폭탄이 터졌어요.
A bomb blew up.
“대단한 폭탄이오!”
“What a great bomb!”
러시아 장군이 소리쳤어요.
a Russian general shouted.
알프레드 노벨의 아빠가 이 폭탄을 만들었어요.
Alfred Nobel’s dad made this bomb.
러시아 황제는 알프레드의 아버지에게 상을 내렸어요.
The Russian king gave Alfred’s dad a prize.
그래서 알프레드의 가족은 러시아로 이사를 갔어요.
So his family moved to Russia.
알프레드는 아빠가 자랑스러웠어요.
Alfred was proud of his dad.
알프레드는 아빠의 공장에 자주 갔어요.
Alfred often went to his dad’s factory.
알프레드도 폭탄을 만들었어요.
Alfred made a bomb, too.
알프레드는 정말 신이 났어요.
It was exciting for him.
알프레드가 청년이 되었어요.
Alfred grew up.
알프레드는 몸이 약했어요.
He was weak.
하지만 알프레드는 폭탄 만드는 것을 절대로 포기하지 않았어요.
But he never stopped making bombs.
알프레드와 아빠가 ‘기뢰’를 만들었어요.
He and his dad made ‘sea mines’.
러시아와 터키가 전쟁을 했어요.
Russia and Turkey had a war.
알프레드의 ‘기뢰’가 많은 사람들을 죽게 하였어요.
Alfred’s ‘sea mines’ killed many people.
알프레드는 마음이 아팠어요.
He felt sad.
러시아가 전쟁에서 지고 말았어요.
Russia lost the war.
알프레드의 폭탄들은 쓸모가 없어졌어요.
Alfred’s bombs became useless.
“내 돈 돌려줘!”
“I want my money back!”
사람들이 알프레드를 괴롭혔어요.
People bothered him.
알프레드의 가족은 헤어졌어요.
Alfred’s family split up.
알프레드와 형제들을 열심히 일을 했어요.
Alfred and his brothers worked hard.
알프레드는 연구하고 또 연구했어요.
Alfred studied harder and harder.
알프레드는 새로운 폭탄을 만들었어요.
He made a new bomb.
이 폭탄은 아주 강력했어요.
It was very strong.
형제들은 새로운 폭탄을 실험해 보고 싶었어요.
They wanted to test the new bomb.
형제들은 폭탄에 불을 붙였어요.
They lit up the bomb.
호수에 불이 확 타올랐어요.
The lake burst into flames.
형제들은 깜짝 놀랐어요.
They were shocked.
알프레드는 새로운 폭탄을 다이너마이트라고 불렀어요.
Alfred called the new bomb, “dynamite”.
알프레드는 이 폭탄을 좋은 일에 쓰고 싶었어요.
He wanted to use it in good ways.
그런데 새로운 폭탄이 엄청난 인기를 끌었어요!
However, the new bomb was a huge hit!
알프레드는 부자가 되었어요.
Alfred became rich.
사람들은 알프레드를 위대한 발명가라고 불렀어요.
People called Alfred a great inventor.
하지만 알프레드의 폭탄 공장에 사고가 나고 말았어요!
However, there was an accident in his bomb factory!
공장은 불에 타버렸어요.
The factory burnt down.
알프레드의 남동생, 에밀이 죽고 말았어요.
Emil, Alfred’s younger brother, died.
다른 폭탄 사고들이 또 일어났어요.
There were other bomb accidents, too.
많은 사람들이 죽었어요.
Many people died.
다이너마이트는 끔찍한 물건이 되고 말았어요.
Dynamite became horrible.
알프레드는 심란했어요.
Alfred was stressed out.
다이너마이트는 물 같았어요.
Dynamite was watery.
그래서 안전하지 않았던 거예요.
So it was not safe.
알프레드는 딱딱한 다이너마이트를 만들었어요.
He made a solid bomb.
딱딱한 다이너마이트들은 쉽게 터지지 않았어요.
The solid dynamite didn’t blow up easily.
그 폭탄들은 안전했어요.
It was safe.
다이너마이트는 안전하게 사용되었어요.
Dynamite was used safely.
알프레드 노벨은 유명해졌어요.
Alfred Nobel became famous.
알프레드는 평화에 대해 많이 생각해 보았어요.
He thought about peace a lot.
알프레드는 자신의 돈을 평화를 위해 썼어요.
He spent his money on peace.
알프레드는 노벨상을 만들었어요.
Alfred founded the Nobel Prize.
알프레드는 평화 유지군, 작가, 그리고 발명가들에게 상을 주었어요.
He gave prizes to peace keepers, writers and inventors.
알프레드 노벨의 아름다운 마음은 노벨상을 통해 영원히 전해질 거랍니다.
Alfred Nobel’s beautiful mind will pass by the Nobel Prize forever.
A bomb blew up.
“What a great bomb!”
a Russian general shouted.
Alfred Nobel’s dad made this bomb.
The Russian king gave Alfred’s dad a prize.
So his family moved to Russia.
Alfred was proud of his dad.
Alfred often went to his dad’s factory.
Alfred made a bomb, too.
It was exciting for him.
Alfred grew up.
He was weak.
But he never stopped making bombs.
He and his dad made ‘sea mines’.
Russia and Turkey had a war.
Alfred’s ‘sea mines’ killed many people.
He felt sad.
Russia lost the war.
Alfred’s bombs became useless.
“I want my money back!”
People bothered him.
Alfred’s family split up.
Alfred and his brothers worked hard.
Alfred studied harder and harder.
He made a new bomb.
It was very strong.
They wanted to test the new bomb.
They lit up the bomb.
The lake burst into flames.
They were shocked.
Alfred called the new bomb, “dynamite”.
He wanted to use it in good ways.
However, the new bomb was a huge hit!
Alfred became rich.
People called Alfred a great inventor.
However, there was an accident in his bomb factory!
The factory burnt down.
Emil, Alfred’s younger brother, died.
There were other bomb accidents, too.
Many people died.
Dynamite became horrible.
Alfred was stressed out.
Dynamite was watery.
So it was not safe.
He made a solid bomb.
The solid dynamite didn’t blow up easily.
It was safe.
Dynamite was used safely.
Alfred Nobel became famous.
He thought about peace a lot.
He spent his money on peace.
Alfred founded the Nobel Prize.
He gave prizes to peace keepers, writers and inventors.
Alfred Nobel’s beautiful mind will pass by the Nobel Prize forever.
첫댓글 별이님 안녕하세요.
제가 그동안 영어를 안했어요.
마음이 오랫동안 어지러웠어요.
그런데 지금은 영어 성경을 시작했어요.
그러다 보니 이곳 별이님이 생각 났어요.
잘 계시는거죠?
유난히 도 더웠던 올 여름 ~~
그런데 지금 갑자기 춥다는 말이 절로 나오는거있죠.
올만에 방문한 길에 노벨 까지 읽어 보고갑니다.
감기조심 하시고 건강 하시길요.
안녕하세요. 제니퍼님
영어 성경을 시작하셨다니 축하드립니다.
또 안부 전해주시니 무척 반갑습니다.
저도 생활전반에 변화가 있지만 잘 지내고 있어요. 제니퍼님도 건강하시죠~
마음이 어지러우셨다니 좋은 길 찿으시느라 그런거겠지요. 성경 공부를 영어로 하신다니 더더욱 평안이 깃들기를 기원합니다.
생활영어 귓등으로 듣는게 다였는데 영어 성경필사도 좋겠어요.
더웠던 여름만큼 또 담금질이 필요한 시기인가봅니다.
기쁨과 행복과 은혜 가득한 가운데
다가오는 날들 건강하게 따뜻하게 보내세요♡
길고 따뜻한 글로
답 주셔서 감사합니다.