이
GYM에서 30분 - 1시간씩 매일 웨이트를 드는거지. 트레이닝 캠프에 다가갈수록 매일 워크아웃을 늘리고 있고
벌크업에 중심을 두고 있어.
더 마신
다 알텐데? 국대팀에서 나온뒤 마신은 LA에서 무릎 리햅을 하고 있는중. 음 스태미너 러닝이나 상체 워크아웃같은것도
다 할수 있는 상태였어. 보통 여름에 LA에 없었던 선수들이 다시 돌아오면 먼저 하는게 스태미너 체크거든. 그래서
죽도록 달리게 하는거삼. 생략 ------------------
크리스 브라운
시카고에서 지냈다던데? 지금은 LA. 이선수는... 온코트 워크아웃을 많이해. 헬스는 많이 안시켜. 왜냐구? 그는 이미
피지컬 면에서는 FREAK이니까. 그런쪽으로는 재능이 엄청난 선수라 우리의 나쁜영향을 받게 하고 싶지 않아.
그래서 우리는 부상을 피할수 있는쪽으로 운동을 시키지. 사실 이게 가장 중요한 점이야. 선수들의 실력을 향상시키는것도
중요하지만 선수들은 게임에서 플레이를 많이 할수록 실력이 늘거든. 그래서 우린 1년 82경기에 수트를 입고 매경기 출전
대기할수 있도록 준비시키는게 priority야.
이 사람 언제 자는지 아는 사람? 도데체 언제 자는거야? 아침에 나보다 먼저 오던데... 코비 같은 슈퍼스타들은 오프시즌에
할일이 많아. 그들이 꼭 안해도 될일이지만, 슈퍼스타로써의 팬들한테 다시 돌려주는 의미나 자신의 상품성을 높이기 위해
계약 에이전트사와 약속한것들을 어느정도 지켜야 하고. 그러면서 자신의 워크아웃을 짜야하지. 코비는 그런건 참 탁월해.
아무리 시간이 없어도 시간을 찾아서 한다니까. 현재 코비는 헬스보다는 온코트 워크아웃과 유연성을 위해 스트래칭
중심으로 하고 있어 (아마 부상 방지를 위해..). 그는 아침에 운동하더라고... 알아서 하겠지...
아직 우리는 아테스트와 워크아웃을 가지지 않았어. 그는 코비와 아침 워크아웃을 했고 혼자 운동을 하고 있다고 들었어.
아모 (모리슨)
음 아담은 아주 좋은 여름을 우리와 보냈어. 서머리그에서도 온리 베테랑이였고.
그가 작년부터 무릎에 살짝 안좋은 경향이 있었는데 음 그런 걱정 안해도 되고.. 워크아웃은
힘과 스피드 전체적인 운동신경을 늘리는데 있어. 2 -3번으로 출전할꺼야.
좋은 여름을 보내고 있네.
복싱 훈련하고 있다고 들었어. 복싱하는거에 대해선 아무 문제 없다고 봐. 원래 10 - 11년 베테랑이 되면 농구를 엄청
많이했고 하는 짬이라 몆주만 스페셜하게 농구 연습만 하면 그들의 농구실력은 돌아오거나 더 좋아지게 되있어. 그러니
오프시즌에 다른 스포츠 워크아웃으로 바꾸면서 동기부여를 얻거나 연습량을 습득하는것도 좋지. 아무 문제 없삼.
컹 파우 치킨!!
이거 알아? 선수들이 부상을 더 자주 당하는떄는 심판이 있는 정식 NBA경기중이 아니라 그냥 농구코트에서 재미로
픽업 농구할때야. 그때가 가장 부상을 자주 올 가능성이 많은 상황이지. 그래서 우리는 LA선수들이 오프시즌에 파우처럼
국대농구한다 그러면 아주 기쁜 맘으로 바라보지. 부상은 안당하길 기도할뿐..
이거 아는지 모르겠는데. 파우는 우리팀과 1 -2 년동안 헬스를 한게 그의 토탈 커리어중 실행한 헬스워크아웃보다 훨씬
많았어. 셀틱스에게 2년전 패하고 나서 파우는 상심이 컸지. 개인 능력을 끌어올리고 싶어했고 그중 하나가 헬스로
몸을 만드는거였어. 첨엔 힘들었지. 그는 헬스를 많이 한적이 없었지만. 첨엔 우리가 이끌어줬지만 나중에 결과를
보기시작하더니 혼자 GYM에 가더라고.
열심히 하고 항상 시리어스한 어부씨. 매년 자신이 해야할것을 improve하는 사람이야. 워크아웃도 열심히 하고
dedication이 상당해. 올해도 82경기 다 뛸껄?
음 농부는 여름에 인앤 아웃을 반복했어. 파마는 옛날부터 힘을 기르는것에 집주했는데 언제부터인가 자신의 스피드
중심으로 워크아웃을 바꿨지. 13 - 14명의 선수가 있다면 13 - 14가지의 워크아웃을 만들어 놓고 (FM?) 선수들이
원하는걸 하게 하지. 선수들이 직접 워크아웃 하는것을 좋아해야 우리도 보람이 있고 선수들도 더 자주 워크아웃을
즐겁게 하게되.
전설씨도 도시에서 나갔다 들어왔다 했는데 여기저기서 헬스 트레이닝, 픽업 농구를 했던거 같아. 코어 트레이닝을 안했던게
맘에 걸리지만 이번주에 LA로 돌아와서 우리가 원하는 방식으로 훈련하고 있으니 it's OK.
방가 방가
트레이닝을 좋아해. 벨지엄 국대랑 함꼐하는것도 좋은 경혐같아. 아직 돌아오진 않았지만 굿 컨디션으로 돌아오겠네.
지금 아틀란타에 있어 "A"!!.
매주 연락하고는 있고.. 1주안에 그를 봤으면 해. 내 친구중 한명이 아틀란타 호크스에서 일하는데 그가 준 리포트를 보면
열심히 하고 있데. 트레이닝도 농구도... 올해 둘리에대한 기대가 엄청 커. 많은걸 보여줘야해 이제.
첫댓글 요새 발빠른 양질의 소식 감사해요 너무 잘보고 있음
알아서 하겠지. 가슴에 확 와닿는 번역이네요 ㅎㅎㅎ
캔디맨이 누굴까 고민했다는;;; 오덤이었군용. 재미납니다~
좋은 번역 감사드립니다^^ 바이넘... 기대하게 만드네요 점점...ㅎ
바이넘 !
잘 봤습니다. 이제 소식들이 하나둘씩 올라오겠네요.
꺄... ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 아 시간이 이렇게 안간단 말입니까 ㅠㅠㅠ 어서 개막하면 좋겠네요
좋은 소식이군요 감사합니다. 근데...오돔에게 실망하면 안되는데 항상 실망스럽네요. 최고의 선수인 코비는 지금도 항상 기본기를 연마하고 중점을 주면서 연습하는데...여름내내 공한번 안만지는 오돔;; 진짜 천재는 오돔인 것 같습니다. 만일 오돔이 노력까지 겸비한 인재였다면 이팀의 MVP는 코비가 아니라 오돔이었을지도 모르겠어요.
자유투 성공률 50%와 형편없는 점퍼와 포스트업은 다 이유가 있었군요.
아 레어한 자료 감사합니다.
아 좋은 번역 정말 감사드려요 ^^
아테스트 - 그는 코비와 아침에 워크아웃을 했고............................................................ 그냥..워크아웃 했을 뿐이고..
저도 이글 보고 한번쯤 몹쓸 상상을 했다는...ㅋㅋ
워크아웃후 코비 샤워하는데 뒤에서 또 스윽 하고 아테스트가 등장했을것만 같군요...보스턴과의 파이널때 일화처럼 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
드디어 시작이로구나~
루크랑 사샤는 연봉 대비 실력이 나빠서 벌 서고 있는거군요....첫번째 사진은 대박 벌 서는 장면
사샤는 앤드원과 계약이 만료되었나 보네요? 코비꺼 신고 있네...예전에 조던 신발 론 하퍼가 신었는데...그렇게 좀 실력 되려나?
그르게요~ 그리고 쭉 하덩만 고집하던 월튼도 줌코비4 신었네요~ㅎ
응?크리스 브라운?ㅋㅋㅋ