(2nd LD) Yoon defies joint investigation team's summons for 2nd time over martial law probe
윤 대통령, 공수처 2차 소환 불응… 공수처 "체포영장은 먼 이야기"
문상호 구속기간 연장… 조만간 군검찰에 넘겨
Chae Yun-hwan Politics 13:48 December 25, 2024 Yonhap News
(ATTN: RECASTS lead para; UPDATES throughout with details; ADDS photo) SEOUL, Dec. 25 (Yonhap) -- President Yoon Suk Yeol failed to appear before a joint investigation team for questioning Wednesday, defying its summons for the second time over his short-lived imposition of martial law. Yoon did not appear at the office of the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials (CIO) in Gwacheon, south of Seoul, as requested by 10:00 a.m. on Christmas Day as part of a joint investigation into his botched declaration of martial law on Dec. 3. This file photo, provided by the presidential office on Dec. 3, 2024, shows President Yoon Suk Yeol. (PHOTO NOT FOR SALE) (Yonhap) Yoon, who faces charges of abuse of power and being an insurrection ringleader, has been identified as a suspect in the joint investigation of the CIO, the police and the defense ministry's investigation unit. He did not comply with the CIO's first summons last Wednesday. The CIO plans to wait for Yoon's possible appearance later in the day. If he does not show up, the team is expected to decide as early as Thursday on further possible measures, such as sending a summons for the third time or seeking an arrest warrant. On Tuesday, Seok Dong-hyeon, Yoon's lawyer, said Yoon places a priority on the Constitutional Court proceedings on his impeachment and that he plans to issue a statement on his position on the trial after Christmas Day. The fate of Yoon's presidency has been handed to the Constitutional Court after the National Assembly impeached him on Dec. 14. The court will hold its first pretrial hearing on Yoon's impeachment Friday. The CIO is expected to take its next steps by taking into account this week's hearing, as well as Yoon's planned statement. A CIO official, however, said the impeachment trial would not have a "decisive" impact on the anti-corruption body's next steps, noting it would merely be a factor to be considered. Regarding the possibility of seeking an arrest warrant for Yoon, the official said it would be a "far distant" step, considering the circumstances. "An arrest warrant seems like something far distant. There are many things to be considered," the official said, clarifying that nothing has so far been decided. Reporters and photographers wait outside the office of the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials (CIO) in Gwacheon, south of Seoul, on Dec. 25, 2024. The CIO had asked President Yoon Suk Yeol to appear for questioning the same day as part of its investigation into his declaration of martial law on Dec. 3, but Yoon did not appear by the requested time. (Yonhap) yunhwanchae@yna.co.kr (END) |
윤 대통령, 공수처 2차 소환 불응… 공수처 "체포영장은 먼 이야기"
정준기2024. 12. 25. 10:43 한국일보보
문상호 구속기간 연장… 조만간 군검찰에 넘겨
고위공직자범죄수사처가 윤석열 대통령에게 2차 소환일자로 지정 통보한 25일 오전 경기 과천시 정부과천청사 공수처. 연합뉴스
윤석열 대통령이 25일 고위공직자범죄수사처(공수처)의 2차 소환 통보에 불응했다.
윤 대통령은 이날 오전 10시까지 출석하라는 공수처의 통지에 응하지 않아 모습을 드러내지 않았다. 공수처 관계자는 "대통령실 연락이나 변호인 선임계 제출도 없었다"면서 "출석 요구에 응하지 않은 것"이라고 말했다.
공수처 관계자는 3차 소환 통보 여부, 체포영장 검토 여부 등 향후 대응에 대해 "고려사항이 많다"며 말을 아꼈다. 윤 대통령 측 석동현 변호사가 전날 조만간 입장 발표를 예고한 점, 대통령 탄핵심판 절차가 진행 중인 점 등도 언급했다. 일각에서 거론되고 있는 윤 대통령에 대한 체포영장 집행 등에 대해선 "오늘 소환 불응한 상태해서 언급하기엔 좀 먼 이야기"라고 밝혔다. 향후 대응 방안을 결정하는 시점에 대해선 "길어질 것은 아니다"라면서도 "오늘 결정이 나올 것 같지는 않다"고 설명했다.
한편, 공수처는 전날 문상호 전 정보사령관에 대해 구속기간 연장 승인을 받았다. 공수처는 이르면 이날 문 전 사령관 사건을 검찰 비상계엄 특별수사본부(본부장 박세현 서울고검장)에 참여 중인 군검찰에 넘길 계획이다.
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